The empire’s voters: Kochheads & Obamapologists

No wonder why so many who could vote actually choose not to. In most instances, especially anywhere that political party affiliations are labeled, why bother? As Ralph Nader put it so succinctly, all we choose from are ‘Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum.’

The power that private money has inside of this electoral system quashes any sort of third party chance for success. Nader himself had attempted to swim against this tide in more than one national election . . . and it failed. It always will, so long as the media bombards us with paid ads and free time through so called ‘news programs.’ Bottom line: The Military Industrial Empire is in control and will remain in control until enough of YOU out there wake up!

Look at the American public who actually pull the levers each election cycle. Factor out those of us who refuse to buy into this two-party con job . . . which is as minimal as can be. The overwhelming majority of our friends and neighbors (and YOU reading this?) stand in line with either the Kochhead led Republican Party or the Democratic voters whom I rename Obama Apologists.

The Kochheads, pronounced as in ‘Coke ‘for the two billionaire brothers who give lots of moolah to the Republicans and their Tea Party offshoot, are representative of the myriad of super rich who help to run this empire. They have counterparts just as super rich, who portray themselves as ‘bleeding heart liberals’ all the way to the bank! Both of these elitist groups sit on the boards of most of our Fortune 100 mega corporations, and they are the real ones who set American governmental policy. Presidents and Congress people only do their bidding . . . always have and always will under this empire.

The phenomenon of the so called Tea Party was really not that at all. The Koch brothers and others of their ilk simply took the anger at what was happening to the regular rank and file serfs of this empire, and gave it direction. That being to once again make it into a Republican vs. Democrat debate, and not what it should have been: A dissent against this Military Industrial Empire that is transforming our towns, cities and states into neo-feudalism.

The Tea Party regulars scream and yell about ‘Big Government’ and ‘Entitlements for the lower classes and illegal aliens,’ and overlook the fact that over 50% of their tax dollars go to phony wars, occupations, and overall massive military spending. They protest Obama being a Marxist with his Obamacare, while never realizing that the private insurance companies will make out like bandits. Too blind to see the truth, these folks don’t realize that their libraries, police, fire, most basic local services are being cut so as to preserve the War Empire mindset and spending. So long as their kids and grandkids are not being blown away in some desert hornet’s nest . . . they focus on the undocumented who do the **** jobs for **** pay. Only in America!

Now we come to the real jackasses: the Obamapologists. Most of these folks are good and decent working stiffs who still believe in the Democratic Party hype of being for the underdog. So, they keep voting for the Clintons and Obamas who ‘feel their pain’ as they inflict more of it! Once again, as with the aforementioned Tea Baggers, the Obamapologists will defend the Democrats to the death . . . unless of course it is their loved one being blown away or maimed for life in the Arab summer. Who cares that under Obama there are 10 times more drone missiles launched to commit more and more collateral damage? Who cares that under a Democratic president, the military spending has set record highs?

Basically, what is evident to anyone who takes the time to really study the facts, it doesn’t matter on the real ‘meat and potato issues’ who runs the White House and Congress. Oh sure, the Obamapologists will counter, ‘What about gay marriage and abortion?’ Fine, so keep supporting this ‘lesser of two evils’ mindset and see how that helps you when the rent, mortgage payment, credit card or health care bill comes due.

The die has already been cast for decades now, generations . . . perhaps since we became a republic. The only way to change the game is to stop playing it! Once the decent and hard working stiffs stop being Kochheads & Obamapologists . . .

Philip A Farruggio is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen. He is a free lance columnist (found on, Information Clearing house, Op Ed News, Dandelion Salad, Activist Post, Dissident Voice and many other sites worldwide). Philip works as an environmental products sales rep and has been an activist leader since 2000. In 2010 he became a local spokesperson for the 25% Solution Movement to Save Our Cities by cutting military spending 25%. Philip can be reached at

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