Author Archives: Lisa Simeone

Court rules once again that torture is A-OK in the USA

Because the U.S. has turned into a country that tortures people with impunity—and brags about it—the news that a federal appeals court has ruled against a “detainee,” an “enemy combatant,” comes as no surprise. Continue reading

US security forces harassing people even before they travel

When are you people going to f**king get it?? Continue reading

Dry runs and dry ice: the United States of Paranoia

Two stories have come to light in the past few days that have some people on edge and others suspicious. Continue reading

Last Chance for NDAA lawsuit

The rights-busting juggernaut that is the NDAA just keeps rolling along. Thanks to the worthless wankers in Congress and an imperial president who clearly studied GWBush 101, we have a law on the books that allows the detention of American citizens, without trial, without access to a lawyer, in secret, in military prisons, or anywhere else the authorities decide to put them. Continue reading

U.S. war machine never rests: US helped Hussein gas Iran

As the U.S. (and U.K.) get set to bomb yet another country, to blow yet more people to smithereens, to use the excuse of a “red line”—because, don’tchya know, murdering people by gassing them is so much worse than murdering them by blowing their brains out—that’s just logic—can’t you numbskulls see that? Our overlords can. Continue reading

Bradley Manning, Daniel Ellsberg, and the dreaded “p” word

When I use the dreaded “p” word, it’s amazing how many people get their knickers in a twist. Continue reading

If we don’t like what you’re doing, we’ll just destroy your property

If you think yesterday’s story was bad—and it was—wait’ll you hear this. Continue reading

UK tries to put the screws to Glenn Greenwald

Just in case you didn’t already know the authorities own you, they’re going to make sure you do. Continue reading

WTF is wrong with you people??

Nah, we don’t live in a police state. As I always say, it’s just the ranting of my fevered imagination. Continue reading

Heathrow security on “high alert”—can the TSA be far behind?

Well, since the UK is no better than the US when it comes to civil liberties, we can expect this kind of thing to be trotted out every now and again—which it is. Continue reading

Black women’s hair once again focus of clueless TSA

My Master List of TSA Crimes and Abuses is full of stories like this—and worse—where a black woman has her hair pawed by a blue-shirted goon in the name of “security.” But apparently people still don’t get it. Continue reading

TSA overreacts—again—to a wisecrack

In another episode in the continuing saga of The Buffoons in Blue Overreact to Every Squeak, Burp, and Fart at the Checkpoint, a 26-year-old man at Bradley Airport in Connecticut was detained by the TSA and arrested by police for being a smart-ass. Continue reading

Uncle Sam wants your passwords—deal with it

In a revelation that only somebody living under a rock could possibly find surprising, the federal government wants your passwords, and the encryption on your passwords. Continue reading

Former Republican senator defends Snowden, gives Obamabots apoplexy

In case you haven’t figured it out, I identify as Left, in the conventional way the political spectrum is usually defined. But I’m not an ideologue, nor an idiot. I hold opinions that are all over the map, including ones that are considered right wing by those who aren’t very good at nuance or who reliably respond to political dog whistles. For example, I can’t abide political correctness. Political correctness is Stalinism by another name. So dog-whistle Democrats would take that to mean that, therefore, I’m right wing. Continue reading

Guantanamo prisoners’ groins protected; too bad yours aren’t

In an excellent ruling that provides rare good news for the prisoners illegally detained at Guantanamo, a U.S. judge reveals that he actually has a sense of justice. The good news for the prisoners, however, doesn’t extend to the rest of us. Continue reading

Free speech, my ass

This is at least the third case I’ve read about where a kid posts something stupid on Facebook and is arrested for it. Not only arrested, thrown in jail. Continue reading