Welcome to MoronAmerica!!

I’ll tell you what really pisses me off: The absolute indifference of most Americans to who it is that is screwing them.

In the Thursday, May 16, USA Today Money Section, two news items on the front page were ‘connected at birth ‘to why this nation is going down the tubes. On the left of the section lead page, the little blip stated “Once again, a federal judge has ordered Wells Fargo to pay $203 million back to customers who paid multiple overdraft fees. And again, Wells Fargo says it will appeal. . . .” On the right side of the same page, the article stated how Warren Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, “raised its stake in banking giant Wells Fargo, which was Berkshire’s top holding at the end of 2012. . . .” This is the great guru that the Democrats love to quote when he expounds upon how little he is paying in income taxes, and how he should be paying more. Yet, when it comes to making moolah on the backs of the working stiffs that those overdraft bandits at Wells Fargo targeted, the MSNBC, Fox and Tea Party crowd does not take Buffett to task. Disgusting!

Let us fast forward to page 3B of the same USA Today Money section. The article talks about “These 10 California cities could be next in bankruptcy. The city of Atwater (broke) got unions to concede and agree to a 5% cut in pay, including police. Fresno cut its workforce by 25% since 2009, and still faces insolvency . . . and of course more and more cuts in basic services to the public. Oakland has, since 2008, eliminated 16% of its workforce, or 720 jobs, while “reducing pay and giving workers unpaid furloughs” (duh, it’s called being LAID OFF).

The high tech haven of San Jose, America’s 10th largest city, has had 11 consecutive fund deficits and a downgraded S&P credit rating in 2012. The city fathers have responded by cutting workers pay by 10% and outsourcing jobs (duh, that is called privatization). After reading all of the above, how many of you out there realize the following:

Military spending by OUR federal government, which topped the charts at over 50 cents of every tax dollar under the Bush gang, rose in fiscal year 2011 to 56 cents. Remember who occupied the White House in 2011: a so called Liberal Democrat (the oxymoron of oxymorons). The bottom line is that we continue to have our military where it should NOT be in not only Iraq and Afghanistan, but in almost 900 bases in over 100 countries . . . at a cost of hundreds of billions a year.

Our country kills tens of thousands of innocent civilians each year by our (not so) smart bombs. Our drone missile attacks do the same killing of innocents, and the assholes in the Pentagon, Congress, White House, media and at many dinner tables justify it all by using the phrase collateral damage. The same morons who support this sort of mad policy, in the very next breath wish to blame our domestic financial woes on entitlements like welfare, Head Start, food stamps, Medicaid etc. Yet, never a thought to the fact that each B1 bomber costs we taxpayers one million dollars! How many ‘freeloading entitlement recipients ‘does that cancel out? Do the math morons! If even 25% of this obscene military spending (approximately 160 billion dollars a year) was cut out and returned to the states, then to the cities and towns from whence it was collected . . . we would stop the municipal fiscal bleeding nationwide. Just like that!

Our cities and towns are being sacrificed so that this Pax Americana Empire can flourish . . . always on the backs of the working stiffs and poor. Need I go on? Come on MoronAmericans, seek out those of us out there who speak ‘truth to power.’ Read the books of William Blum, Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Michael Parenti, Berman, Howard Zinn and Peter Kuznick just to name but a few. Learn the truthful reasons why this great nation of ours is on the very brink of financial freefall for the 99+% of us. Forget politics and stick to the main and KEY issue: Pull back this military industrial empire, physically, financially and figuratively. End the foolishness of having our national gun pointed at the heads of most of the inhabitants of this planet . . . and then say ‘we come as friends.’ Just as with that brilliant episode from the early 1960s Twilight Zone television series, entitled ‘To Serve Man.” To quote the old Sicilian saying: “Things are never what they seem.”

Phillip A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a free lance columnist (found on TheSleuthJournal.com, Information Clearing house, Op Ed News, Dandelion Salad, Activist Post, Dissident Voice and many other sites worldwide). Philip works as an environmental products sales rep and has been an activist leader since 2000. In 2010 he became a local spokesperson for the 25% Solution Movement to Save Our Cities by cutting military spending 25%. Philip can be reached at paf1222@bellsouth.net.

3 Responses to Welcome to MoronAmerica!!

  1. o, God! I feel so much better now! But I also feel like I, like so many others are, am trapped in a maze made out of concrete where words cannot get out to reach the ears and hearts of the morons we have elected and sat in the seat of power (or, was it the corporations, the big money, the stuhpeeed media who elected them?)

  2. P.S. Just as I was typing the above entry … Classical Music Station began to play Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake … the dying swan part. Isn’t karma something? We are all the swans in this uncaring, greedy, corporate lake.

  3. “Yet, never a thought to the fact that each B1 bomber costs we taxpayers one million dollars!”

    Isn’t that an incredible “fact?” “…ONE MILLION DOLLARS!” for ONE B-1 bomber!

    Especially incredible when you consider that the actual (stated) price for a B-1 is $300 MILLION.


    “…one million dollars!” wouldn’t even cover the cockpit…or the tail assembly, whichever comes first.

    “Welcome to MoronAmerica,” eh?