Happy holidays: Better days are coming

Intrepid Report will resume publishing January 4, 2021

We are halfway through the holiday season. Thanksgiving and Chanukah are behind us and Christmas and the New Year are ahead. The biggest celebration will happen on January 20 when Donald J. Trump will be gone from the White House, either voluntarily or forcibly removed.

Don’t expect much from the new president, Joe Biden, if he resumes his neoliberal ways and those of the Democratic old guard, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer et al. If Biden has the courage to embrace progressivism, he will have the chance to bring about the change sorely needed and the people want. Capitalism got us into this mess and a social democracy is the way out if we and the planet are to survive.

The us versus them madness must go, too. No more illegal wars. No more illegal sanctions. No more being self-appointed policemen of the world.

Trump did nothing to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, other than spew denial and then nonsense about when it would go away. As an anti-masker, Trump allegedly got COVID-19, spent a few days in a hospital, and went back to his superspreader ways. The White House is so contaminated that it has to be thoroughly cleaned before the Bidens can move in.

And speaking of anti-maskers who don’t believe the pandemic is real—until they get it—or equate wearing a face mask with a loss of their freedom. Aside from possibly contaminating others, this would be funny. If being told to wear a face mask is an encroachment on one’s freedom, what about the requirement of wearing a seat belt in a motor vehicle upon pain of being fined?  The absence of a seat belt only puts you at risk. Not wearing a face mask puts others at risk.

Enough negativity. We still have COVID-19 to deal with and for many of us, it’s two more holidays with the absence of family and friends. It’s a small price to pay when considering what others who lost loved ones have paid.

My family, friends and I have decided it is better to stay apart this year, but I will be taking a break until January 4 and will be doing the Meria Heller Show on January 5.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Stay safe!

Bev Conover is the editor and publisher of Intrepid Report. Email her at editor@intrepidreport.com.

One Response to Happy holidays: Better days are coming

  1. Hoping Biden will have “the courage to embrace progressivism.” O:-)
    I can’t wait for Jan. 20 to come already but in the meantime the anxiety over trump’s still remaining days in the seat of power is killing me.
    Best wishes always, Bev.