Author Archives: Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

Mubarak regime orchestrated the Coptic church blast to please the USA and Israel

This uprising in Egypt has exposed the fallacy of a lot of arguments and political convictions and at the same time revealed new surprising findings.

As I was driving my car along the famed Corniche of the historic city of Alexandria to join the march calling for Mubarak to step down last week, I kept looking—or gazing if you like— at the nearly empty streets except from now and then scattered armed vehicles and tanks squatted beneath the silent buildings on the side of the road and it seemed as if I was driving across a deserted city and not the never go to sleep 5 millions dwellers-city I used to know. Continue reading

Egypt: Free And proud at last

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt—What is happening now in Tahrir square is a revolution in the making with people from all around the world watching every minute. Continue reading