Black women’s hair once again focus of clueless TSA

Graphic by yumikrum/Flickr Creative Commons

My Master List of TSA Crimes and Abuses is full of stories like this—and worse—where a black woman has her hair pawed by a blue-shirted goon in the name of “security.” But apparently people still don’t get it.

MSNBC host and columnist Melissa Harris-Perry finally got the treatment the other day, and though she rightly takes issue with it in a letter to TSA Administrator John Pistole (which will have no effect whatsoever), she still, unbelievably, writes: “I am grateful for the diligence of the TSA in doing the tough job of keeping us all safe.”

Glad you’ve finally kinda sorta come on board, Ms. Harris-Perry, but the TSA isn’t doing a “tough job” and isn’t “keeping us safe.” You shouldn’t be grateful. You should be hopping mad.

The TSA is an out-of-control, criminal agency that abuses people with impunity. Its little charades, including groping your body and shoving fingers into your hair, are obedience training. The fact that you and millions like you still don’t get it—and even make light of it—ensure that this abuse will continue for many years to come.

Lisa Simeone is a writer, editor, political activist, Glamour Girl, and radio host. She publishes ABombazine, where this originally appeared.

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