It’s not about who sits in the Oval Office; it’s about the agenda for world domination

TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP! Everyone is talking about Trump, the man who uses up all the oxygen in any room he enters.

Donald Trump has been the most successful person in several decades to help organize the people and put them out in the streets and airports of this country. His presence in the White House offers us, the progressive community, the opportunity to organize for meaningful change.

Unfortunately, at this moment the focus is on this one man. As I have stated numerous times, the problems we, as a nation, face are not about who it is that sits in the Oval Office. Whether it be Clinton, either one, Bush, Obama, or Trump, the agenda for world domination persists. These people are there to carry out and fulfill the goals and wishes of the ruling class.

Many folks are hoping for an impeachment of Trump as if that would help solve the problems of war, joblessness, healthcare, abortion rights, affordable housing, etc. No, my friends, all that would give us is the illusion we will do better and live better as a society.

Let us look at the implications of such a successful impeachment . . . Mike Pence becomes our commander-in-chief. His political record does not indicate that he will address the above problems of our communities. But people would likely respond to Pence with feelings of relief. He is calm, reserved, presents himself as a professional and would fit the idea of presidential. The impetus of public resistance to the corruption of capitalism and/or imperialism would likely be compromised and people would go quietly back to their lives and wait for the next election.

That’s why we must take and sustain action now and not wait for fascism to take hold and criminalize dissent.


Dave Alpert has masters degrees in social work, educational administration, and psychology. He spent his career working with troubled inner city adolescents.

One Response to It’s not about who sits in the Oval Office; it’s about the agenda for world domination

  1. Sure thing, Dave, but who’s to do it? Sanders’ extremely popular progressive campaign drew tens of thousands to his rallies but they, including their leader, stood mute as the primaries were nakedly stolen by a political mob. In a campaign that produced two of the most despised duopoly candidates in recent history, the Green Party could not do better than less than one percent. I guess we’ll have to wait for the snowflakes to get their noses out of their iphones.