Ich schwöre Treue auf die Fahne der Vereinigten Staaten von Europa

Translated: I swear allegiance to the flag of the United States of Europe

. . . and to the German Republic for which it stands,
one continent under Berlin,
with liberty and justice for some.

The Westphalian Chickens are about to raise their ugly heads.

The entire world, that is every single square inch of real estate on the planet, has been assigned, conqured, alloted, claimed or otherwise designated as part of one country or another. This is called territoryality. It is a concept, and international norm, and institution. No place on earth is not claimed by one country or another, notwithstanding some minor border disputes here and there (Palestine for example).

These disputes do not render the institution of territorial intergity invalid. Quite to the contrary, these disputes reinforce and sanctify the institution of private property whether it be individual, corporate or public. We own this and you don’t!

So, all this nonsense about a supranational governing body based in Brussels, directed from Berlin, having dominion over all of Europe is just that, nonsense.

It took homo sapiens 50,000 years of Behavorial Modernity to sort out the real estate thing. Now Angela Merkle and her sidekick, Nicholas DeGaul Sarkozy, have ventured to undo the essence of private property.

Who really does own Greece anyway? And Ireland, and Portugal, and . . . Spain, and. . . . . . . Italy, and . . . France, and . . . Germany?

Judging from the most recent pronouncements coming out of Brussels, no one seems to be quite sure.

One thing is for sure though, it ain’t the Greeks or the Irish or the Portugese or the Spaniards or the Italians or the French. Not anymore. So says Merkle.

WWII was not that long ago, but a lot has happened since then. Thank God for MAD (mutually assured destruction) otherwise we wouldn’t even be here to worry about these trivialities. Medvedev is rightly concerned about the Balliatic Missile Defense system (BMD) now being constructed by the United States. A functional missile defense system will effectivly give the US a first strike capability without the fear of retialliation and MAD. No more deterrent. Global thermonuclear war.

Those silly Russians think they still own Russia?


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