Pence’s deplorable Knesset address

Vice President Mike Pence is an embarrassment to the office he holds—a neocon Christian fascist, an evangelical lunatic, a hate-mongering Islamophobe.

He believes God is a real estate agent, bequeathing historic Palestine to Jews, the way an Al Jazeera commentator described him.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat called his Knesset address “a messianic gift to extremists,” contemptuous of international law and fundamental Palestinian rights.

Arab MKs held up signs at the start of his address, saying “Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine” in English and Arabic.

They were accosted and thrown out of the Knesset—a display of institutionalized racist extremism. Remaining MKs applauded Pence’s presence instead of responsibly denouncing him and the deplorable US regime he represents.

Joint [Arab] List leader Ayman Odel tweeted: “Proud to lead the Joint List in strong, legitimate protest, against the Trump-Netanyahu regime’s exaltation of racism and hatred, who speak of peace solely as lip service,” adding, “Our protest today in the plenum is in honor of all who oppose the occupation and dream of peace.”

The US/Israeli agenda is polar opposite—belligerent, racist, exploitive, and contemptuous of Palestinian rights.

Joint List MK Jamal Zahalka explained, “At the beginning of Pence’s speech, the members of the Joint List stood and began to leave, waving a political sign, while exercising their legitimate right to protest,” adding, “The ushers attacked them brutally, pushed them and dragged them even though they were on their way out without resistance.”

“Our expulsion was done in a collective manner without reading the names of the lawmakers that should be removed, contrary to Knesset regulations.”

That’s how Ziofascism operates in Israel, America and elsewhere. It’s tyrannical, racist, undemocratic and hateful—a monster threatening anyone opposing its ruthlessness.

Pence’s address was an exercise in imperial arrogance filled with messianic biblical references, pledging Washington will (illegally) move its embassy to Jerusalem by end of 2019.

When recertification of the Iran nuclear deal is again due in May, the Trump administration no longer will recognize it, he said, assuring reimposition of JCPOA related sanctions—rescinded when the deal was consummated, unanimously approved by Security Council members.

On Friday, Sergey Lavrov said the deal can’t survive without Washington part of it, explaining, “It will fall apart. There will be no deal then.”

“It cannot keep alive in a renegotiated form, especially regarding the demands by the United States. It would not be acceptable for Iran, and it is clear, I believe, that the Europeans do understand this danger right now.”

During his address, Pence lied claiming Washington is committed to a “lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians”—a notion it has opposed for decades.

US and Israeli regimes want endless conflict and instability, Palestinians persecuted and subjugated under occupation harshness, not afforded their rights and liberated.

Neither country negotiates in good faith. They make unacceptable demands. Palestinians revile Trump, Pence and other administration hardliners.

Everyone should oppose their hostile, belligerent, undemocratic agenda, their rage for endless wars, their contempt for rule of law principles—denying Palestinians and others worldwide their fundamental rights, responsible for inflicting enormous harm on countless millions.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

4 Responses to Pence’s deplorable Knesset address

  1. David Hornstein

    What a croc. Are you “Yessir” Arafats brother or what?
    Stop your Palistinian bleedjng heart begging for rights that never existed.
    what’s the national language of tbe Palistinians.? Where is their national history preserved.? They don’t have a capital because they were a figment of someones vivid imagination.. your article is a joke and so are you. Go read your bible and look for Palistinian legitamacy.

    • That contemporary Jews, converted Kazars and Berbers, are descendants of folks who lived in ancient Judea is a figment of your imagination. There is absolutely no mention, no evidence whatever in archaeology or historical texts to support a dispersal of Jews from Judea. They apparently remained and those who were still there in the seventh century were converted to Islam. Ironically, any ancient Israelite genes that may exist today would be carried by the Palestinians. Thanks for the nasty hasbara crappola. I don’t know if you are aware of it but many are becoming increasingly tired of it. Beware of hubris.

  2. That Christian Zionist fundamentalist horse’s ass was braying yesterday that he is going to attend the Olympic games in Korea to make sure that the North Koreans don’t “hijack” the event. How much longer will our “allies”, not to mention the insouciant American public, tolerate this never-ending torrent of kindergarten-level propaganda, transparent deceit and crude bullying?

  3. David Hornstein

    The Trump bashing is the same as .@America bashing. Since you have such a warm spotnin your heart for Arabs/ Palistnistas, why dont you leave and go live over there where lifenwould be so much easier not having a successful President around? Trump has gone a long way in restoring a sense of pridenback in being an @@American, which is something you must find very difficult. Ha