We are being murdered by the millions

In a British film called Never Let Me Go, our world exists in a parallel universe in which second class children are raised to become organ donors.  They will donate organs for the needs of the ruling class until they die, and willingly, since they are taught by doing so that they are thereby making a better world.

Such a world exists here and now, but instead of donating a single organ at a time, working class people donate their entire lives for the comfort of a ruling capitalist class.

In the USA millions are even denied health care, unlike people in civilized nations which have a national health care service.  Many are homeless and hungry in the wealthiest nation on earth.  Many go off to die in wars for the purpose of enriching the capitalist class.

From the stress, working class people die younger than the wealthy, on average, sacrificed to the gods of capitalism.

And, as in the British film, the masses have little understanding that they live in a world controlled by an elite class, thanks to the warped indoctrination of corporate-viewpoint media and a government whose elections are financed by the scum of the earth for a fabricated “democracy” in which the wealthy are represented at the expense of everyone else.

Billionaire Leona Helmsley succinctly put it, “Only the little people pay taxes.”

The movie disappoints as the main characters, raised in an elite school and knowing their fate, never actually rebel outside of the rules set for them.  The same can be said of the working-class majority who live in the USA today.  These are taught to blame Democrats, or Republicans, for their misfortunes as though the two political parties aren’t funded by the same polluters, defense cheats and bankster capitalists.  This is a major part of mass control, to convince people that if only they can vote out the opposing political party, the future will be brighter.

This results in a nation in which the top one-fourth of one percent own more than the other ninety-nine and three-quarters percent.

Howard Zinn pointed out that the masses were controlled by an establishment that pitted groups against one another as early as the start of the nation.  Poor whites were given land at the edge of the frontier, seen as stolen by the indigenous people, who attacked them, the two groups hating each other.

Another group pitted against poor whites were the Black slaves.  All of the oppressed were at each other’s throats by design, instead of fighting the establishment that benefitted financially from the racism and classism.

The ruling capitalists would clearly bring back slavery if they thought they could get away with it.  Look how difficult it is to get a decent minimum wage─ a living wage, even as the USA has more billionaires than any other nation.

In fact we have “wage slavery,” in which most citizens work for a corporation or wealthy person and produce the wealth for them.  It is disguised by the mainstream media as “freedom,” and “democracy,” although these things do not exist.

The question for all who care about genuine freedom and democracy is “how do we reach the masses?”

The only hope we have is to get information out to the public around the corporate viewpoint media in order to open eyes, and foment revolution.  Readers may help today by donating to this web site.

The alternative may be to watch our grandchildren donate their organs to the ruling capitalists in a Never Let Me Go world.

Jack Balkwill has been published from the little read Rectangle, magazine of the English Honor Society, to the (then) millions of readers USA Today and many progressive publications/web sites such as Z Magazine, In These Times, Counterpunch, This Can’t Be Happening, Intrepid Report, and Dissident Voice. He is author of “An Attack on the National Security State,” about peace activists in prison.

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