Author Archives: Robert Reich

Profiles in cowardice

Financial regulators subject banks to stress tests to see if they have enough capital to withstand sharp downturns. Continue reading

The real reason Trump won’t concede

Joe Biden has decisively won the presidency. There is no way for Trump to overturn the results of the election, and his campaign’s post-election lawsuits have gotten dismissed left and right. Continue reading

Georgia runoffs: How you can help flip the Senate

The battle for the Senate is far from over. Continue reading

Who wins from Trump’s final travesty?

Leave it to Trump and his Republican allies to spend more energy fighting non-existent voter fraud than containing a virus that has killed 244,000 Americans and counting. Continue reading

Debunking Trump’s post-election lies

Even though Joe Biden won the highest percentage of the popular vote for any challenger since FDR in 1932, the Trump campaign is fighting in courtrooms across the country in a desperate attempt to overturn the results. Continue reading

Trump’s last attempt to steal the election won’t work

Joe Biden has won. He will be our next president. Continue reading

Can Biden heal America when Trump and his allies don’t want it healed?

In case you missed the news, Joe Biden was elected president of the United States. With almost all ballots counted, Biden has over 75 million votes and Trump some 71 million. The Electoral College isn’t even close. Continue reading

The stock market is not the economy

Whatever happens to the economy—jobs, wages, the hardships so many are facing—the stock market seems to be in a world of its own. Why? Continue reading

Reversing the GOP power grab

Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation as the ninth justice on the U.S. Supreme Court is a travesty of democracy. Continue reading

What happened to the Voting Rights Act?

This country has a long history of disenfranchising and suppressing the votes of people of color, particularly in the South. But in 2013 the voter suppression efforts of yesteryear came roaring back. That’s when the Supreme Court gutted key provisions in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Those provisions had stopped states with histories of voter suppression from changing their election laws without an okay from the federal government. Continue reading

How to stop Trump from stealing the election

Trump is likely to claim that mail-in ballots, made necessary by the pandemic, are rife with “fraud like you’ve never seen,” as he alleged during his debate with Joe Biden—although it’s been shown that Americans are more likely to be struck by lightning than commit voter fraud. Continue reading

The public, the personal, and the utter hypocrisy of the GOP

Trump and many Republicans insist that the decisions whether to wear a mask, go to a bar or gym, or work or attend school during a pandemic should be personal. Government should play no role. Continue reading

Vote NO on California Prop 22: Reject this corporate power grab

Here’s what you need to know about Proposition 22 on the California ballot, and why I’m urging you to vote NO on this corporate power grab. Continue reading

How to beat Republicans at their own game

I keep hearing from progressives who lament that even if Biden wins, Trump and McConnell have tilted the playing field forever. Continue reading

Trump, in effect, is standing in middle of 5th Avenue and killing Americans

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump boasted in 2016. Continue reading

4 key takeaways from the Harris-Pence VP debate

The vice presidential debate didn’t have the fireworks of the first presidential debate but Pence’s lies were just as egregious as Trump’s.

The only honest thing about Pence last Wednesday night was the fly on his head. Continue reading

How you can stop America’s slide toward tyranny

Without a shred of evidence, Trump claims that mail-in ballots are rife with fraud. Rubbish. Mail-in ballots, also called absentee ballots, have been used for years across America. They have proven safe and secure. Continue reading

Trump’s COVID: Empathy for the world’s least empathetic person?

For about a minute today I found myself feeling sorry for Donald Trump. The poor man is now “battling” COVID-19 (the pugilistic verb is showing up all over the news). He’s in the hospital. He’s out-of-shape. He’s 74-years old. His chief of staff calls his symptoms “very concerning.” Continue reading

The 6 most revealing moments from the presidential debate

The first presidential debate was as horrific as we feared it would be. We were barely able to hear a word from Joe Biden or moderator Chris Wallace thanks to Trump’s incessant interruptions and nonstop insults. Continue reading

The coming civil war over Trump’s ego

What is America really fighting over in the upcoming election? No particular issue. Not even Democrats versus Republicans. Continue reading

For RBG it was all principle, for Mitch McConnell it’s all power

People in public life tend to fall into one of two broad categories—those who are motivated by principle, and those motivated by power. Continue reading

Racism is profitable

Since the first colonizers arrived in the United States to this very moment, wealthy elites have used the tools of theft, exclusion, and exploitation to expand their wealth and power at the detriment of Black, Latinx, Indigenous people, and marginalized people of color. It all boils down to this simple truth: Racism is profitable. Continue reading

How big money corrupts our politics (and how to fix it)

Corporate money is dominating our democracy. Continue reading

Feeling the consequences of Trump’s rotten presidency, firsthand

My wife and I have been warned that we may need to evacuate because of fires ravaging the Bay Area Continue reading

The post office crisis to come

It’s no secret Donald Trump will do anything to hold on to power. His latest strategy is to sabotage the United States Postal Service, courtesy of his handpicked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Continue reading

Trump’s ‘law and order’ campaign is a distraction

Trump has refused to act to contain the coronavirus, opting to sit on the sidelines as the pandemic ravages the country. But when it comes to waging violence against his own people, he’s quickly risen to the occasion. Continue reading

Profiteering off the pandemic

Since the start of the pandemic, American billionaires have been cleaning up. As more than 50 million Americans filed for unemployment insurance, billionaires became $637 billion richer. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s wealth has ballooned 59 percent. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos’s, 39 percent. Walmart’s Walton family has added $25 billion. Continue reading

Betsy DeVos’ deadly plan to reopen schools

Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is heading the administration’s effort to force schools to reopen in the fall for in-person instruction. What’s her plan to reopen safely? She doesn’t have one. Continue reading

Trump’s dangerous lies about the COVID economy

“The recovery has been very strong,” Donald Trump said last week. Then the Commerce Department reported the U.S. economy contracted between April and June at the fastest pace in nearly three-quarters of a century, which is as long as economists have been keeping track. The drop wiped out five years of economic growth. Continue reading

How Mitch McConnell’s Republicans are destroying America

Senate Republicans’ shameful priorities are on full display as the nation continues to grapple with an unprecedented health and economic crisis. Continue reading

Trump’s worst attacks on workers

Donald Trump campaigned as an insurgent outside of the political establishment who would restore the long-neglected working class. That was a lie. As president, he’s turned his back on working people, governing instead as a lackey for billionaires, CEOs, and corporations. Even during a public health and economic crisis, Trump has left working people in the dust. Continue reading

The real choice: Social control or social investment

Some societies center on social control, others on social investment. Continue reading