Is our citizens learning?

Okay, I paraphrased George W. Bush’s awful grammar in this surrealistic electoral season of the Republican clown car and the Hillary & Bernie fracas.

As the overflowing clown car lurched along, GOPers kept bouncing out (roadkill?) until the 15 hopefuls shrank to 2½: Donald Trump, the guy who is going to build a YUGE wall and make Mexico pay for it; Ted Cruz, the guy his fellow Republicans despise, and who thinks God anointed him to be president in order to turn the USA into a Christian theocracy (‘cept Ted doesn’t mention that often on the campaign trail, other than to trusted audiences of like-minded followers); and John Kasich, the guy who just won’t go away because he wants to do to the USA what he has done to Ohio, and thinks somehow, when The Donald and Canadian Ted implode at the convention, he will become the Republican presidential nominee.

Of course, that depends on whether The Donald can nail down enough delegates to get the nomination on the first ballot or whether Lyin’ Ted, as Trump calls him, can cajole (or whatever he does) to get enough delegates, by hook, crook or vote to back him to deny Donald a first ballot win, in order to grab it for himself on a second ballot. In any event, it should be interesting when the clown car rolls into the convention venue in Cleveland, Ohio.

The Donald is right about all the filth that is going on but it’s not only on the Republican side.

On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders is trailing Hillary Clinton in delegates, despite having won eight states. Why? Because of a convoluted process in apportioning delegates from primaries and caucuses, super delegates who support Hillary and shenanigans in Iowa, Arizona, Nevada, South Carolina and Colorado.

The disgraceful head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, admitted the Democratic system is set up to assure that the “wrong” candidate (Bernie Sanders, in this case) doesn’t get the nomination. Hillary is the anointed one of Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, Big Oil and Big Biz. Hey, they’ve shelled out a lot of money to put her in the White House. Bernie, with his social democratic ideas that would benefit us peons, wouldn’t make them happy. To them, Bernie, who wants them to part with a few more of their bucks to pay for Medicare for All, bolster Social Security, provide free college education, plus wants to break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Steagall, ban fracking, stop sovereignty- and job-robbing trade partnerships/agreements, provide living wages, for openers, is downright dangerous.

So what have Americans learned—some of them, that is? They have learned the system as it exists is corrupt to the core—FUBAR. They have learned their votes are meaningless. They have learned the powers that be choose the candidates and determine the winner.

What they haven’t yet acknowledged is how people are being stripped of their right to vote, because they are apt to vote for the “wrong” candidate, or how the votes of those who are allowed to cast ballots are being flipped if they vote for the “wrong” candidate. Nor have they grasped that by casting votes on proprietary electronic equipment that can be easily hacked to assure the desired outcome, the dastardly deed leaves no trace.

The question is what are they going to do about it. Will they fully awaken from their slumber while there is still a chance to throw off the inverted totalitarianism that has descended upon us? America has never been what we have been made to believe it is but it could be.

Bev Conover is the editor and publisher of Intrepid Report. Email her at

3 Responses to Is our citizens learning?

  1. Bev, truer words have never been spoken:

    “What they haven’t yet acknowledged is how people are being stripped of their right to vote, because they are apt to vote for the “wrong” candidate, or how the votes of those who are allowed to cast ballots are being flipped if they vote for the “wrong” candidate. Nor have they grasped that by casting votes on proprietary electronic equipment that can be easily hacked to assure the desired outcome, the dastardly deed leaves no trace.” –

    Electronic voting is killing our democracy and no one takes this threat seriously.

  2. michael jon houston

    …Is they is, or is they isn’t?,…I think they am not ,…but I is not sure.

  3. michael jon houston

    “Dastardly Deeds,…Done Dirt Cheap…”,(…Yes, they ARE keeping us in the dark on purpose).