Keep licking the icing and you’ll never eat the cake

Americans love to be diverted.

Perhaps it’s our being bombarded since childhood with massive advertising, to the effect of subtle brainwashing. Then factor in the learned desire for the need to gossip that many of us saw in our families and neighborhoods.

Mix this all together and you have a nation of fools who love to spend too much time on whispering about petty scandals, while the real scams go virtually unnoticed.

It did not matter that Saddam Hussein had no WMD or chemical and biological weapons . . . only that he held the rifle upright and acted like the thug he was. It did not matter that the Wall Street sharks created the subprime con job to the tune of billions in their coffers . . . only that some undeserving low income fool was buying a home with few dollars down . . . maybe even in your neighborhood!

It does not matter that more than half of our tax dollars go to buy overkill weapons systems and 52-million-dollar Apache Helicopters, or costs us more than $1 million annually to keep one soldier in Afghanistan . . . when some lazy slob on line in front of you has food stamps, with a new car outside the store . . . and gold chains hanging from his neck.

Every four years, the super rich who run our empire set the carousel in motion. America becomes obsessed with “Who is gonna run for the presidency?” The two party con job sets the stage for the grand illusion of who to vote for—as Ralph Nader calls it: “Twiddle Dee or Twiddle Dum.”

Then the media gets into play. The gossip begins about this candidate and that one. Little by little they narrow down the field until they have what the suckers need: A real horse race!

Meanwhile, the Military Industrial Empire always gets what it needs to sustain and grow: Less money in the pockets of the serfs and more contracts for the war makers and corporate bandits.

Remember this, all you suckers out there who still believe in the stock market and free market and investing etc: As the late great Colonel Bob Bowman taught me almost 10 years ago, “When wages stay low, the market goes up . . . When wages go higher, the market goes down . . . period!”

Does anyone finally understand that Obama, Bush Junior, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan and ad infinitum always serve the empire . . . or they would not be allowed to even run! Get it? History, real honest history, reveals how the one guy who got to the office at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and finally had his epiphany, was eliminated!

All this writer hears from, not only the fools who watch Fox News and listen to right-wing radio, but even the good folks who see through that crap, is about gossip and innuendo. When will most of them learn that, sadly, it is not anymore about elections.

It is not about Republican vs. Democrat finger pointing and rhetoric. No, it is about empire and the need to pull it back before it totally destroys our very culture as well as our economy.

Read the works of Dr. Michael Parenti on this American empire and how it is falling just as Rome did. Anyone know how to read Chinese?

Philip A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a free lance columnist (found on Nation of Change Blog,,,, The Intrepid Report , The Peoples Voice, Information Clearing house, Dandelion Salad, Activist Post, Dissident Voice and many other sites worldwide). Philip works as an environmental products sales rep and has been an activist leader since 2000. In 2010 he became a local spokesperson for the 25% Solution Movement to Save Our Cities by cutting military spending 25%. Philip can be reached at

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