Waterboarding Breivik

I was wondering if Anders Behring Breivik is a candidate for waterboarding.

Somehow, I don’t think so.

He told the judge in his arraignment that he has knowledge of two other Christian Fundamentalist cells operating in Norway.

We can only presume that these two cells, if they exist, have ideals similar to those of Anders Breivik and have, at the very least, the intention and the ability to inflict harm, or worse.

Isn’t this guy a perfect candidate for waterboarding? A self-avowed, unapologetic, cold-blooded murderer who gets caught red-handed in the act of murdering dozens of innocents with the intention of creating mayhem and striking fear into the hearts of an entire nation, then claiming to have knowledge of others who have the same intentions?

What if it’s true? What if these groups do exist? To what length should the authorities go to extract information from Mr. Breivik that might prevent a repeat of last weekend’s tragic events?

How would the Russians be treating him if he were from Chechnya? How would the Chinese be treating him if he were a separatist? How about the Iranians or the Syrians or the Egyptians or the Yemeni, or the Congolese, or the Colombians, or an Afghan at the hands of the CIA, or a Palestinian at the hands of Mossad?

But Norway? No way!

Not in Oslo. Not in that seat of civility, what with all those peace prizes being awarded to all those peace-loving individuals like Henry Kissinger & Barack Obama.

Le Duc Tho refused the prize. He knew.

No, this guy is a little too young and he looks a little too much like the rest of us. . . . .blond hair, blue eyes and all. He’s what we might call a little misguided or crazy. Maybe he’s on drugs?

But waterboarding? Not a chance.

We know he won’t get the death penalty either. Norway doesn’t have a death penalty. That would be uncivilized.

He told his jailers he expects to live the rest of his life in jail, not that he expects to be tortured or rendered or killed.

God forbid we do anything that might reveal the true nature of all those pious, civilized individuals who would have others do their bidding when they feel the urge to resort to violence.

We are a civilized bunch, after all. And he still has his rights.

And Mr. Breivik is, after all, a Christian.

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