Author Archives: Jayne Lyn Stahl

General Petraeus and the CIA

Am I the only one who’s scared that the current commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan,and former commanding general in Iraq, David Petraeus, has been confirmed as the new head of the Central Intelligence Agency? Continue reading

Mitt Romney and ‘Citizens United’

Mitt Romney’s inevitable re-emergence and manipulation of the 2012 presidential race comes about largely because many Republicans are dissatisfied with the alternatives. But, there’s another factor, a Supreme Court ruling back in January 2010 that empowered the candidacy of a corporatist like Mr. Romney in the first place. Continue reading

Passing the buck to Pakistan

Without fanfare, last January, and at the insistence of Attorney General Eric Holder, the FBI rounded up more than 100 suspects in a series of early morning raids that spanned three states: New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Continue reading

Obama’s signature foreign policy achievement

In April, the Obama administration announced guidelines for new regulations instituted last January which now allow for “purposeful travel” to Cuba, as well as non-family remittances. Continue reading

The Poop Squad

Maybe it’s his hair, but now that Donald Trump has muscled his way into the upcoming presidential race, I can’t help thinking about a popular television show from 40 years ago, “The Mod Squad,” a show that was billed as “three young outsiders who fight crime as undercover agents of the police.” Continue reading

Help Wanted: Exorcist

On a day traditionally associated with paying taxes, the House passed a draconian budget plan that Congress had been tossing back and forth for weeks. Continue reading

Concede what?

Republicans and Democrats have decided to act like grown-ups and agree to make concessions to keep the government up and running until a more permanent resolution can be reached, but the stopgap measure approved will expire on Thursday. Continue reading

Counseling should be required before military intervention

Setting aside the fact that the last time this country had a formal declaration of war before engaging in a military operation was World War II, back in 1941, the actions of the executive branch since have effectively neutralized any legal mandate for such a declaration. Continue reading

Retaliation at San Onofre nuclear power plant

A group of West Coast politicians last week insisted the Nuclear Regulatory Commission better inspect nuclear reactors in the U.S. in light of the ongoing disaster in Fukushima. Continue reading

TSA, radiation, and “record-keeping” errors

Right around the time a 9.0 tsunami struck Japan and left in its wake the worst nuclear reactor disaster since Chernobyl, the Transportation Security Administration made public the results of its internal review that shows what they call “record-keeping errors” and miscalculations by TSA contractors. These contractor errors, as CNN reports, have prompted the agency to call for the retesting of radiation levels in full-body scanners. Continue reading

Keep those federal judges coming

The decision by a federal judge on Tuesday to dismiss a lawsuit, brought by a Christian group, against the new health care law is proof of just how important federal judicial appointments are. Continue reading

The patriarchs strike back

After three hours of mind-numbing debate, and on the eve of the President’s Day holiday weekend, the House passed an amendment sponsored by an Indiana Republican congressman, Mike Pence, which effectively cuts off all federal funding to Planned Parenthood. As Politico reports, the measure won by a comfortable margin of 240–185, with 11 Democrats voting in favor. Continue reading

House to vote today on whether to keep feds’ from snooping into your reading habits

It looked, for a moment, like Congress was about to fight extensions of the USAPATRIOT Act. Continue reading

Bipartisan abandonment of the poor

Currently, there is widespread, reputable speculation President Obama is considering cutting about $4 billion from a federal program that provides heat for the poor, and in the midst of what can only be called the winter from hell. Continue reading