Author Archives: William John Cox

As a police policy maker, prosecutor, and public interest lawyer, this is what I fear, and this is what we can do together

There is a new contagion sweeping across America, more deadly than the COVID-19 virus released by our collapsing environment, and even more dangerous than the worldwide economic collapse triggered by the pandemic. The widening collapse has undermined our local and state governments, precipitated by their failure to protect peaceful First Amendment protests against racial discrimination and the lack of accountability for police violence allowed by corrupt governments. This new strain of plague is spread by burning and looting, as infected mobs destroy the structure and stability of our communities, eliminate the livelihoods of our working neighbors, and sever access to our own means of survival. The most critical stage will be the imposition of martial law by presidential decree, and the deployment of military and intelligence assets to defeat the righteous resistance of the People to corrupt government and loss of liberty. Continue reading

Americans are no longer represented by their government: Retired educator and World War II veteran does something about it

Mel E. Lindsey no longer believes the American people are represented by their government. The 90-year-old resident of Long Beach, California—who served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and who spent more than 50 years in education—is concerned for the future of the nation he fought for and for the children he taught. Wanting to do something about it, Mel petitioned the government on behalf of all Americans and demanded a Voter’s Bill of Rights amendment to the Constitution to provide everyone with the right to cast effective votes for their representatives. Continue reading

Avoiding another war In North Korea

During the Korean War, the United States dropped more bombs and napalm on North Korea than was used against the Japanese during World War II. The carpet bombing destroyed all of the cities and most of the villages in North Korea. More than 3,000,000 Korean civilians died in the war—most were in the North. Since the war ended with a cease fire in 1953, the North has been governed by the Kim family dictatorship, which uses the threat of American aggression to maintain its ironfisted physical and mind control of the North Korean people. Continue reading

A financial toll tax: Transform, not reform, the tax system

I recently awoke from a rather pleasant dream in which members of Congress and the president embraced the unique proposition that they had been elected to serve the People of the United States. Congress had determined that healthcare was a matter of right (by simply reducing the age at which a person qualified for Medicare to birth) and that every child should have free access to a college education. Continue reading

A vision of America’s future with ratification of the USVRA

Let us imagine two things. First, that the United States Voters’ Rights Amendment has been enacted and ratified as the result of a mass, nonpartisan, political movement, and that we can take a time trip into the future to see the results. Let’s visit that not-so-distant time and observe what the People have been able to accomplish—once they took control of their own government. Continue reading

The U.S. Voters’ Rights Amendment: Explained

The 2016 election just cost $5 billion and produced two major candidates who were despised by a majority of the people. Given the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, 45 percent of voting-age Americans did not cast a ballot, and only 46.5 percent of those who did vote chose Trump. Almost three million more voters selected Clinton over Trump, who prevailed only because of the archaic Electoral College. Elected by only one-quarter of the people, his policies, successes, and failures will affect everyone—including the 75 percent of voters who did not hire Donald Trump to be their CEO. Continue reading

Police shootings: Law, policy, and accountability

From amongst themselves, the people of the United States have empowered some of their members to enforce their laws and to police their society, but things have gone terribly awry. The police are killing those they are sworn to protect and they themselves are becoming the target of public anger over racial inequality and discrimination. Video images of recent police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota were followed by the mass murder of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, apparently in response to these shootings. Continue reading

The presidency: Character matters

From its creation, the citizens of the United States have had a special relationship with the person they choose to lead their republic. Given extraordinary powers by the Constitution, the president is expected to not only be a wise and effective administrator, but to possess the moral compass established by George Washington, the Nation’s first president. Continue reading

The right to vote—effectively

With their government under the control of corporations and special interests, the People of the United States may think they have the right to vote, but, unfortunately, they do not. When the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written, the authors intentionally omitted this very significant detail. They failed to include the right to vote, and the error has never been corrected. Continue reading

Who should make political policy, the people or the politicians?

In the midst of what undoubtedly will be the nastiest and most expensive presidential campaign in American history, it is important to remember that the question is not so much whether a candidate is a good or bad person, but rather what should and will be the policies, objectives, and consequences of her or his administration? What do the People of the United States really want and expect their government to do on their behalf? Who should make political policy, the People, or the politicians they elect to represent them? Continue reading

Write-in voting and political protest

With the increasingly likelihood of a presidential contest between the generally despised Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, millions of angry voters are considering protesting the lineup by either sitting out the election or writing in alternatives. With almost one-third of all eligible voters already failing to participate in elections, a greater abdication of voting responsibility in an election between the lesser of two evils could lead to a tyranny of the minority. On the other hand, by carefully writing in the names of their true choices, voters can exercise the only power available to them. If sufficiently widespread, such a protest could have a lasting effect on the course of the Nation, including the abandonment of the two major political parties and the emergence of new—more relevant—alignments. Continue reading

Confirming Supreme Court justices and electing presidents

In the midst of one of the wildest presidential races in the history of United States, the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has created yet another wrinkle in the campaign’s political fabric. With the Republican leadership delaying consideration of President Obama’s nomination of Merrick B. Garland until next year, a look at some earlier elections and court nominations might be instructive. Continue reading

The scandal of voter suppression

Ostensibly, universal voting is the ideal of a free and democratic republic; however, barriers have been placed between many citizens and the ballot box ever since the creation of the United States. Continue reading

Statecraft vs. politics as usual

As Americans are once again suffering through a barrage of nonstop negative political advertising during yet another “hold your nose and vote” election cycle, they yearn, desperately, for things to be different. Featuring a host of lackluster candidates pushing misleading issues, the 2016 presidential election is up for grabs. Continue reading

A nurturing society vs. socialism

If the title of this article began with “socialism,” many readers would click past without reading it—even though a majority of Americans want a government that nurtures their families and society. Largely because of the Cold War against communism and the rhetoric it engendered, the word socialism has taken on a negative meaning in the minds of most Americans. So, how does one define what the voters of the United States really want from their government? Continue reading

The pornography of hatred

There is danger in the pandering of hatred that goes beyond the freedom of expression. Is there a right to profit from supplying the seeds of destruction to those who have the need to blame others for the poverty of their existence? Bar owners who continue to serve drunks can be held responsible for the deaths of those later killed in traffic collisions, but to what extend should those who peddle the rhetoric of hatred, bigotry, and violence be held responsible for the consequences of their merchandising? Continue reading

Preventing gun violence

I received my first gun when I was eight years old, and carried guns for many years during a 45-year career in the justice system. Continue reading

Marijuana: Legalize—don’t advertise

The War on Drugs has proven to be a monstrous mistake resulting in the waste of a trillion dollars and the shameful criminal conviction and incarceration of thousands of Americans. While the end to drug prohibition may not be entirely possible, the more limited movement to decriminalize the use and possession of marijuana is gaining momentum. Those who support ending drug prohibition, but continue to believe drug use is harmful, have the responsibility to find ways to avoid the advertising and promotion of legalized marijuana. Continue reading

Committees of Correspondence: To defend freedom and secure good government

Two hundred and fifty years ago, the people of America were subject to an unrepresentative government controlled by powerful commercial interests. They rebelled and formed their own government, which has now come to be controlled by powerful commercial interests. Once again, “these are the times that try men’s souls.” What lessons can we learn from history to help us through this crisis? Continue reading

Paying the toll on the economic highway

The political coma of the U.S. government induced by Congress and its failure to represent those who elect it can ultimately be traced to the unfair and complex system of income taxation. Better for the country and more equitable for its taxpayers would be a toll tax on the movement of all money along the nation’s economic highway. Continue reading

The failure of war as an instrument of foreign policy: A more effective solution

Making war against nation-states and their people no longer works. Unstable and undemocratic countries are usually controlled by individuals and cabals against whom military force ends up harming their own domestic victims more than the entrenched leadership, and new regimes offer little improvement. Continue reading

The power of the Mormon Church over Mitt Romney

An excerpt from ‘Mitt Romney and the Mormon Church: Questions’

The election of Mitt Romney as president of the United States would represent the culmination of a century-and-a-half quest by the Mormon Church for national political power in preparation for the Kingdom of God. Continue reading

The separate security interests of the United States and Israel

A balanced analysis of the security interests of the United States vis-a-vis Israel requires a careful review of their security interests and the history of their interaction. Continue reading

Small business owners and labor are the backbone of the nation

Small business owners and working people constitute the core of the American electorate. They share the same origins and have far more in common than the major political parties would have them believe. Their shared political, social and family needs are being ignored by both parties, as they are cynically played one against the other. Expressing their discontent as Tea Partiers and Occupiers, they are no longer silent, nor can they be ignored. Continue reading

A real job for the vice president: Leading Congress

The vice presidency has been a joke for most of the nation’s history. The first vice president, John Adams, said it was “the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.” Woodrow Wilson’s VP, Thomas Marshall quipped “Once there were two brothers. One went away to sea; the other was elected vice president. And nothing was heard of either of them again.” FDR’s first vice president, John Nance Garner, who had served as a powerful speaker of the house, said his new office was “not worth a pitcher of warm piss.” Continue reading

Transformation: Effectuating democracy by a voters’ rights amendment

Reversing the Supreme Court’s gift of constitutional rights to corporations in Citizens United will not cure the political ills weakening the sinews of democracy that bind the United States. The nation was infected at birth and it will continue to be diseased until its government is transformed into one that is responsive to the needs and ambitions of ordinary people, irrespective of wealth or influence. Continue reading

A Voters’ Rights Amendment to unify Occupiers and Tea Partiers

Unification of the Tea Party and Occupy movements for a common goal—a Voters’ Rights Amendment—will reestablish the United States as a democratic republic and will restore control of its government to the voters. Continue reading

Voterism: A government for the new millennium

Are you tired of trying to figure out if there’s any real difference between Republican and Democratic politicians, and whether there’s a difference between liberals and progressives, libertarians and anarchists, independents and moderates, or tea partiers and neoconservatives? Continue reading

An All-American retirement system: Building for the future

While Congress bickers and the President dithers, roads are crumbling, bridges are failing, dams are cracking, and water and sewer systems are leaking all across the United States. If that’s not enough to worry about, the government is threatening to default on the $2.5 trillion it has borrowed from the Social Security Trust Fund, and few private employers are offering decent retirement plans. Continue reading

The race for space solar energy

The failures of the General Electric nuclear reactors in Japan to safely shut down following the 9.0 Tahoku earthquake, following in the wake of the catastrophic Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the deadly methane gas explosion in Massey’s West Virginia coal mine, conclusively demonstrate the grave dangers to human society posed by current energy production methods. Continue reading

Who are the Tea Party Patriots?

Most people only see the public faces of the Tea Party TTP (TTP): those doing televison interviews, appearing on the covers of magazines, waving from the steps of private jets at political rallies, and who spend the millions of dollars in tax-free donations they have raised; but who are the 15 million “patriots” who actually attend the thousands of local tea parties across the heartland of America? Answers were sought at the TPP’s American Policy Summit held during the last week of February in Phoenix, Arizona. Continue reading

A tale of three nations: Freedom, religion and the rights of women

As the youth-led Freedom Movement of 2011 spreads rapidly across the Middle East and around the world, one can only wonder what would be happening in Iraq today if the U.S. had not invaded eight years ago. What does the movement portend for the rights of women in other nations, such as Tunisia and in the United States? Continue reading