The burial of the Negro and the 21st century Negrodian

“No sell outs”—Malcolm X

Like a recurring nightmare, replete with psychotic, blood sucking sci-fi political vampire, some biologically black people in this nation-have moved briskly backwards from merely being negroes inside the U.S. Empire to full blown 21st century negrodians, shamelessly perpetuating it; and in so doing have given new and even more horrific meaning to the term “sell out.”

In November of 1968, members of the Black Students Union (BSU) at City College of San Francisco (CCSF) spearheaded a rally, march, and a concomitant symbolic “burial of the negro” ceremony which placed a special emphasis upon a conscious, collective decision by Black college students to “no longer be[ing] Negroes” coupled with an active “revolutionary black philosophy” that called for liberating our minds from racism and rejecting U.S. imperialism. Black, Chicano/a, Asian, Indigenous, and White students from both CCSF and San Francisco State College (now San Francisco State University) worked together to raise political consciousness and oppose U.S. Empire at home and abroad (Reference The Guardsman newspaper of City College of San Francisco, November 27, 1968, article titled, ‘Tom Negro’ Buried During Black Students Rally Held In Stadium Last Thursday, and The San Francisco Chronicle December 20, 1968, article titled, ‘Seizure of Power Goal,’ Poly Blacks Told.)

“You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.”—Malcolm X

Sadly and dangerously, in the year 2011, some if not many Black Americans have apparently (at least for the moment) thrown in their lot with that of the U.S. Empire and its corporate parasites:

  • Even as this empire, under the leadership of Barack Obama, criminally bails out the avaricious corporate Wall Street barons and banksters with trillions of dollars of the people’s money;
  • Even as this empire continues—and in fact expands upon—its military wars and incursions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya;
  • Even as the horrible and illegal so-called U.S. “rendition” [i.e. international kidnapping] programs are continued and intensified;
  • Even as the incarceration rate of people of color and all economically poor people sky rockets in this nation;
  • Even as the Obama regime places the desires of pro-apartheid Israeli Zionists above the de facto needs of the “American” people and the attainment of international peace with justice;
  • Even as the Economic and human rights of workers at home and abroad are massively eroded by this regime and its corporate partners; even as privatization [i.e. corporate theft] of the U.S. public school systems nationwide continues;

and last but certainly not least,

  • Even as universal single-payer health care has been virtually buried by Barack Obama in favor of the greedy, profit-based corporate insurance industry,

some Black Americans and their White “liberal” foxes and so-called “progressive” counterparts succumb and pay political homage to the slippery/forked tongue rhetoric of Barack Obama as he administers and seeks to perpetuate the U.S. Empire.

The objective of the capitalist, corporate misnews media is to keep Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow peoples of this nation and world in a perpetual state of controlled confusion and manipulation. Thus, what the corporate media often refers to as a supposed phenomenon is nothing more than corporately manipulated opinion. This, in addition to what your writer describes as color blindness in reverse, partially explains the woeful lack of political consciousness on the part of many in this country, which in turn induces a mesmerized mental state and the 21st century backwards slide towards negrodianism and denial.

Barack Obama was no genuine phenomena. His ascendancy to being the head of the Empire, as U.S. president, is a product of the most intense corporate branding and manipulation yet engaged in by the U.S. corporate media. Indeed, the U.S. corporate media and its insidious allies have resurrected the “negro” mentality en masse into today’s complicitous servants of U.S. Empire. However, Black people are by no means the only targets of this corporate media manipulation and backwards slide into political unconsciousness and denial. Make no mistake about it people of all colors are the targets.

Therefore, politically conscious people do not and should not expect Barack Obama or his administration to honestly and forthrightly address the legitimate issues and concerns pertaining to:

1) there being numerous political prisoners right here in the U.S.;

2) the COINTELPRO government activities (i.e., the infamous, illegal and no doubt ongoing Counter Intelligence Program of discreditation, wrongful imprisonment, and death directed against U.S. citizens inside the United States);

3) a host of other urgent and legitimate matters ranging from racism to reparations, and the corporate economic disenfranchisement of people of all colors in the United States;

Our task is expose the lies and rhetoric while collectively and uncompromisingly organizing for real systemic change as part of a society and world where human needs outweigh inhuman greed.

No more Wall Street barons, banksters, or other assorted opportunistic and cynical economic parasites!

“We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism”—Huey P. Newton

By perpetuating capitalism and its attendant injustices the Barack Obama regime is not only seeking to perpetuate the economic disenfranchisement of people of all colors, it is maintaining racism and U.S. Empire. Malcolm X correctly and succinctly stated: “You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.” No matter what form or color capitalism takes on, it is nonetheless a system fundamentally maintained for and by economic “bloodsucker[s],” intent upon bloodsucking the majority of people, and no amount of slick rhetoric changes this fact.

In the year 1968, some bold Black college students symbolically buried “the Negro.” It is now the year 2009, and time to politically bury this loathsome creature yet again, and this time to drive a proverbial stake through its cold, unfeeling, complicitous heart.

The struggle calls and we must go. Onward, my sisters and brothers. Onward!!

This article has been updated from the original published in the May 14, 2009, issue of The Black Commentator.

Intrepid Reporter Associate Editor, Larry Pinkney, is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and the only American to have successfully self-authored his civil / political rights case to the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In connection with his political organizing activities, Pinkney was interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS News Hour, formerly known as The MacNeil / Lehrer News Hour. Pinkney is a former university instructor of political science and international relations, and his writings have been published in various places, including The Boston Globe, the San Francisco BayView newspaper, the Black Commentator, Global Research (Canada), LINKE ZEITUNG (Germany), and Mayihlome News (Azania/South Africa). For more about Larry Pinkney see the book, Saying No to Power: Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and Thinker, by William Mandel [Introduction by Howard Zinn]. (Click here to read excerpts from the book.)

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