Author Archives: Larry Pinkney

Stay human and struggle for systemic change

It is time for an uncompromising national liberation movement in the United States of America. Continue reading

Barack Obama: The corporate masters’ 21st century ‘House Negro’

The time has arrived to recognize that everyday, ordinary Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people are all, in varying degrees, de facto slaves on the U.S. Empire’s corporate/military plantation of economic austerity, manipulation, subterfuge, and the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. The “novocaine” utilized by the systemic corporate/military puppet masters on this plantation is none other than Barack Obama and his nauseating contingent of Democrat and Republican Party actors. Continue reading

Barack Obama and the evil of the two lessers

When ideology trumps reality what remains is insanity. Continue reading

Obama’s bait and switch game, otherwise known as B.S.

This very succinct column is meant to challenge the Barack Obama “hope and change” Kool-Aid drinkers to wake the hell up and face and change the reality of their lethargy. Continue reading

Obama’s bloody U.S. hypocrisy and the massacre in Norway

The swift response by United States Presdent Barack Obama pertaining to the horrific July 22, 2011, massacre in Norway (resulting in approximately a hundred victims including those wounded) reeked of hypocrisy and political opportunism. This of course should come as no surprise in view of the predator drone missile and related military massacres being perpetrated by the United States Government itself (and its proxies) against civilians in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Libya, etc. Continue reading

Is it time to impeach Barack Obama?

The reality of corporate greed and domination in this nation, combined with the U.S. corporate-government’s wars abroad and de facto political manipulation and repression at home under the administrative auspices of Barack Obama, has brought ordinary, everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people to the very brink of economic and political ruin and emaciation. Continue reading

Is the people’s struggle against corporate hegemony really worth it?

Those of us who demand and strive for an end to corporate-government subterfuge, wars, hypocrisy, and deceit must of necessity understand that the U.S. government and its corporate masters and assorted accomplices have used, and will continue to use, every conceivable vicious and dastardly tactic to discredit and neutralize us individually and organizationally. With this clearly in mind, we should, in fact, expect, and be undaunted by these old, continuing tactics on the part of the corporate U.S. government and its assorted accomplices, whether they are perpetrated by individuals or agencies. Continue reading

Perpetual war, corporate greed, and austerity for the masses

As the corporate/military U.S. Empire, headed by the nominally black Barack Obama, with the complicity of his Democrat[ic] and Republican party political pimps, rumbles along, crushing the economic needs, human rights, and aspirations of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in this nation and around the world, conditions for just plain ordinary people are worsening and deteriorating at lightning speed. Only the avaricious, blood-sucking, bloated rich are financially benefiting from the increasing misery of the masses of ordinary people. Continue reading

Theatre of the Absurd: We have to stop being caged hamsters!

The imagery of the caged hamster, endlessly running round and round on a squeaky spinning wheel going nowhere, is perhaps the most accurate summation of the dangerous and sad state of political affairs that ensnares everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in this nation. Continue reading

Will Americans ever become sane?

Will ‘Americans’ collectively ever become sane? In a word, no—not as long as the corporate-stream media, ‘educational’ institutions, and corporate-government of this nation are allowed to succeed in indoctrinating and controlling the past and present narrative [i.e. stories] of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people. Continue reading

Accommodationists: Couching the truth in perpetration

The most insidious and exploitative political and economic pimps of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people are those motivated by personal ambition that is devoid of principles. These metaphorical vultures, masquerading as human beings, come in both genders and in all colors and ethnicities. They are, in fact, the bane of humanity in this nation and around the world, and they couch their rhetoric in fake altruism as they perpetually target the minds of the masses of everyday people and perpetrate lies, distortions, and confusion against them. Continue reading

The spirit of ‘Geronimo Ji-Jaga’ lives on as the struggle continues

It is with one unified and heavily laden heart that everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow conscious people of goodwill, world-wide, mourn the gigantic loss of, and pay tribute to, Elmer ‘Geronimo Ji-Jaga’ Pratt, whose mortal body departed from us on June 2, 2011, in Tanzania, East Africa. Continue reading

The revolution STILL will not be televised

In recent days the sad news of the passing-on of the politically conscious musician and poet Gil Scott Heron, struck this nation and world like a thunder clap. Among other things, Gil Scott admonished us about the dangerous and prevalent political ‘Winter in America,’ and had repeatedly spread the word that ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised’ (Small Talk at 125th & Lenox Album ). His physical body is gone from us now but his message is more relevant than ever. We everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people know only too well that the revolution still will not be televised—“it will be live.” Continue reading

Political parasites pimping the people

In 21st century ‘America,’ the political pimping [i.e. the intellectual dumbing-down and economic exploitation] of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people has reached systemic epidemic proportions. The result of this is that corporate-government lying, obfuscation, subterfuge, political repression, and perpetual U.S. wars abroad have become the norm rather than the exception. Continue reading

What will it take to bring Obama home?

Bringing Obama ‘home’? Get real!

The very notion of bringing the war mongering, double-talking, blood-drenched Barack Obama ‘home’ is repugnant. Barack Obama has repeatedly demonstrated that he is already very much at home with his corporate/military backers, with his exercising of endless subterfuge and deceit, his repression of internal political dissent, and with his slick de facto utter contempt for just plain ordinary everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in this nation and around the world. He is very much at home with the wielding of hypocritical, conscienceless power, as the head of the corporate / military U.S. Empire. Barack Obama is the antithesis of open government and genuine economic and political democracy, while being the champion of back-room corporate deals, obfuscation, military adventurism, and the political tactic of bait and switch. Continue reading

‘America’s’ fascist paradigm and the myth of democracy

A woefully uninformed and/or a perniciously misinformed populace will, in the distorted name of ‘patriotism,’ repeatedly commit the most horrendous atrocities. Such people do not recognize the precariousness of their own existence, the fleeting nature of their own humanity, or the preciousness of Mother Earth and the rest of the global human family. Such people provide fertile soil for fascism to take root and grow. This is the stark reality for an enormous amount of the population of the United States of America, who has been psychologically, institutionally, and systemically trained to be ahistorical and to cling to systemic mythology rather than reality, no matter how obvious such reality might be. Continue reading

Mutually assured terror: ‘America’s’ new day of distraction, bloodshed and hypocrisy

Unfortunately, when it comes to many ‘Americans,’ virtually any corporate-government/military distraction will suffice to keep this nation from owning up to its own self-induced policies of hypocrisy and endless bloodshed, and reversing them. Continue reading

American democracy, the best form of fascism money can buy

Ah . . . Here we are in the 21st century, mindlessly basking in the warm rays of de facto bloodsucking U.S. corporate domination combined with at least four ongoing bloody U.S. wars and military interventions abroad, an impotent and hypocritical Democrat and Republican Congress, and a “peace” prize toting- predator drone/torturing president whose claims to fame are his slippery tongue, his pigmentation, and his inexplicable rise from relative obscurity to be the adorned head of the U.S. corporate/military Empire. Oh . . . The unspeakable joys of watching the gutting of U.S. constitutional rights under the auspices of the now expanded ‘Patriot Act’s’ so-called war on terror, the trillions of dollars of blood money stolen from everyday people for the coffers of the corporate elite, and the ceaseless obfuscation and prevarication by the U.S. corporate owned, corporate-stream media and other systemic institutions. What joy! What sad and utterly pathetic joy in this year of 2011! Continue reading

Honoring the legacy of Thurgood Marshall at Syracuse University College of Law

When it comes to the study of history, we have the choice of actively learning from it or being relegated to infamy by it. Continue reading

“Hope & change” or the rope & chain?

If everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people in this nation and throughout the world are to enjoy the fruits of their labor and a life of dignity, it must first be recognized that they/we are in fact psychologically, economically, politically, and socially enslaved by a U.S. corporate/military political system whose very existence is dependent upon how skillful it is at manipulating, dividing, and exploiting the vast majority of humankind. Continue reading

Exclusive: Cornel West and other such political opportunists

The most insidiously dangerous of all systemic gatekeepers are those who masquerade as progressives or so-called leftists but who in reality act as the fifth column for the maintenance of U.S. Empire abroad and internal repression at home. Continue reading

More austerity and another war—ho-hum . . .

When is enough, enough?! How long will the people of this nation continue to toil under the boot of illusion, lies, and insanity? At what point will the majority of everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people finally and unequivocally say NO MORE, and insist upon systemic change?!! Contrary to the incessant chirping by U.S. corporate/military government and its corporate-stream de facto State media, the time is approaching. Continue reading

Barack ‘Grima Wormtongue’ Obama: Lies, lies, and more lies

Even empires have their time of reckoning, invariably brought on by their own incessant lies, insatiable greed, and pathological drive for domination. However, the pertinent question pertaining to today’s U.S. corporate/military empire is; to what extent will those within the heart of the ‘American’ empire resist its hypocrisy, tyranny, and hegemony? Continue reading

Liar, liar! Your world’s on fire!

Those who choose illusion over reality, no matter how appealing it might seem, ensure the sustenance of human suffering and quite possibly the ultimate extinction of humanity. Continue reading

Liberals and pimping the pain of the people

In the U.S. political system, liberals and liberalism have always served to perniciously stymie people’s movements for real systemic change. Continue reading

Class struggle: Don’t get fooled again!

Being euphorically oblivious to the inherent contradictions of class struggle in a corporate-capitalist society is a certain recipe for perpetuating hypocrisy and assuring catastrophe. Continue reading

Justice, law, and the struggle for change

Whether in the streets of Cairo, Egypt; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; or Madison & Milwaukee (Wisconsin), USA, everyday Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow people yearn for political, economic, judicial, and environmental justice. Laws must be made subservient to justice, not the other way around. Continue reading

Hypocrisy is not democracy: Time for change

Most humans desire only to live their lives with dignity, fulfillment, and human worth, while a parasitic few seek to glorify and unceasingly enrich themselves awash in the blood and manipulated fears of the rest of humanity. Continue reading