Why a Jewish-only state necessitates a program of genocide: Part 2

Last Tuesday, I was having dinner with some friends and, of course, the conversation was dominated by the events in the Middle East. I was complaining about Israel’s supporters and apologists almost always referring to Hamas’ firing of rockets into Israel as the cause of the hostilities.

One of my friends suggested that Israel knows that these rockets are primitive and cannot do much damage, and, therefore, need to maintain Hamas’ stockpile of weapons in order to justify their periodic assault on Gaza. Israel finds ways to provoke Hamas into firing these rockets and then claims it is attacking and destroying Palestinian communities in self defense.

My friend’s analysis gave me much to think about. I have often wondered why the Israeli military, with their modern technology and self-claimed ability to pinpoint their targets, never seem to target the rocket launchers and installations. They claim that thousands of rockets were fired by Hamas. Yet, there are no reported infrastructure damage in Israel and only three reported deaths, one from a heart attack.

In a debate between Max Blumenthal, author of the book, Goliath, Life and Loathing in Greater Israel and Morton Klein, president of Zionists Organization of America (ZOA), the issue of Hamas’ firing rockets into Israel became a central point in Mr. Klein’s defense of Israel. He made reference to this on nine separate occasions.

Mr. Klein took the rockets to a new low, claiming that ordinary Gazan citizens are paid a rent by Hamas to store these rockets in their homes. “They have living rooms, they have dining rooms, and they have missile rooms.” That is how he attempts to justify the indiscriminate destruction of Palestinian homes by Israeli forces.

Mr. Klein also explained the destruction of schools and hospitals by claiming that they were hit by Hamas’ missiles which did not reach their targets. In other words, thousands of Hamas’ missiles were fired at Israel but no damage to Israel’s infracture was reported while Hamas successfully destroyed hospitals and schools in Gaza.

In an aside, Mr Klein accused Max Blumenthal of supporting people who wish to exterminate the Jews and maybe it makes him feel safe that the terrorists will not target him or his family if he supports them.

I’m not making this up.

Michel Chossudovsky writes, “Genocide directed against Palestinians has become a “New Normal,” according to the Times of Israel.

Under certain circumstances, according to the Times of Israel article, “Genocide is permissible” because it is directed against Palestinians who are “terrorists” and who should be “obliterated.”

“Implementing a policy of genocide against terrorists including innocent civilians is permissible to ‘achieve responsible goals’ as formulated by the Netanyahu government.”

“What other way then is there to deal with an enemy of this nature other than obliterate them completely?”

“Let us be under no illusions. The central objective of the Zionist State is expulsion and territorial expansion.”

“Powerful voices in Israel’s Knesset [parliament] have called upon the government to expel the Palestinian population and resettle the territory with Jews.”

“Western leaders are not only complicit, they have blood on their hands. This carefully planned Israeli military undertaking was coordinated with the Pentagon and NATO.”

“Israel’s military actions are supportive of Washington’s Middle East strategy which consists in destabilizing and fragmenting Israel’s neighboring Arab States. It is also part of the road map of US-NATO-Israel war plans directed against Iran. The timing of Israel’s attack on Gaza coincides with the militarization of Eastern Europe and relentless war threats directed against Russia.”

Need i say more?

Dave Alpert has masters degrees in social work, educational administration, and psychology. He spent his career working with troubled inner city adolescents.

2 Responses to Why a Jewish-only state necessitates a program of genocide: Part 2

  1. Pingback: Our Misguided Obsession With The ‘PR War’ In Gaza |

  2. Pingback: Hashtag genocide: Why Gaza fought back - Riyadhvision