Don’t be afraid. You do have places you can go

The definition of a “Judas goat” is a goat that is trained to lead sheep to slaughter.

The Democrats are not a real opposition party to the GOP. Voting for the Democrats when the Democrats only offer more of the same corruption that led to Trump is a trap. They use the fear that you will lose popular identity politics policies that were decided long ago in the courts (not in Congress) to persuade you to vote against your interests. They conjure bogymen as when Hillary Clinton asked her media friends to “elevate” Trump so she could run against him. Thanks to Hillary’s sorcery, we have a Trump administration. The Democrats do not oppose the Republicans; they oppose you (the people). Under Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, Hillary Clinton or any establishment, centrist Democrat you will never get:

  • A true Medicare For All health system.
  • An environmental policy capable of saving life on earth.
  • True universal debt forgiveness (including student loan debt).
  • An expansion of the public education system k-16.
  • Legalization of marijuana.
  • A ban on for-profit prisons (private or state).
  • A progressive tax system that makes the rich pay their fair share.
  • Immigration reform.
  • Criminal Justice reform.
  • Restoration of civil liberties that were lost after 9/11.
  • Freedom from Big Brother surveillance.
  • A livable Universal Basic Income.
  • A $15 an hour minimum wage.
  • A federal jobs infrastructure program.
  • An end to wars for profit and empire.
  • A workable federal housing and food program for the destitute.

You won’t get those things because Biden, Cuomo, Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton, Obama, and the rest of the Centrist Democrats oppose those policies. They oppose them just as the Republicans do.

Voting for a third party is no more a vote for Trump than it is a vote for Biden. Yes, the Democratic Judas goats want you to think a vote for a third party is a vote for Trump. Yet, GOP Judas goats want Republican voters to think a third party vote is a vote for Biden. Both are liars!  A vote for a third party is a vote for what you want to see in your government. Your party may not win this time, but you will be planting seeds and strengthening the policies you want, instead of collaborating and capitulating.

For example, the Green Party is active in most states and has been around for several decades, and it has a solid infrastructure. Most importantly, it has as its platform virtually everything Bernie Sanders promoted which the Democratic Party of Joe Biden opposes. Other third parties may have options you like better. Check around. The Peace and Freedom Party, which is active in California, may be open to expanding to your state. Voting for third parties strengthens those parties and their issues (your issues).

Remember the words of Lawrence O’Donnell, “If you don’t show them you are capable of not voting for them, they don’t have to listen to you. I promise you that. I didn’t listen, or didn’t have to listen to anything on the left while I was working for the Democratic Party because the left had nowhere to go.”

You really do have places to go—look for them. You are free to vote for whoever will stand for your concerns.

Tim Gore is an Intrepid Report contributing writer.

One Response to Don’t be afraid. You do have places you can go

  1. Yes, you are free to vote however you wish, but according to the US Constitution and the US Supreme Court, the popular vote does not have to be counted. Also, it is not only possible for someone to become President who loses both the popular and the Electoral vote, it has already happened.

    But no, if you wish the corporate parties to listen to you, you do NOT have anywhere to go. Third parties never get enough of the vote to concern the two parties in power.

    The best solution I know of would be to avoid voting. If the two major parties can’t get out the vote, the world is not going to give the US electoral system any credibility.

    Of course with vote-by-mail, there is no possible way to ensure that the votes counted were the votes cast, so the US government can manufacture votes as easily as it prints money.

    Sure you could grow a third party, if you’re willing and able to wait another fifty to a hundred years for change. Do you expect to live that long?

    And even before the Corona virus, life expectancy in the US was declining, so nobody can be certain that their kids will live that long.

    But yes, you might have somewhere to go, if you survive the pandemic and travel restrictions end. A year ago I left the US and moved to another country. I’m 80 years old and that was the smartest decision I’ve ever made. My only fear was that I wouldn’t get out in time, but as things turned out I left in plenty of time.

    Good luck to you!