Theater of the Absurd: America 2013

Why spend your money on comic books or cartoonish films that lend of the absurd? Just tune your boob tube or radio dial to the phony news and talk shows to experience the outlandish disguised as truth.

Take the Obamacare/Government shutdown mess that our empire’s controllers created. The mainstream and right wing media outlets inform us that it was another of the great Republican vs. Democrat wars being fought for the very soul of our nation. Ha! Deep within the bowels of corporate America the Fat Cats must be laughing their asses off! You see, Mr. Obama and his party sold out to the insurance and health care industries by offering up this current new law, which gives away the store to them. Meanwhile, the Republicans, following the marching orders of those same corporate masters, rant and rave how Obamacare is a ‘government takeover.’ Some takeover!

We who are under age 65 have been sold out to the private interests for the prize of perhaps a 20–25% savings in premium costs, and an end to pre-existing condition clauses. However, we all will still be paying super high deductibles and co-pays with our prescriptions still way over-priced. Some takeover! Yet, the mainstream media will sensationalize this phony battle to the hilt. The only winners will be the private insurers, Big Pharma and the health care insurance companies who will now have more and more customers to rip off!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, this two-party con job continues to recruit my friends and neighbors into one or the other’s camp. Bottom line: the only choice is the same one they always give you: Republican or Democrat.

As our military spending continues to go through the roof (over 50 cents of each of our federal income tax dollars) both political parties wave the flag in ‘support of our troops’ and our ‘wounded warriors.’ How many Americans have finally realized that we had no business invading and occupying Iraq and causing such harm to our young soldiers and the people of Iraq? Or that our reasons for going into Afghanistan and staying for over 11 years had little to do with terrorist threats to us? How many now realize what those hundreds of billions of dollars spent each year in those two countires could have meant to our state and city budget deficits? How many additional first responders, school and library funds, road and bridge improvements . . . a whole host of better uses for that wasted money? No, wait! When I say ‘wasted,’ I forgot those corporate interests who benefited and still benefit by our phony wars and occupations: The Military Industrial Empire.

This Theater of the Absurd smacks at us from many angles. Let’s look at the world of sports for a minute. The media pundits love to lionize quarterback Peyton Manning (no relation to whistleblower Bradley/Chelsea Manning, the true patriot now in jail). You see, Peyton had a neck problem that required a few surgeries to hopefully fix. He also had a clause in his contract with the Indianapolis Colts, where he starred for his entire career, to pay him an additional $25+ million dollars on top of his already very high salary. The Colts needed that money to keep their team competitive (the NFL has a salary cap rule to help ‘level the playing field ‘ ). So, they released Peyton and he signed with the Denver Broncos, where he is excelling once more . . . the guy is that great a player. Do you think Peyton cared about his Colt teammates or the loyal fans of Indianapolis, where he spent over 10 years? Do you think, with all the money he earned from salary and bonuses, and his Visa and Papa John’s Pizza commercials (plus , he supposedly owns a myriad of Papa John’s franchises) that Peyton would have cut a deal with the Colts to have them use that $25+ million for the team’s future? The free market morons out there will tell you that would be absurd. It’s ‘every man for himself.’

And while we are on the sports talk segment of this column, how about Ms. Condoleezza Rice? She is now one of those appointed to a new college football board to regulate the BCS (Bowl Championship Series) playoffs that are coming next year. The only media dissent raised against Rice being part of this committee is that she may not be as knowledgeable about the game to warrant her selection. Yet, not one single mention that Condoleezza Rice is a war criminal for what she did regarding the run up to the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq. She repeatedly told fabrications and half truths (duh, lying?) to rally support by the American serfs for the illegal and immoral invasion of another sovereign nation. She gets a pass, as did Bush Junior, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Wolfofwitz, and Gonzales et al. How absurd!

Listen, we all are human. We all, especially through these tough times, need to divert our attention away from the hard realities of life 2013. Yet, many out there only live in these diversions and never once leave their seats . . . in the Theater of the Absurd!

Philip A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a free lance columnist (found on, The Intrepid Report, The Peoples Voice, Information Clearing house, Dandelion Salad, Activist Post, Dissident Voice and many other sites worldwide). Philip works as an environmental products sales rep and has been an activist leader since 2000. In 2010 he became a local spokesperson for the 25% Solution Movement to Save Our Cities by cutting military spending 25%. Philip can be reached at

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