TSA comedy carnival at LAX

You know the line: “Laugh and the whole world laughs with you”? Well, the TSA in Los Angeles has taken it to heart.

From the Press-Telegram in LA, we have the heartwarming story of stand-up comedy making your trip through the abuse gauntlet fun. And don’t we all like to have fun?!

TSA employee Carl Revis thinks so. That’s why he spools out the one-liners to the hapless, dutiful passengers lined up waiting to be scoped and groped. Revis comes by his comedy talents honestly: he used to emcee weddings:

The 42-year-old Torrance resident has about 10-15 minutes of material, which he recycles throughout the day. He generally closes with the same song, a riff on airport security sung to the tune of “Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp).” In it, he sings all the rules travelers must follow, from regulations on liquids and gels to footwear and head wear.

He gets plenty of laughs, which is part of the goal.

“TSA doesn’t necessarily have the best image,” Revis said. “It’s a sad fact because we have an important job. My job is to change the hearts and minds here, one person at a time.”

Ah, yes, “hearts and minds.” The euphemistic jargon of the military as it prepares to lay waste to land and people. How appropriate that it’s also used here, since our government apparently looks upon all of us as enemies.

And the reporter, Brian Sumers, thinks it’s all so darn cute!

Oh, well. Plenty of people thought Chester the Molester was cute, too. As the saying goes, there’s just no accounting for taste.

Lisa Simeone is a writer, editor, political activist, Glamour Girl, and radio host. She publishes ABombazine, where this originally appeared.

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