Category Archives: Elections & Voting

Two-face America: 73 million Trump party apparatchiks guarantee turmoil over the coming years

It is happening here. Continue reading

Will the Biden team be warmongers or peacemakers?

Congratulations to Joe Biden on his election as America’s next president! People all over this pandemic-infested, war-torn and poverty-stricken world were shocked by the brutality and racism of the Trump administration, and are anxiously wondering whether Biden’s presidency will open the door to the kind of international cooperation that we need to confront the serious problems facing humanity in this century. Continue reading

Progressive message to Joe Biden: Don’t you dare ‘cooperate’ with Mitch McConnell

If Biden chooses to 'cooperate' with Mitch McConnell, that choice is likely to set off a political war between the new administration and the Democratic Party's progressive base.

Near the end of his well-crafted victory speech Saturday night, Joe Biden decried “the refusal of Democrats and Republicans to cooperate with one another.” He went on to say that “we can decide to cooperate. And I believe that this is part of the mandate from the American people. They want us to cooperate. That’s the choice I’ll make. And I call on the Congress—Democrats and Republicans alike—to make that choice with me.” Continue reading

‘A dangerous attack on our democracy’: McConnell backs Trump’s refusal to concede to Biden

‘There is no decisive pool of 'illegal' ballots, and Republican Party messaging on this score is at best a cynical attempt to delegitimize a decisive presidential defeat.’

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday made his first public remarks since President-elect Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election, but he made no mention of the Democratic former vice president—instead claiming the election results have not been decided and that President Donald Trump is “100% within his rights” to refuse to concede. Continue reading

Trump’s last attempt to steal the election won’t work

Joe Biden has won. He will be our next president. Continue reading

Hoorays for the Biden/Harris victory, but the battle’s far from over

Once the cheering stops, the hard work begins.

Late Saturday morning and they had just called it. I was sitting here writing with the TV muted and my back to the windows when I started hearing some yelling on the street. I didn’t know what it was, then looked up at the television and saw the news. Continue reading

Obituary for the Trump era

The American people have rendered their ultimate decision on the fate of Donald Trump, and their message to the reality-TV-star-turned-politician: You’re fired. Continue reading

‘Far past time’ to abolish the Electoral College, progressives say as Colorado approves national popular vote compact

‘Our nation spent a stressful four days wondering who our next president would be, despite the clear fact that Joe Biden won the popular vote by millions.’

With President-elect Joe Biden on track as of Monday to win the national popular vote by a historic margin—more than eight million votes, according to one estimate—progressives are renewing their longstanding demand that the antiquated and undemocratic Electoral College be abolished in favor of a system that adheres to the principle of “one person, one vote.” Continue reading

Can Biden heal America when Trump and his allies don’t want it healed?

In case you missed the news, Joe Biden was elected president of the United States. With almost all ballots counted, Biden has over 75 million votes and Trump some 71 million. The Electoral College isn’t even close. Continue reading

The 2020 election as a triumph for democracy? Hold the hosannas

Higher voter turnouts mask the reality of the ‘affluent authoritarianism’ that now governs America.

In real horse races—races that actual horses run—the winners go on to run other races. Racehorses do races. They have no other responsibility. Continue reading

Biden has ousted a lying and corrupt Trump but that doesn’t mean Democrats had a great Election Day

Loaded with nearly twice as much money as the GOP, the Democrats showed that weak candidates with no robust agendas for people where they live, work, and raise their families, is a losing formula.

Apart from barely squeezing through the swing states to defeat corrupt, incompetent, lying, corporatist Donald Trump, the Democratic Party had a bad election. Continue reading

Progressives made Trump’s defeat possible. now it’s time to challenge Biden and other corporate Democrats

Without a strong progressive program as a rudder, the Biden presidency will be awash in much the same old rhetorical froth and status-quo positions that have so often caused Democratic incumbents to founder, bringing on GOP electoral triumphs.

The defeat of Donald Trump would not have been possible without the grassroots activism and hard work of countless progressives. Now, on vital issues—climate, healthcare, income inequality, militarism, the prison-industrial complex, corporate power and so much more—it’s time to engage with the battle that must happen inside the Democratic Party. Continue reading

Traffic jams and boarded windows: Trump’s American carnage

With only a few days to go before Election Day 2020, Donald Trump supporters attempted to run a Biden-Harris campaign bus off of a highway near Austin, Texas, and blocked traffic on the Mario Cuomo Bridge over the Hudson River, the Garden State Parkway, and the Washington DC Beltway. Two Trump “poll challengers,” one wearing a horror movie mask, attempted to intimidate early voters in Detroit and there were reports of other Trump supporters menacing voters and polling precinct authorities in other locations around the nation. Continue reading

Trump’s anti-communism worked, but only in Miami

For months, Trump’s re-election campaign regularly charged that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were at minimum the puppets of the “radical left.” At worse, the Democratic nominees were themselves socialist extremists who were pals with left-wing governments in Havana and Caracas. Across most of the United States, the fictional claims failed to capture much appeal outside the MAGA crowd. But one place where Republicans’ anti-communism played just as intended was south Florida—where Cuban exiles make up a substantial segment of voters. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Black people lose in 2020

Black people will get nothing from a Joe Biden administration except fiscal austerity and the precarity that comes with it. Continue reading

Vote as if your life depends on it, because it does

This could be our last chance to send the American dictator packing.

November 3 is upon us. At the risk of overstating the obvious, if you haven’t already done so, and in the name of all that’s good and fair, please exercise your right to vote. It’s more crucial than ever. Truly. Continue reading

This election is about Trump’s pandemic failures. But what happens next?

It’s going to take more than a change of personnel in Washington to address our decaying climate, public health, and democracy. But it’s not too late.

In 2008, Americans voted for hope and change. In 2016, they voted for fire and fury—and change. In 2020, the vote for change comes from an entirely different quarter. Continue reading

A day away from Nov. 3, another week of Trumpian havoc

But despite everything, Christmas may be a little bit early this year.

Hard to believe. Coming into the final stretch, remarkably it seems that—in some of their TV ads at least—the Trump campaign’s closing argument is: Oh c’mon, he’s not so bad. Continue reading

Calling this ‘our democracy’ is like slaves referring to ‘our plantation’

While Americans are reprogrammed every four years for the most important desperately crucial national emergency election since the last one, which will assure that Wall Street, the Pentagon, Israel and billionaires maintain power and control over everything that matters, most eligible voters will choose neither of the ruling power’s candidates and in a sense exercise democratic values by refusing to act as majority puppets. Continue reading

‘Dangerously authoritarian’: Trump says ‘hopefully’ courts will stop states from counting ballots after November 3

‘He's saying it out loud: he wants courts to block legally cast ballots from being counted.’

President Donald Trump on Wednesday once again openly voiced hope that U.S. courts—now packed with his right-wing judges—will intervene and stop states from counting legally submitted ballots after November 3, remarks that came just before the U.S. Supreme Court suggested it could invalidate late-arriving Pennsylvania votes after Election Day. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Campaign confusion in the age of collapse

Biden always obliges Trump by denying that he will do anything that rank and file Democrats want and that would in fact increase his odds of winning. Continue reading

‘He’s down to steal this thing’: Kavanaugh parrots Trump mail-in ballot lies as Supreme Court bars extension of Wisconsin deadline

‘Kavanaugh is announcing to the world that if it will help Trump win, he will join a decision to not cunt votes.’

The U.S. Supreme Court late Monday delivered a victory for the Republican Party by barring the crucial battleground state of Wisconsin from extending its Election Day deadline for the arrival of absentee ballots amid the pandemic, with Justice Brett Kavanaugh issuing an ominous concurring opinion that echoes President Donald Trump’s false narrative on mail-in voting. Continue reading

Reversing the GOP power grab

Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation as the ninth justice on the U.S. Supreme Court is a travesty of democracy. Continue reading

‘I don’t believe that’s by our laws,’ Trump says of counting all the votes in an election

‘He wants to throw out legal votes. That's what he's saying here.’

Repeating his desire for a winner to be declared on the night of November 3, President Donald Trump told reporters Tuesday that he doesn’t “believe” tallying votes for weeks after Election Day is lawful, a remark observers interpreted as yet another open signal of the president’s intention to challenge the counting of legally submitted ballots. Continue reading

Wrecking America: How Trump’s lawbreaking and lies betray all

If you don’t want such a person as your neighbor, why would you want him as your president where he’d have exponentially more power to harm you and your family?

Political analysts of all stripes have concluded that President Trump has a base of supporters who are credulous, immovable, and unpersuadable. Allow us to briefly test that hypothesis, but to ignore the skins-shirts labels—Left-Right, Democrat-Republican—that often though not always determine how a person votes. Continue reading

Trump plans to win 6-3 or 5-4… in overtime

Trump’s Kampf (German for struggle) has been clear since before he got in the White House. Continue reading

The final debate was a parade of presidential prevarication

Notes from the ghost town that only exists in Trump’s fevered imagination.

I live in a ghost town—at least Donald Trump seems to think so. It’s “a ghost town!” he exclaimed more than once at Thursday night’s second and last debate with Joe Biden. “Take a look at New York and what’s happened to my wonderful city. For so many years, I loved it. It was vibrant. It’s dying. Everyone’s leaving New York.” Continue reading

What happened to the Voting Rights Act?

This country has a long history of disenfranchising and suppressing the votes of people of color, particularly in the South. But in 2013 the voter suppression efforts of yesteryear came roaring back. That’s when the Supreme Court gutted key provisions in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Those provisions had stopped states with histories of voter suppression from changing their election laws without an okay from the federal government. Continue reading

How to stop Trump from stealing the election

Trump is likely to claim that mail-in ballots, made necessary by the pandemic, are rife with “fraud like you’ve never seen,” as he alleged during his debate with Joe Biden—although it’s been shown that Americans are more likely to be struck by lightning than commit voter fraud. Continue reading

Why a former Green Party candidate is on a very long fast—urging progressives to vote for Biden to defeat Trump

"A very large number of people on the left who supported Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren have come around to an understanding that Trump and his accomplices are such a dire threat to any hope of forward progress in this country."

In ordinary times, Ted Glick would hardly be someone you’d expect to hear urging fellow progressives to vote for the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. Continue reading

Voter suppression in a pandemic election

Voting is more difficult than it should be in the best of times. In the pandemic, many states are adding barriers, not removing them.

Although the United States hails itself as a bastion of representative democracy, voting regulations suppress the vote even in a normal year—and even more so during the pandemic. Continue reading

Still another chilling moment for democracy in Florida

In response to vote suppression measures filed by the Trump re-election campaign, state Republican parties and the national GOP, an attorney who represented the Bush-Cheney campaign during the 2000 Florida recount, delivered a candid and damning statement: “You’re seeing a broad-based, generalized strategy to suppress the vote by the Republican Party,” attorney Barry Richards declared. Continue reading