Trump seeking way out of Iran nuclear deal?

It’s an international agreement, involving the five permanent Security Council members plus Germany.

Abrogating it to please Israel, its US lobby, and hardline administration officials would put Trump at odds with Washington’s key European allies, along with Russia and China.

By definition, the deal is a treaty involving seven countries. Of course, violating them is longstanding US tradition since the 19th century.

Walking away from the Iran deal would be the latest example if Trump goes this way.

According to the neocon/CIA-connected Washington Post’s owned Foreign Policy (FP) magazine, Trump directed a White House team to examine ways of withholding certification when the administration’s next 90-day review is due.

Tillerson failed to do it as directed. Circumventing him on this important issue could mean his days as secretary of state are numbered—perhaps his choice if not Trump’s.

According to an unnamed administration source, the president is telling his White House team “that he wants to be in a place to decertify 90 days from now and it’s their job to put him there.”

FP said three unnamed sources “either invited to take part in the new process or . . . briefed on the president’s decision on certification, [a]11 described the new process as a way to work around the State Department, which the president felt pushed certification forward by giving him no other options.”

One source said Trump intends decertifying the deal. Three sources explained it’s unknown how it’ll be arranged.

Tillerson wasn’t alone in arguing for certification. So did National Security Advisor McMaster and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Dunford.

According to FP, National Security Council officials, along with chief White House strategist Steve Bannon and deputy Trump assistant Sebastian Gorka, will be involved in reviewing the nuclear deal, directed by Trump to find a way for him to decertify Iran.

On Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said other P5+1 countries “are not accompanying the US [in its] treacherous measures” to subvert the deal.

So far, the Trump administration hasn’t been able to undermine it—despite “its lack of commitment and obstruction . . .”

“Therefore, it cannot but take other measures to weaken it so it can deny Iran . . . as much as it can or [at least] spoil the political atmosphere.”

Representing Israel’s sinister agenda, AIPAC lied saying since the nuclear deal was announced, “Tehran has increased its dangerous behavior”—FALSE!

It’s “world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism—remain[ing] the greatest long-term threat to US and Israeli interests in the Middle East”—FALSE again on both counts!

As long as Iran remains independent, it “threat[ens]” US/Israeli imperial aims. Along with Russia, it’s an important counterweight against their diabolical plans.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

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