Occupy Toronto/Danforth with the Canadian Action Party

A small but determined party, the Canadian Action Party, and its leader, Christopher Porter, are giving the big boys a run for their money in NDP leader Jack Layton’s old seat of Toronto/Danforth. The Canadian Action Party (CAP) was founded in 1997 by former Liberal Defense Minister Paul Hellyer.

Although CAP does not have the same funding base as the larger parties they are running a very impressive campaign from their headquarters at 1432 Danforth Ave., just west of Coxwell Ave., in Toronto’s east end.

With eleven candidates in this by election, you might think a small party like CAP would go unnoticed in the crowd but Leader of the party Christopher Porter is standing out. By expounding the five pillars of the party, monetary reform, sovereignty, democratic rights, civil liberties, human rights, parliamentary reform and environment. This candidate makes a big impression on everybody he speaks with.

”The large support for the occupy movement made it clear that Canadians have a real concern about corporate greed and the massive banking fraud going on in Canada today,” Porter said. Canadians pay over a hundred and seventy million dollars every day in interest alone on the national debt. That works out to about half a million dollars a day just from the people in the Toronto/Danforth riding! Porter likes to ask the people he meets “what could you do in this riding with an extra half a million dollars a day?”

The main thrust of this campaign for CAP is the concept put forth by both CAP and the Committee On Monetary And Economic Reform (COMER) that Canada must return to using the Bank of Canada (BOC) to create our money, The BOC is wholly owned by the Canadian people, it was nationalized in 1938 and used very successfully to fund infrastructure, our health care program, social programs, education and much more. Since 1974, however, the government has decided to give away our right to create our own debt free money and has instead given that right to international banking organizations. Since that time, our national debt has skyrocketed 3,000%.

CAP feels we must return to using the BOC in the interest of all Canadians not only to restore the economic health of the country but to retain our national sovereignty; this trend of globalization in the world will not and has not been of any benefit to Canadians at all.

The long held positions of the mainstream political parties that tax breaks for multinational corporations create jobs, or that creating our own debt free money by way of the BOC creates inflation, have not only been proven wrong, but these policies are clearly doing harm to the majority of Canadians, while benefiting the few who are then in the clear position to influence these very same politicians to continue these programs to the disadvantage of working Canadian families.

So as the big four parties continue to disenfranchise and disillusion the people of Canada and the riding of Toronto/Danforth, the Canadian Action Party and its leader, Christopher Porter, speak of the only sound solutions to the problems that we all face at this time.

Porter is on a mission to engage the people of this riding to participate in their democracy: “If you don’t get involved in this process you are either a spectator or speculator.” Porter wants the people of Toronto/Danforth to be part of the solution the riding, the country and the world faces right now, that of monetary and political reform.

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