Author Archives: Mike Lofgren

The congressman from hell is a symptom of our rotten political system

Decades of disdain for politics as a civic calling means we get the politicians we deserve.

Picture a member of congress and what do you see? He’s a guy (those in question are usually still men, despite Marjorie Taylor Greene) with an ego the size of the Capitol dome itself, but a strangely fragile and insecure one. He’d run down his grandmother to get his mug on camera and tell the world his profound thoughts, but in private he can be strangely hollow and ignorant when the occasion doesn’t call for prefabricated talking points. Imagine Ted Knight without the lovable charm. Continue reading

The Electoral College is far worse than you think

Majority disenfranchisement isn't its only flaw; it allows fanatical splinter groups to decide elections.

Growing up in a less polarized era, I often heard the conventional wisdom that the Electoral College “has served us well.” To find counterexamples to its reasonableness, you had to go back to the horse and buggy era, and I don’t remember anyone at the time lamenting that Sam Tilden was robbed of the presidency by “Old Eight-to Seven” Rutherford B. Hayes. Continue reading

Trump was no fluke: George W. Bush blazed the trail

His lies and incompetence created epic disasters that may yet sink America.

My friend and former colleague Bruce Bartlett has done a service by reminding us that after four years of the non-stop catastrophe that was the Trump administration, we should not lull ourselves with the illusion that the 45th president was some aberration that fell out of the sky. Continue reading

A modest proposal to prevent sabotage by the Trump regime

Biden must call on federal workers to ignore illegal orders and faithfully serve the Constitution.

For complex historical reasons, federal employees don’t get much love. Continue reading

Another Republican ‘grassroots’ movement hijacks the media

Protests against COVID-19 restrictions, like the Tea Party protests, are corporate fronts.

The Republican Party and its right-wing allies are incapable of governing. They have no policy principles other than a knee-jerk rejection of the policies of the opposing party; indeed, of all this country’s traditional notions of governance. Continue reading

Enough. Wake Up, sheeple!

Why people think reality is a conspiracy.

George Bernard Shaw once wrote, “We are more gullible and superstitious today than we were in the Middle Ages, and an example of modern credulity is the widespread belief that the Earth is round. The average man can advance not a single reason for thinking that the Earth is round. He merely swallows this theory because there is something about it that appeals to the twentieth century mentality.” Continue reading

For the GOP, incompetence is a feature, not a flaw

It has been said that Newt Gingrich is “a dumb person’s idea of a smart person.” Who coined that phrase is a matter of scholarly dispute, but there is broad agreement that the sentiment is applicable. I will go further and say this characteristic of Newt’s is not just a personal foible; it establishes a model for Republican politicians and operatives since his time in Congress. Continue reading

Must they have so little dignity?

Reince Priebus’ fall is a sad metaphor for Trump’s America.

Arthur Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon” is considered one of the great political novels of the last century, but it is also very puzzling. Why does Rubashov, the loyal old Bolshevik, confess to capital crimes he did not commit? He is not tortured; he knows (as do his interrogators) that the charges are absurd. Continue reading

Maybe this is how democracy ends

The frightening rise of authoritarian populism in the West is a very real, clear and present danger.

The election of Donald Trump has triggered as much wonderment abroad as it has in the United States. David Runciman, a professor of politics at the University of Cambridge, has written in the London Review of Books a provocative reflection on the nature of democracy in the age of Trump: “Is this how democracy ends?” There is much to praise in his essay, including his heavy qualification that we really don’t know for sure if what we are seeing is the end phase of mature Western democracies since we do not have the appropriate historical precedents to be certain. Continue reading

Elites vs. too much democracy: Andrew Sullivan’s afraid of popular self-government

The trouble with Trump isn't because of too much democracy; it's decades of political malfeasance that have made Americans furious.

British expatriate writer Andrew Sullivan recently returned to the public eye with a piece that has aroused considerable comment, some of it reasonably on point, and some bloviatingly incoherent. Continue reading

Anatomy of the Deep State

There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol. The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections. The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power. Continue reading