House to vote today on whether to keep feds’ from snooping into your reading habits

It looked, for a moment, like Congress was about to fight extensions of the USAPATRIOT Act.

On February 9, the House voted against extending three particularly pernicious provisions that gives the government access to business records, as well as allows for roving wiretaps. A “roving” wiretap is one that allows for surveillance of a suspect even when they use a different telephone line, or e-mail address. The third provision, the “lone wolf” clause, enables covert monitoring of a non-U.S. citizen.

Well, pushing aside the Fourth Amendment which requires a search to be based upon “probable” cause, and one that is specific about “the place to be searched, and the person or things to be searched,” and despite the fact that at least one highly vocal member of Congress, Michele Bachmann, claims to be a big fan, the Senate just voted to extend those provisions another 10 months through December, 2011.

Less than a week after the initial House vote, FY2011, passed by a margin of three to one (three Republicans to one Democrat) to the chagrin of many Democrats who tried, unsuccessfully, according to The Nation, to get a motion passed that ensure that surveillance be in keeping with the Constitution.

The president, a constitutional lawyer, was onboard with Republican leadership in urging the extension on the grounds of “national security.”

So, in the spirit of compromise, and working to eliminate another pernicious provision, Reps. John Conyers, Jerry Nadler, and Ron Paul have written an amendment which has been added to an appropriations bill which is scheduled for a vote on Thursday. The amendment will prohibit the government from searching library records, circulation and patron lists, as well as bookstore records, and files.

This amendment will effectively eliminate Section 215 which, for all intents and purposes, has endeavoured to turn librarians and booksellers into shills for federal intelligence agencies.

It’s been nearly a decade since the Patriot Act first passed, and no serious steps have been taken to revisit some of the more egregious aspects of the legislation.

If you think you’re entitled to read what you want privately, without big brother peeking into your reading habit, then show your support for librarians and booksellers by contacting your elected representative to insist they pass the appropriations bill today with the Conyers, Nadler, Paul amendment in place

Jayne Lyn Stahl is a widely published poet, essayist, playwright, and screenwriter, member of PEN American Center, and PEN USA.

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