Murphy’s Law has struck

So far, this is not my year. First, I pulled some muscles in my right leg, making it difficult to walk, never mind driving. Then I had to replace my water tank at the well. Murphy wasn’t done yet. The zone board on my HVAC burned out and, in the wee hours of Saturday, the auxiliary water pump in the house blew a valve.

Luckily, I didn’t have a super flood. Some water sprayed the wall and puddled on the floor. However, I had no water in the house.

Of course, this not only happened on a weekend but a holiday weekend. The plan was to come back yesterday with a replacement pump. That was the plan, except the tech discovered they had no replacement.

The poor man worked several hours making repairs, which may or may not hold, to the existing pump and, to make a long story short, restoring water to the house. Now it’s a matter of deciding whether to replace the pump at a cost of about $1,000 and, if I decide on a replacement, when they can get a new one.

Bottom line: my plan to resume publishing this week has gone up in smoke. I ask your indulgence and patience. Intrepid Report will be back.

Bev Conover is the editor and publisher of Intrepid Report. Email her at

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