Author Archives: Frank Scott

Caves, malls and holidays

The consumption frenzy that is the annual celebration of market religion once began after Thanksgiving but as economic problems grow the season of overspending starts even before Halloween. During this time when many seek spiritual joy through shopping but often find material sorrow through debt, we really should consider what it is we celebrate, and why. Continue reading

The Blue Wave: A new shampoo?

The recent five billion dollar exercise in market democracy we call mid-term elections in the USA got rid of a few brain dead conservatives and brought in a handful of decent new faces but any notion of real victory for the people is a product of political mind management. This commercial process given a name that sounds more like a hair product than any exercise of the power of the people changed the identity group and possible toilet use balance in Congress which, however heralded as a loss for the current president, saw fewer seats changed than in the midterm after the last president’s first two years. As important issues like staggering debt and Israel remained mostly unmentioned, this was a political mall serving consumers the usual product of mostly regressive forces but with a progressive rhetorical brand name. Continue reading

The free press, the free market and the tooth fairy

As major capitalist media claim threats to a free press tradition in America, the screams for mercy emanating from establishment sources have been accompanied by yelping from some alleged alternative voices from what often amounts to the anti-social online world. At the behest of minority owners of our democracy, proponents of this alleged freedom at the The New York Times, Washington Post and their TV counterparts, along with please-go-fund-me- patriots from the revolutionary professional class have been working to impeach Trump since before he took office, with frenzied calling for the scalp which barely covers his nearly-empty-as-their-heads, and daily revelations of newer and juicier gossip crimes to assure freedom by throwing him out and setting President Pence up in the subsidized housing in Washington, DC. What? Continue reading

Foreign power in American democracy? Guess which one

Americans schooled by films, comics, sitcoms and other forms of capital media might well believe Russia invaded the USA during our 18thcentury revolution and that’s why we’ve been enemies ever since. Actually, the USA and its future European lap dogs, along with Japan, invaded Russia in 1918 under various pretenses covering the need to destroy an uprising that had the gall to replace a holy family of royal wealth with some stupid ideals about ending poverty and promoting actual rule by a democratic majority. Continue reading

Think global, act local, and hurry

The pope was referring to the physical garbage dump we have made of the planet but he might just as well have been speaking of the dominant Western values which are the motivating factor in the creation of that filth. Our adherence to the market forces of capitalism has meant massive private profit in the creation of that “immense pile” which he criticized even if not using the C-word. And the supposed ethical or moral code that supports the system and enjoys a foundation built in part on diverse religious support is as much at fault as any political economic group which employs the professional government, media and religious workers that make its global reality accepted as the seemingly natural work of a market god. Continue reading

Obstruction of logic

While the single digit IQ brigades continue finding new Russian plots and Trump fascism under every rock on the White House lawn, the earth worms they seem not to have noticed are making the substance of our mental health crisis center more subject to collapsing our great democracy and imperial master race of self chosen people in and on itself. Continue reading

The social disease menacing humanity and its cure

Economic bigotry is at the root of most if not all our problems and while the victims of that bigotry grow in number we are reduced to seeing only certain of them from certain groups often identified because they are indeed subjected to even more bigotry than most. But this amounts to the same old lesser evil politics that pit the majority against one another while a rich minority rules over all. The suppression of a potential majority that could bring about national and help in creating global democracy for the first time in recorded history results in identity group minorities gasping for breath by climbing up and over other groups to achieve their goals commonly mis-identified as dreams, while actually enabling and accomplishing the goals and even dreams of all ruling classes: division of the peasants-workers-citizens potential majority into easily controlled minorities at war among themselves while remaining relatively oblivious to their rulers. Continue reading

Weapons and walls

The kids are doing a fine job of re-alerting everyone to the problem of the weapons business when it comes to private citizen ownership of a gun and the thousands we kill with them. But we need those kids and especially their parents and grandparents to wake up and face up to the very public social problem of the weapons and hundreds of thousands of murders we all pay for under the misnomer of defense. Continue reading

Near deadly political gas attack on Americans

In the face of steadily deteriorating imperial power, the reactionary forces of global capital have pressed the panic button and are performing far worse than rats on a sinking ship, unless those rats were armed with nuclear weapons and were as deluded as the politburo of Western capitalism. Unfortunately some who were previously considered advocates of change are now among the deluded mentioned in the quote and have become foremost protectors of the reactionary political economics of global capital controlled by the market forces of Artificial Intelligence. Continue reading

Market farce

The market forces of religious capital have been running the world for hundreds of years during which time they have made advances and benefitted many beyond any system that came before. But so did slavery and feudalism, while also, like capitalism, slaughtering and brutalizing more people than those to whom they brought benefit. Their time passed and they were replaced by newer arrangements, all in keeping with the subjugation of humanity and limiting social choice, if any, to lesser and not seemingly greater evil organizations always ruled by un-chosen minorities. We are now in the time in which the capitalist farce of market forces needs to be radically changed before the comedy moves from farce to a tragedy for all of humanity and not just one or another slave state, feudal fiefdom or capitalist corporation. Continue reading

Immigrant humanism vs. immigration capitalism

Language has been a concern ever since humans created it and began using words to replace grunting, howling or shrieking. It’s much easier to be clear in communication when speaking, assuming the language is mutually understood, rather than simply gesturing or making barely intelligible noises. But when indicating difficulty in communicating with someone was once referred to as an experience like “talking to a wall,” present political discourse about immigrants and immigration among people who supposedly speak the same language has become divisive screeching in a “tower of babble.” This is a weapon for minority dominating powers who keep humans in a condition of confusion in order to continue ruling out any notion of a state of democracy, another concept widely confusing and misunderstood. Continue reading

Regressive liberals, reactionary progressives: The New Left?

When an economic Cro-Magnon can make what passes for a left in America look like political Neanderthals, you know we’ve got big problems. The rush to passionately embrace the “Russiagate” story is only one, though a big one, of the moves of what was once called a liberal progressive segment of the American people so far to the right that mad dog conservatives are fighting to maintain their position as least logical pretenders to sanity. What is going on here? Continue reading

Guns, statues, anthems, toilets and war

After still another mass murder tragedy, even worse than past experience, and immediately followed by wafer-depth debates as to whether the usual presidential platitudes after the horror were suitable or whether the false flags of illuminati allegiance were waving behind it all, a still shaken public will find renewed arguments over what is called gun control in a national marketplace that shows signs of sinking more deeply into chaos. While this can be said at any moment, given rising real estate “values” as homelessness increases and renters are under assault, to mention only one economic contradiction, present circumstances give anyone a very difficult time to come up with sane explanations for what passes for democracy in a nation ruled by allegedly free market forces under total control of minority private sources. Continue reading

What threat?

Every twittish utterance from our AIC* is likely to get a full panic response from Imperial Control and its lapdogs in government and media, and his latest blurtings about fire and damnation if North Korea were to attack is no different in essence, but worse in substance. While his dimness is to be expected, reactions from alleged liberals, progressives and much of what passes for an American left speaks for historically underprivileged mentalities that make Trump’s own formed-by-popular-media consciousness seem almost sophisticated. Continue reading

America’s Trump, not Trump’s America

Strong words from a brave woman unknown to most Americans because her bravery and boldness didn’t just concern a minority group but all of humanity. She demanded radical change in a system and not just one or another representative to operate that system in a more beneficial way for her group. And the Catholic Worker, the organization she founded and led, operated on behalf of the poorest of Americans while working to both help them and everyone else by advocating and working for radical social change of a system and not just its board of directors. She called a spade a spade, unlike most political leaders of her time and ours. They give euphemism a really bad name and are more likely to identify a spade as a club, hypocrisy as democracy, war as peace, and humans as a market. Continue reading

Islamophobic neocons, Russophobic neolibs: USA! USA!

All of us are potentially endangered by those driven to violent acts called hate crimes when committed by individuals, but social acts of hatred and depravity are much greater threats and exclude none, no matter where we live or what moral, spiritual or market values we entertain. Continue reading

Double standards R us

After being vilified as a Satan by neo-liberals for allegedly costing their anointed one the election—this was before Putin was appointed Greater Satan—the former FBI director is sanctified by neo-liberals as martyr to the cause of justice and democracy. This continues an American tradition born the day European immigrants began making this country great by taking it from its original inhabitants who were foolishly trying to live with nature instead of dominating it for profits. Continue reading

Deep State, shallow politics, dumb economics

Evidence that this home of the master race of self-chosen people was the world’s greatest democracy even before Trump

In 1965, the USA had 780,000 people in prison, jail, on parole or on probation. Continue reading

Trumpophobia: A problem, not a solution

America’s ruling powers are practicing the trees vs. forest mind game as never before, with constant reminders given information consumers about how important a particular capitalist tree menace is, thereby avoiding awareness of how critical the capitalist forest menace has become. Now that the corporate circus of political lesser evilism has produced a genuine clown as its CEO the danger that his bumbling arrogance will reveal the sham and hypocrisy of the entire show is driving the owners of the big top to mass manipulations that drive their captive audience to desired distraction. But that could lead to a near—if not real—civil war if they succeed in destroying the clown while the circus continues on its death cycle, and that won’t be a laughing matter. Continue reading

Minority unconsciousness

Which minority warrants more concern?

The total population of the countries affected by the “hate” inspired Trump immigration policy is 225 million. Continue reading

The Trump ‘resistance’: Liberal fascism?

Calls for impeachment of a president are fairly common among justifiably frustrated Americans, but the conditions of failing global capitalism are bringing about less predictable and more dangerous reactions than usual. Continue reading

The only thing dumber than Trump is the reaction to Trump

The attack on mass consciousness by America’s ruling powers that began with a campaign to assure Trump’s candidacy so that their wholly owned subsidiary could win failed miserably but continues at greater excess and with dangerously traumatic success since his victory. Every ignorant, undiplomatic or semi-stupid action or utterance by the new CEO of Corporate America is met by imbecilic, bigoted and near moronic reaction from capital’s billionaire central through its professional upper class political/media servants. While conservative America has long been accused, often justifiably, of waving the banner of reactionary politics and narrow thinking, a failing economic system is helping reduce liberals and progressives to those who are simply not members of the American Nazi Party. Yet. Continue reading

Psycho-social breakdown

America’s ruling powers have maintained control by utilizing the divide and conquer strategy of identitarianism. Avoiding democracy by keeping people in real or imagined minorities has worked well, but there are times when that ruling force needs to unify people in order to keep its dominance and in those circumstances what works best is the outside menace that threatens “all of us.” In the recent past, it was an alleged international communist conspiracy, centered in the Soviet Union. When that ended more than twenty years ago, the terrorist menace presented itself and for the first time America experienced a threat within its own borders as a result of murderous policies acted out elsewhere. While that real fear has been fully exploited and is at least based on a material rather than mentally created reality, the present endangered status of our ruling oligarchy has brought about a new alleged menace for public consumption, this time from a capitalist Russia and embodied in Vladimir Putin. Continue reading

Stop listening to them and start acting like us

After blaming the FBI, Russia, Duck Dynasty, Honey Boo Boo, Housewives of Atlanta and everyone but the Tooth Fairy for Clinton’s loss to Trump perhaps now that the historic disgrace of democracy called an Electoral College has legitimized his victory, some self-criticism from the political clods responsible for our national condition should be on the agenda. But don’t hang by your lip waiting for that to happen, as everyone at least slightly left of the American Nazi party is being mobilized in the alleged crusade for freedom being organized by freedom’s worst enemy: the American ruling class. Continue reading

Conspiracy vs conspiracy: 911 Truthers sue government

Calling government charges of a Russian conspiracy to elect an American president “a clear and dangerous policy designed to strip our movement of its supporters,” 911 Truthers, Inc., a subsidiary of Galaxy Conspiracies Corporation, introduced a libel suit against the “far out fanatics of the CIA and major media fake news who think their story of Russian infiltration of our electoral system is on a par with our story of unspeakable, unknowable, unexplainable and unintelligently brilliant plotters who magically took down the twin towers and convinced several billion morons to believe it was done by terrorist “Arabs from caves” can stand up to logic, reason and other stuff we learned at community college and used to prove beyond any semi-reasoning creature with brains larger than a spider’s genitals doubt.” Continue reading

Racism, capitalism and denialism

Given the founding of the nation in vicious ethnic cleansing of the original inhabitants and the forced immigration of kidnapped Africans in chains, racism, the false notion that humans are members of different races with some superior or inferior by virtue of skin tone, has taken hold of the minds of most Americans. Given the taught and learned rationalization of that material ugliness of national origins as being natural divisions among humans, this is understandable. But when racism becomes a fetish used to keep divisions among people that insure minority wealth’s continued dominance of what is supposed to be a democracy, its hateful supporters and sincere opponents become equal participants in the perpetuation of an ugly lie. Continue reading

It is the system that must be dealt with

That line from a 1960s lyric spoke to a society in the midst of social change totally misunderstood by opinion makers and their employers. The situation now is more serious, the changes needed more radical, and the degree of confused ignorance of the people and criminal immorality of the leadership greater than before. Thus, an election in which the ruling establishment demanded defeat of one of its own, a rich and unruly capitalist, in favor of one of its employees, a more reliable worker in the fields of empire, and they failed. Continue reading

After November 8, America may need legalized pot

As millions prepare to do just what Smith warns against, including hundreds of thousands who think themselves dedicated to ending such control, it’s time we understand American mind management’s great success at reducing voters to herds of human cattle whether from a conservative right, a liberal left, or trapped in the middle of the political desert called the two party system under one class control. Continue reading

Rhymes with hypocrisy

As we approach the end of our most recent contamination of the ideal of national democracy with possibly its worst example we would do well to consider the words of a democratically elected leader of a nation that could teach us about the word’s meaning. Continue reading

Where’s our alt-left? Serving our center-right

With daily bulletins from consciousness control informing us of the dangers of electing a textbook capitalist as president while daily news of textbook capitalism’s increasing dangers to humanity go unreported, it is long past time for an “alt-left” to balance the “alt-right” which seems to represent the only organized critical voice in American politics. Continue reading

America’s least powerful identity group: the majority; America’s most powerful minority group: the capitalists

Class conflict cannot exist in a society without classes, which is what we’re told we have as citizens of the world’s greatest democracy, its most exceptional nation, and other political-religious beliefs to accompany the big economic one about our magnificent free market where nothing is free. Continue reading

Brexit & economically incorrect identity politics

Brexit, a loss for not only British but also European and global capital, is ultimately a victory for humanity even though the mentally beleaguered brigades of all-is-always-lost are made to see it as a triumph of the racist right. Continue reading