Author Archives: Margaret Kimberley

Freedom Rider: Democrats are Officially Republicans

The Democrats claim to be the opposition party, but they seek out Republicans, hate the left of their own party, and don’t seem to care if they lose the election. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: “Feet to the fire” and other lies

When the Democratic Party ends its charade of a primary process and spits out the person most closely aligned with neo-liberal policies, the gas lighting begins. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: TikTok and the war on China

Every charge that Trump and his minions make against Chinese companies is true for US corporations, which have been spying on Americans and the rest of the world for decades. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: How Trump can steal the 2020 election

The election was stolen from Clinton four years ago and the even weaker 2020 candidate can expect the same fate. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Let the movement be radical

Craven black misleaders jumped at the chance to side with white corporate power against radical white allies. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Media silent as Trump declares wars

Donald Trump’s attacks on Venezuela, Syria and Iran are criminal, but Joe Biden vows to be even worse. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Propaganda won’t get rid of Trump

The biggest threat to Biden’s chances is the continuing suppression of black votes and the refusal of the Democrats to do anything about it. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The police defunding con game

Cutting police budgets without establishing public control over their behavior doesn’t solve the problem, and invites politicians to shuffle budget numbers around like a three-card monte swindle. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Churchill, Columbus and Leopold fall down

Millions of white people glorify mass murderers because their sense of identity and place in society is deeply tied to white supremacy. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Democrats move right and towards defeat

Besides not being Trump, the Democrats offer nothing, but think they can win with a candidate who has no constituency, charisma or any platform positions that would attract more voters. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Rebellion, confusion, scoundrels and kente cloth

Black rebellion brings insecurity to those in power, as editors, mayors and even long dead criminals are being called to account. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Black misleaders seek to end protest

The nationwide protests have forced the black quisling class to reveal themselves as agents of the racial and economic status quo. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Biden and the low point of black politics

Black folks perform phenomenal feats of mental gymnastics and self-delusion to convince themselves that Joe Biden is on their side. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: New attacks on Venezuela

The Democratic Party’s “left” wing is mute on the latest US aggression against the people and government of Venezuela, thus giving assent to Trump by their silence. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Joe Biden and the Black misleaders

The black misleadership class has no shame, only narrow ambitions. They are now called out to rescue the man who looks very much like a loser. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Fighting COVID-19 with mass action and a people’s strike

The people’s mass fightback against the system that failed to protect them from the coronavirus and corporate predators begins May 1. Continue reading

Cooperation Humboldt and the solidarity economy

Founded in 2017, Cooperation Humboldt was already incubating worker cooperatives, administering food sovereignty programs, advocating for public banking and participatory budgeting, and exploring housing cooperatives, an arts hub, and eco-villages—all before the pandemic arrived in the U.S.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed all of the inconvenient truths about life in the United States. It is no longer possible to hide the disconnect between myths of a great and advanced society with scenes of long lines for food pantries, millions of workers suddenly unemployed and a political system that gives a one-time maximum payment of $1,200 in a time of severe economic crisis. The already marginalized are at greatest risk of death as black and brown people constitute the majority of coronavirus victims in large cities like New York, Detroit and Milwaukee. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Racism in and against China

The COVID-19 pandemic has resuscitated the old “yellow peril” canard to its fullest extent, revealing deep xenophobia and racist intent against China. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: COVID-19 and deadly health care for black people

Even if the United States had a strong public health system, black and brown people would be plagued by racist medical practices. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Standing with Venezuela and Iran

The Trump administration wants a hot war with Iran or Venezuela, or both, and those of us claiming to be antiwar must be on our guard and ready for action. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: COVID-19 and black workers

The gross inequalities and declining standards of life in the US are magnified by the corona crisis, pushing already marginalized populations to the brink. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Revolutionary change and COVID-19

The genie has escaped from the bottle, revealing the deep injustices and cruelties that are embedded in US capitalism and its warped relationship to the peoples it rules, and the world. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: COVID-19 covers up war and financial collapse

COVID-19 is not just a health emergency. It has exposed the causes of inequality and suffering in this country. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Coronavirus and the failed American state

China built two coronavirus hospitals in just over one week.

The United States has none of the systems or infrastructure that would allow it to accomplish what China has done to fight mass infection. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: U.S. continues its war on the rest of the world

The duopoly corporate parties enforce silence and ignorance on foreign policy to ensure that Americans have neither the knowledge nor the tools to resist their country’s policy of endless war. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Prejudential: Black America and the presidents

US presidents range from very bad to less bad, but none were ‘good’ for Black people—including the first Black one.

Ten of the first twelve presidents of the United States were slave holders. This is just one of many historical facts that this columnist discovered while researching and writing Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents . The newly published book is an exploration of black American history viewed through the prism of the presidency. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Negroes for Bloomberg

Chicago’s Bobby Rush and San Francisco’s London Breed have sold themselves to super-plutocrat Michael Bloomberg, the worst stop-and-frisker in history. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The Internet does Washington’s dirty work

As long as the Internet is in private hands it should be seen as a “frenemy”—a useful resource that can also be wielded as a weapon. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Solidarity with Moms 4 Housing

Black women in Oakland confronted the austerity regime head-on by seizing the housing their families need. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Iran and the need for black activism

Black Americans, as perpetual targets of US lies and attacks, should be the first to reject Washington’s rationales for war with Iran. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Propaganda and the defeat of Jeremy Corbyn

If Corbyn can be defeated with a libel, it can work just as well on Sanders. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Abolish the police

Trump’s attorney general threatened to withdraw police “protection” from black communities—but, of course, no such thing exists. Continue reading