Author Archives: Abbas Syed Jasim

Saudi Arabia‘s intrusive Middle East policy

The report in the British Telegraph (July 10) that Saudi Arabia is targeting Iran with ballistic missiles should not come as a surprise. Neither the Kingdom nor its patron, Washington, leaves matters related to the survivability and security of the ruling family to chance. Since February 14, 1945, when King Abdulaziz and President Franklin D. Roosevelt met on board the USS Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake of the Suez Canal, the security of the Kingdom has topped Washington’s list of foreign policy priorities. In return, the Kingdom has played a strategic role in molding events in the Arab World to serve Washington’s interests. Continue reading

Washington sets the Arab world ablaze

Political observers and Middle East experts have been terrified by the intensity and speed of the Obama administration’s both stated and covert operations in the Arab World. In observing the events, the question that they raise is, “Is the administration following the Bush administration’s blueprint for the Arabs?” The Washington Post (November 24, 2011) reported that Washington is intensifying its proxy fight in Somalia and that it has used drones to carry out lethal attacks in at least six countries. Indeed, the intensity of Washington’s militaristic involvement has induced the right-wing Washington Times (May 16, 2011) to proudly declare that Obama’s strategy for the region resembles the Bush Doctrine. Continue reading