Qadaffi is dead, long live the king or perhaps not?

Yahoo News hypes that “Libyan dictator Moammar Qadaffi, the most wanted man in the world, has been killed,” or at least so claims the Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril today. We see a photograph of a “dead” Qadaffi’s blood splattered face and another less bloody while he was still alive (a little Photoshop work here?).

Could the prime minister possibly be prevaricating? After all, this is the most wanted man in the world, at least to the infamous US/UN NATO forces, who have been ceaselessly bombing Libya for six months now, in pursuit of murdering the head of a sovereign state, which is against international law.

But what does law mean to the Exceptionalists? President Obama did not even go to Congress for approval, as he should have, for appropriations to start this war against Qadaffi and Libya in the first place, creating it as a “no fly zone,” a flimsy excuse to start the merciless bombardments of that country. All while importing CIA personnel and even Al Qaeda outfits to buttress the so-called “rebels” who couldn’t shoot their way out of a paper bag.

After all, this was the man that I wrote of in Libya’s Western media-NATO revolution: “The truth remains that 41 years ago Qadaffi’s reign began in a bloodless coup while a sick monarch was away for medical treatment. As Rothscum writes, ‘His [Qadaffi’s] ideology is based on unification and he attempted to peacefully merge his country with Egypt and Syria . . . The country [Libya] is more than twice the size of Pakistan, but with 6 million inhabitants. Endless deserts divide many of the cities in the nation. If anything, we should ask ourselves how many more nations will be shattered into pieces as the world cheers.’

“What’s more, Libya, unlike the US, offered real home ownership to all of its citizens, free healthcare and education. Qadaffi spent several billion dollars to build an underground aquifer from one end of the country to the other to deliver precious water in this desert-like-land to all of his people. Whether or not his style of government suited us, it was not our right to try to kill him or destroy his country, as Iraq was destroyed to hang Saddam Hussein. Unlike Egypt, this was not a popular revolution but a staged one, using the various means described earlier. History will remember it that way, so long as that handful of real journalists and others keep telling the truth.”

But the truth is much too much to ask for these days. From the same article, I quote, “As Brasscheck outlined it: ‘NATO bombs a Libyan position, the Libyan military evacuates, temporarily, and then a rag tag bunch of poseurs flood in, and get their pictures taken, pretending to be soldiers by a bunch of idiot [mainstream] journalists and/or CIA media people and then run off when the Libyan military comes back.’” And so goes the pattern of truth.

In fact, in an earlier article on Libya, Another revolution or special op?, I wrote, “That is, thanks to the Libya Human Rights League, one more group that spontaneously combusted in 2005 at the same time as the NFSL (National Front for the Salvation of Libya), headed by Ibrahim Sahad, former captain in the Libyan army, now appearing in D.C., offering strategic guidance to the revolution, according to the Daily Bell. Go know.

“According to Land Destroyer’s Libya: The Rest of the Story, Tony Cartalucci writes, ‘When Qaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, accused foreigners and opposition groups of fomenting unrest within Libya, it appears no truer words have been spoken. It is not surprising BBC and the rest of the corporate owned media went through extensive measures to discredit his speech.’

“Unbelievable revelations have been discovered regarding the unrest in Libya. The leader of Libya’s opposition group organizing the protests both inside and outside of Libya is currently in Washington D.C. as he and his organization direct the upheaval and bedlam consuming the North African nation.’”

So the truth was largely, too, about Qadaffi’s proposal to unify African countries into a political union, ending their colonized state brutality and pillage. Qadaffi had a larger vision for the continent. Too large for the hegemons of West who want all the oil, the precious minerals, diamonds, gold, and cash; all that forsaken continent can be robbed of, no questions asked by that the pesky Qadaffi. It’s another in a string of assassinations from Obama’s CIA “kill or capture” list, which now include bin Laden (if it was real) and Anwar Al-Awlaki (ditto).

But the constant truth here is the rapacious lawlessness and hypocrisy of the West in claiming to “defend innocent citizens,” thousands of whom have died in Libya, more than a million in Iraq along with their hanged-by-the-neck Saddam Hussein, thousands of Pakistanis slaughtered by drone strikes, thousands more slaughtered in Somali and Yemen, still thousands more killed in Afghanistan, in the US’s longest war, including seven to eight thousand US soldiers, all in the never-ending War on Terror, which has helped cripple the U.S. economy, as in what-goes-around-comes-around, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, on the unspoken metaphysical level.

But returning to Yahoo, boo hoo, “Word of Qadaffi’s death triggered celebrations in the streets of Tripoli with insurgent fighters waving their weapons and dancing jubilantly.” Off course, this would be in expectation of bonuses and a still larger piece of the pie for their treason. In fact, Libya’s information minister, Mahmoud Shammam (sounds like “shame on him”), “told the AP that Qadaffi was in a convoy when he was attacked by rebels,” which the CIA-paid for or for the Al-Qaeda hirelings looking?

Of course, “NATO said that its jet fighters struck a convoy of Qadaffi’s loyalists fleeing Sirte this morning, but could not confirm that Qadaffi was in the convoy,” the AP reported.” Notice how everything is but is not confirmed, qualifiers or plain liars. But take this as fact. That some 30,000 bombs were dropped on Libya in the last six months, extrapolated from 8,294 air missions and 3,175 sorties, as reported by STOP NATO. Nice going guys. You ruined a nation for the dubious kill of a man who ruled it for 41 years and who became its leader in a bloodless coup, as stated, of an ailing leader receiving medical treatment in another country. Having fun?

Well, if you wish to read the full hokum version of this carnage, click on the Yahoo News piece here as at the top. And here’s a bon-bon for your perusal: Qadaffi Family on Run. You’ll find a picture of each of his eight grown children, where they are, dead or alive, and what they’re up to, besides despising the West for its aggression. I’ll even throw in Qadaffi Reportedly Killed: Where Are the Kids? It comes replete with a photo of playboy Mussim Qadaffi posed with Hillary Clinton. Guess what they could be doing together? Planning papa’s overthrow? Nah, too Shakespearean. Well, anything but repeating any more of the sickening corporate media’s ongoing bullshit.


According to Kevin Baron in today’s National Journal, For $1billion, one dictator, $1 billion was only part of the cost of taking Gaddafi’s life. So it too is rather deceptive, in that “NATO does not track the operational costs to each member country, but the funds directly taken from a common NATO account for Libya operational have totaled about $7.4 million per months for electronic warfare capabilities and $1.1 million per month for headquarters and command staff, a NATO Spokesman said.” This while the West reels in bankruptcies, defaults and austerity programs. Good luck.

Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer, life-long resident of New York City. An EBook version of his book of poems “State Of Shock,” on 9/11 and its after effects is now available at and He has also written hundreds of articles on politics and government as Associate Editor of Intrepid Report (formerly Online Journal). Reach him at

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