Author Archives: John Stanton

Iran captive Amir Hekmati: Intelligence analyst for Six3 Systems in 2011

Amir Hekmati is currently on death row in Iran for allegedly spying for the United States of America. In addition to being a former member of the US Army’s Human Terrain System—and trained as a cultural intelligence collector—he was most recently a former employee of Six3 Systems located in McLean, Virginia. Continue reading

Iran should release Amir Hekmati: A hapless product of US Army’s Human Terrain System

“The poor guy,” said a source. Continue reading

Saudi Arabia: Racist society, terrorism exporter, nuclear weapons capable

Iran, Iraq and North Korea may have been labeled “the axis of evil” by President George W. Bush but it is Saudi Arabia that is the center of the Satanic universe here on Earth. Continue reading

Happy holidays to a doomed species

Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space became so packed with constellations of civilian and military satellites, anti-satellites and human occupied micro and macro space stations that there was no more LEO space available that could be legitimately claimed by terrestrial alliances. Valuable Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) space was occupied by heavily armored and auto-retaliatory satellites, that portion of the Earth’s orbit so important for the “early warning of incoming missiles, intelligence gathering, missile defense and situational awareness for military personnel.” Continue reading

Back to Indochina, but first listen to Moshe Dayan

According to Fabius Maximus (FM), “The history of counter-insurgency [COIN] warfare is the repeated rediscovery and use of tactics that failed before.” FM quotes from David Halberstam’s The Best and the Brightest to make his point. Continue reading

US investigators probe US Army program: Award of new contract, shake up claimed

A spokesperson for a US congressional office familiar with HTS could not comment on whether the US Office of Special Counsel is currently pursuing an investigation of HTS. Continue reading

A microcosm of America’s decline: Killer Pentagon program runs amok

Michael Bhatia, a former member of the US Army Human Terrain System (HTS), was said to have exercised “bad judgment” on the day of his death, knowing that he was piggy-backing with US soldiers who were high value targets for the insurgents. Advised not to travel on that day by colleagues, he did so anyway. Continue reading

US combatant commanders beware: US Army program cancerous, contagious

A spokesman, and a high ranking official, at the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Defense, Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS), could not “confirm or deny” that the Human Terrain System (HTS) is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the DCIS and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Sources are adamant that an investigation is underway and that many in the program are aware of the activity. Whatever the case, one thing is for certain: the effect of that information traveling from soul to soul within the HTS program is damaging to the performance and morale of employees in HTS. Continue reading

America needs a new political party: Base it on George C. Marshall’s public service

There are not enough pejorative adjectives in the known universe to describe American leadership as it takes the United States into the last four months of 2011. Continue reading

Does the USA seek World War III?

Agitating Iran, snatching the dead for DNA

These are gruesome days: the Single Bullet Doctrine rules. The world is truly adrift and on the brink of a global “something.” Everyone can feel it here in the USA. Continue reading

Suicide at US Army Human Terrain System: General Martin Dempsey channels Joker

A staff sergeant on duty with the US Army TRADOC Human Terrain System (HTS) committed suicide in April 2011. He left behind his wife and children. Continue reading

The merger of military, law enforcement and public safety

America’s Judge Dredd moment

According to the US Department of Justice, “Defending national security from both internal and external threats remains the [Department’s] highest priority. National security threats are constantly evolving and adapting, requiring additional resources to address new critical areas. Increasing global access to technological advancements results in new vulnerabilities that must be addressed. . . . technological and human capital [is needed] to detect, disrupt, and deter threats to our national security.” The DOJ’s FY 2012 Budget requested a total of $128.6 million and 170 positions in program increases that provide essential technological and human capital to detect, disrupt, and deter threats to our national security. Continue reading

The inglorious fall of Human Terrain Systems

Lieutenant General William Caldwell, the NATO training CG, seeks cash for the US Army’s Human Terrain System (HTS) while the Pentagon and its assorted think tanks spend cash seeking answers/lessons learned from the failure of HTS 1.0. There’s talk of institutionalizing HTS. What gives? Continue reading

God’s garbage dump: In the beginning there was the landfill

What is God? It is the creation of a nervous species suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). That’s a compelling answer as any. Continue reading

Egypt protesters will spark global mass movements: Internet and globalization’s positives

Americans remain largely ambivalent to the tectonic shifts taking place in Egypt, Jordan, Albania, Lebanon and Tunisia. What’s worse is that most Americans 40 years and under have an oh-hum view about their own government employees (soldiers, diplomats), and contractors, who are fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq. Continue reading