A world driven terror-crazy!

Well, here are a variety of examples picked from the tales from the Internet’s terror crypt: Al-Qaeda threatens Obama’s grandmother in Kenya. Forget about the ‘terrorble’ fact that Obama killed an unarmed Osama in the dark of night, shot him in the head twice and once in the body in the presence of his family. Why would a laid-back homey like Obama do that if not to spike his sagging popularity and tough-on-terror image, both of which did spike. And did Grandma care? No, she was okay with it.

But it threw Pakistan into a major snit-fit because they knew nothing about it, and also there was a 45/55 chance it could be somebody else in that house, like a Prince from Dubai, as Obama said himself on CBS’ 60 Minutes. So how nuts do you have to be to pull something like this off, even with a doctorate from Harvard in Constitutional Law. Think of all the various laws you’re breaking doing this.

Of course, in case anything went wrong the code-named “Geronimo” Op, there was a backup of US military warplanes, included fixed wing fighter jets ringing the perimeter to intercept and there were enough back-up forces to help the Navy SEAL killers fight their way out. So, you’ve just thrown some more logs on the War on Terror’s fire from here to Tripoli, Mr. President, because you were scared and you had the world ready to widen a dreadful war. And here’s the rest of the chestnut picked up on your Grandma.

“CBS is reporting that Kenyan police are guarding the home of President Obama’s step-grandmother in Kenya around the clock after al-Shabaab, a Somalia-based al-Qaeda affiliate, threatened her life. ABC learns that while security was added to Sarah Hussein Obama’s house the day after bin Laden’s death, the number of officers has increased since al-Shabaab leveled its threat, to the point where there are now enough officers to patrol her entire village of Kogelo in West Kenya, according to one police chief.”

But, no sweat: “In an interview with ABC, Obama’s 88-year-old grandmother didn’t seem particularly concerned, however. ‘My life has not been affected in any way,’ she said. ‘If the government has decided to bring more security personnel, we are OK with it.’” Let’s hear it for grandma’s cojones. Working in that Hawaiian bank, money-laundering for the Agency to African NGO’s toughened her up.

On top of that, “Following ABC’s report, CBS News got in touch with an ‘expert involved in security matters’ at the U.S. embassy in Kenya, who told the news outlet that there is no new or credible threat against ‘Mama Sarah.’ CBS adds that ‘the al-Shabab threat may amount to little more than posturing. Al-Qaeda and its affiliates have issued numerous threats in the wake of bin Laden’s killing, most of them broad threats of reprisal against the West and assertions of the groups’ continuing relevancy.’”

Oh, so it’s not that serious, but serious enough for the president of the largest, most powerful country on earth to call in all the cops in Kenya if necessary to guard his granny. Well, then, how’s this for dumb?

Half way around the world, we found “Two men arrested in NYC terror plot on synagogues. Two Queens men arrested on terrorism charges were plotting to attack Manhattan synagogues (Jewish people) with grenades and assault rifles, sources said on May 12. Cops say that the ringleader Ahmed Ferhani is of North African descent but he was born in Queens. He has prior arrests for drugs.”

Okay, the “ringleader is of North African descent but was born in Queens.” What if he was born of Italian descent but born in Manhattan. And what if he smoked pot in his 20s, 30s, and onwards until he grew up and gave it up. First, does that mean he’s affiliated with the Mafia? Two, does this make it acceptable to violate his civil rights, listening to his phone calls with his buddies, entrapping them into selling drugs to purchase weapons, then coming back to lock them up one day? Isn’t that a kind of civil “terrorism”? Rhetorical questions, food for thought.

And by focusing the entrapment solely on synagogues (Jewish people), doesn’t that automatically bias their case, playing to the power and paranoia of AIPAC and other Jewish organizations to pounce upon his case?

In fact, “Ferhani had enlisted a pal, Mohammed Mahmoud, who is Moroccan, and they planned to sell drugs to raise cash for the weapons, law enforcement sources told the Daily News. No specific synagogue had been targeted, and the plot was still in its early planning stages, the sources said. The men were caught on wiretaps discussing the plot, the sources said, adding that the chilling plan [chilling?] was ‘hatched’ several months ago and appears to have pre-dated the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Neither man has any known ties to terror organizations (itals mine). And no other arrests are imminent, said the sources . . .” And here’s the kicker.

“In an unusual move, investigators with the Joint Terrorism Task Force declined to prosecute the case, saying the plan was more aspirational than operational (itals mine), sources said. The district attorney’s office then picked up the case and is expected to charge the men under a state anti-terrorism law.” But what does “more aspirational than operational” mean: that young guys they were playing tough guys and spouting some tough-guy tough stuff, but the cops were prodding them and now guys’ lives are ruined. They’re about to be charged and tried for life in prison. Then the article leaps to another strange story.

“The charges come more than a year after an Al Qaeda-trained terrorist failed in his attempt to bomb Times Square on May 1, 2010. Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized [educated, married with two kids] Pakistani living in Connecticut, pleaded guilty to plotting to kill hundreds of New Yorkers with a bomb-laden SUV in the Crossroads of the World. Law enforcement authorities have been on alert in the wake of the killing of Bin Laden for any retaliatory attack from the terror network.” Faisal, who was smart enough to organize this scheme, was not smart enough to put a blasting cap on the sticks of dynamite, cans of gasoline, etc., in his car. So the alarm-clock device to detonate the soup just made smoke, as in smoke and mirrors, and the Pathfinder just sat there in a no-park zone on West 48th Street [the Crossroads of the world] till a black Muslim tee-shirt vendor, ex-Nam vet, called the cops and became a hero for a day—one of the ‘good’ Muslims.

But regarding Obama’s murder of Osama: “The Yemeni wing of Al Qaeda has promised to avenge the death of the terror leader.” And here’s more terror of a different sort. It turns out that Pressure mounts on Gadhafi from within Libyan capital. “Pressure is mounting on Moammar Gadhafi from within his stronghold in the Libyan capital, with increasing NATO airstrikes and worsening shortages of fuel and goods. Residents said Thursday there has also been a wave of anti-government protests in several Tripoli neighborhoods this week—dissent that in the past has been met with zero tolerance and brutal force.” That is because the rebels were inept amateurs, but are now being funded and led by the West.

“Gadhafi’s rebel opposition, meanwhile, received major political boosts from abroad. Britain promised to provide them with police gear (and MI6), and the Obama administration invited a rebel delegation to the White House for talks on Friday.” So once against the US and UK (notice how interchangeable the empires are) terrorize Gadhafi and his Libya with continued air strike forces, despite the fact that Gadhafi was the legitimate leader of the state and was confronted with an ersatz “revolutionary force” prompted to destabilize the wealthy, well-run country and its leader.

If we add up these rolls of the dice by Western powers, and all the promises of retribution by Muslim victims, it’s like mixing nitro and glycerin. Soon enough, shaken hard enough, even without a blasting cap, the world will go BOOM in a major all-out fighting war. Of course, all those sitting in the catbird’s seat of the Military-Industrial Complex, including Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, the FBI,CIA,NSA, will be smiling like the fat cats they are, surpassed only by their Wall Street buddies busy murdering the economy with all kinds of tricks. See Max Keiser’s Report for dark-humored details on “How the Fed Is Strangling the Economy.” This is still another kind of terrorism, utilizing Weapons of Financial Destruction: from CDO’s bankrupting investors to Mexican cocaine to create liquidity for bankrupt banks like Wells Fargo.

If we go to the Greanville Post’s, The Killing of Bin Laden and the threat of a wider war, author Bill Van Auken tells us in closing, “As with all such reckless adventures, often the most important results are the unintended consequences. In this case, they include the stoking up of tensions in a region where five nuclear-armed countries—the US, China, Russia, India and Pakistan—are competing for power and influence.” That’s five, count ’em, one, two, three, four five, and BOOM.” Van Auken adds . . .

“As the media-generated fog of patriotic triumphalism wears off, this operation may well be seen as one of a number of US actions in the region that are setting the stage for a far bloodier conflagration.” Of course, the fog is always made thicker by tales like this one, Officials: Bin Laden eyed small cities as target. They start with tidbits like this, “US officials privy to documents scattered in Laden’s residence reveal his hand in every major, known Al-Qaeda attack being planned and his encouragement to kill as many people as possible.” That’s a pretty sweeping statement. It also goes on to fan the embers of fear and war again . . .

“Until Navy SEALs killed him a week ago, bin Laden dispensed chilling advice to the leaders of Al-Qaeda groups from Yemen to London: Hit Los Angeles, not just New York, he wrote. Target trains as well as planes. If possible, strike on significant dates, such as US Independence Day on 4 July and the upcoming 10th anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. Above all, he urged, kill more Americans in a single attack, to drive them from the Arab world.” Though we have not seen the original copies of these notes, their intent is to send chills running up the average American spine especially slackened after a day’s work. More, it is pure psy-ops brain surgery honed to cut and kill. Unfortunately, the average American as the average Muslim has been conditioned to respond to these uber-messages from their household saints. Therein lies the rub, the endless lies.

By far, one of the more bizarre tales of creating Muslim rage I’ve seen to date is, Two Imams heading to Islamophobia conference in N.C. ordered off plane. The story from CNN goes like this, “Two imams heading to a conference on prejudice against Muslims said they were forced off their North Carolina-bound flight to undergo an additional security check—only to have the pilot take off without them, even after they were cleared.

“Atlantic Southeast Airlines said in a statement that it was investigating the incident, which took place Friday night aboard a flight out of Memphis, Tennessee.

“Masudur Rahman and Mohamed Zaghloul, both imams in the Memphis area, were clad in Islamic attire when they were told to leave the aircraft as it was taxiing toward the runway. Their lawyer, Mo Idlibi, told CNN on Saturday that neither man had done anything out of the ordinary, nor were they praying or chanting.”

Unfortunately, according to current law the pilot is the only one who can ask people off of planes. And it was the pilot in Memphis, Tennessee who asked the Imams off the plane, not the airline or the TSA. And then the pilot took off without them. Multiply this story by a thousand. You have enough stifled anger and rage to send a rocket into space without a Westerner on board. Yet, net-net Westerners as well as Muslims have to cultivate the consciousness to transcend this manufactured hatred from fundamentalist Western and Mid-Eastern hate-mongers, or mankind’s chances of survival will be next to nil. And that would be truly sad for us all.

Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer, life-long resident of New York City. An EBook version of his book of poems “State Of Shock,” on 9/11 and its after effects is now available at Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com. He has also written hundreds of articles on politics and government as Associate Editor of Intrepid Report (formerly Online Journal). Reach him at gvmaz@verizon.net.

2 Responses to A world driven terror-crazy!

  1. Fred Harden III

    Jerry Mazza is one of the pre-eminent political/socioeconomic pundits in America. What he and most Muslims fail to grasp is that the majority of the American people are sick and tired of not seeing the the radical Islamists not being railed against by their more moderate brothers and sisters. Once the Muslim community becomes more vocal/and also takes openly/transparently remedial action(s) against radical Islamists I respectfully believe that the American people will eventually back-off, but justifiably not until then. Right now it’s a “Catch 22!”

    • Dear Fred,
      As to “radical Islamists not being railed against by their more moderate brothers sisters,” the article presents you one of the more bizarre experiences in this regards: “By far, one of the more bizarre tales of creating Muslim rage I’ve seen to date is, Two Imams heading to Islamophobia conference in N.C. ordered off plane. The story from CNN goes like this, “Two imams heading to a conference on prejudice against Muslims said they were forced off their North Carolina-bound flight to undergo an additional security check—only to have the pilot take off without them, even after they were cleared.” Also, in the bigger picture, Muslim nations have taken more and larger preemptive attacks from the US than visa versa. That’s not an opinion. It’s a matter of fact: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, now Libya, have all been attacked for various reasons, in addition to attacks of discrimination at home in the US. So, whatever progress is made in mitigating radical Islam is often set back by aggressive US actions at home and abroad. Certainly, those are not being monitored, only encouraged, it seems, by government and NATO hawks.