Author Archives: Paul Craig Roberts

Assange’s extradition is another building block of the controlled explanation

The corrupt US & British governments, greatly aided and abetted by Western presstitutes, have destroyed the First Amendment protection of journalism. Julian Assange’s extradition to the US to stand trial for espionage signals the termination of a free press as a method of holding government accountable. Henceforth, any journalist who publishes a leaked story unfavorable to the government can be prosecuted as a spy. Continue reading

Breaking News Feb 21, 4pm US Central time: The day the world changed

I listened to Putin’s address to the Russian people, indeed, to the entire world, following his meeting with the Security Council. He expressed his sadness that negotiating with the West has taught him complete distrust of Washington, and Putin made it clear that Russia would be prepared for the war that Washington is intent to bring to Russia. Continue reading

The Washington Post: The voice of the CIA

The Washington Post has always been a CIA asset. The CIA used the Washington Post to orchestrate the Watergate narrative used to drive President Nixon out of office. Continue reading

Washington has prepared an invasion narrative

The other day I asked, “What is Washington up to?” It is already time to ask that question again. Continue reading

By all measures, the US has the world’s most incompetent government and the worst media

US President Biden claims Russian troops continue “encircling Ukraine” even as Moscow says they are withdrawing. Continue reading

So Biden, Sullivan, Stoltenberg, UK PM & defense officials, presstitutes, where is the “Russian invasion”?

So Biden, where is the “imminent Russian Invasion of Ukraine?” Where, Jake Sullivan, is the “major military action that could begin any day now?” Where UK government, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NY Times, Bloomberg, Washington Post, BBC, and the rest of the presstitutes are the Russian hordes that are supposed to be overrunning Ukraine?” Continue reading

Washington’s rejection of Russia’s security proposal is a bad decision

As expected, Washington and its NATO arm have rejected the Kremlin’s joint security proposal, preferring dire consequences to peace. By rejecting the Kremlin’s proposal, Washington and the Europeans have told the Kremlin that Washington intends to continue its aggressive policy of placing NATO and US missile bases on Russia’s borders and arming Ukraine for attack on Donbass. The rejection also tells Moscow that Ukraine and Georgia, formerly constituent parts of Russia broken off during the period of Russian weakness following the collapse of the Soviet government, remain candidates for NATO Membership despite the Kremlin’s statement that Russia will permit no such membership. Continue reading

America is drowning in problems

Washington is picking yet another fight with China. On top of the trade war we now have the coronavirus war. China is accused of being responsible for the virus by withholding information about it. Some in Washington want to make China pay for the cost of the virus by reneging on US debt held by China in the form of US Treasuries. Continue reading

Sweden is not the model

There is a lot of conflicting information about Sweden. Some claim that “open” Sweden has no higher infection and death rates than its neighbors, a claim contradicted by this report. Continue reading

Reopening in words only?

The “reopenings” underway in 30 states in the US might be in words only just as the ballyhooed “open” Swedish economy is not open in fact and has been closed by non-participation. The Swedish Riksbank reports that attendance at cinema, events, and sports is off 90%. Business at restaurants and cafes is down 70%, and the hotel occupancy rate is a meager 10%. The overall Swedish economy has declined 11%—more than the current estimate for the US—and consumer confidence surveys have plunged more in Sweden than in Europe as a whole. Continue reading

If we lose our focus on coronavirus it might bite us again

The discussion of coronavirus has taken some sharp turns. One such turn is the claim that the mortality rate is not high enough to justify shutdowns. But the mortality rate is not the reason for the shutdowns. The purpose of the closedowns is to reduce the exponential rate of infection. COVID-19 is much more contagious than flu, people can spread the virus for days and weeks prior to developing symptoms, the seriousness of each case is not predictable in advance, and it is a new virus about which little is known including treatment. Therefore, the highly infectious virus can easily overwhelm health care systems—just ask New York City and Italy. This is the reason for trying to reduce the rate of infection. There is no good information on mortality rates as there is no reliable or widespread testing, and the payment incentives result in hospitals reporting the virus as the cause of any deaths that can be associated with it. Continue reading

The digital revolution is inconsistent with liberty

Many have expressed concerns that coronavirus will be used, as 9/11 and the hoax “war on terror” were, to further expand the American police state dystopia. But we were doomed by the digital revolution to a controlled existence regardless of 9/11 and Covid-19. Continue reading

Closedown vs. no closedown

Every country, with the exception of Sweden, found it necessary to close down at least part of the economy in order to prevent the highly infectious virus from overwhelming their medical care systems. The exponential rate of infection together with a lack of sufficient health resources obviously meant an overwhelmed system that would be unable to provide care for those suffering from other illnesses and deadly conditions, such as heart attacks. Continue reading

Are we brewing a new feudalism?

The answer to the question is “YES.” The large bailed-out creditors will end up with the property of the non-bailed-out debtors who are being pushed deeper into debt with “bail-out loans” and fees and penalties for missed debt payments. Write-offs for the One Percent, and more indebtedness for everyone else. Continue reading

Western billionaire control of democracies must be resisted

The economy shutdowns were done for the purpose of reducing the incidence of infection. Covid-19 is highly contagious. As the severity of a person’s case is not known in advance, high infection rates threaten to overwhelm health care facilities, thus making if difficult and even impossible for people suffering heart attacks and other illnesses unrelated to the virus to be treated. Continue reading

Debt forgiveness and nationalization are the answers to the economic crisis

The US airline companies have bankrupted themselves by buying back their stock in an enrichment scheme for CEOs and board members. With the impact of the virus on their revenues, Congress is handing them a $50 billion bailout. Instead of being bailed out they should be nationalized. Continue reading

Economic effect of coronavirus could be revolutionary

Coronavirus and globalism will teach us vital lessons. The question is whether we can learn vital lessons that do not serve the ruling interest groups and ideologies. Continue reading

A well-known liberal professor who is expert on digital matters says Google and social media can easily throw elections to the candidates preferred by the elite

Dr. Robert Epstein, a Hillary Clinton supporter who happens also to be an honest expert, told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) last Tuesday that Google and social media can manipulate votes by using tools that they have at their disposal exclusively. In the absence of regulation, no one can counteract Google and social media or even know that they have reversed an election outcome. Continue reading

The global economy can kill us in more ways than one

Sixty-one years ago, Walter M. Miller Jr. published A Canticle for Leibowitz. The story spans thousands of years as humans rebuild civilization after a devastating nuclear war. Among the episodes is a conflict between warring nomads and a settled people who rely on cunning instead of arms and introduce hoof and mouth disease into the herds of the nomads. I was reminded of this as I read this account in RT of what appears to be a worsening situation with the coronavirus in China. China’s President Xi Jinping has described the situation as “grave” with the spread of infection accelerating. Continue reading

Trump calls retracting harmful tariffs a US/China ‘trade deal’

The first thing to understand is that it is not a trade deal. It is Trump backing off his tariffs when he discovered that the tariffs fall on US goods and American consumers, not on China. Trump is covering his retraction by calling it a trade deal. China’s part of the deal is to agree to purchase the US goods that it already intended to purchase. Continue reading

The Iranian protests are a Washington orchestration

It is difficult to know who is the most stupid, the protesting Iranian students or the Iranian government. Continue reading

Privatization is resurrecting feudalism

America is a country of scandals. The latest scandal is the Jewish multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s use of prison labor call centers to spread the message of his presidential campaign. Continue reading

Neoliberal economics destroyed the economy and the middle class

According to official US government economic data, the US economy has been growing for 10.5 years since June of 2009. The reason that the US government can produce this false conclusion is that costs that are subtrahends from GDP are not included in the measure. Instead, many costs are counted not as subtractions from growth but as additions to growth. For example, the penalty interest on a person’s credit card balance that results when a person falls behind his payments is counted as an increase in “financial services” and as an increase in Gross Domestic Product. The economic world is stood on its head. Continue reading

Will artificial intelligence destroy us or simply make humans irrelevant?

Artificial Intelligence is generally seen as a great advance and benefit for mankind. Smart humans, however, see it as our undoing and even possibly our extermination. Much of modern technology has far more prospect for harm than for good. Consider nuclear weapons. Consider Monsanto’s glyphosate. Consider 5G. There are a large number of technologies that impose massive costs to life on Earth. Continue reading

Washington has disassociated America from good and deprived her of a moral basis

Not long ago I read that a US assistant secretary of state, or perhaps it was a member of the National Security Council, said that now that Washington had reestablished control over Ecuador, it would not be long before the governments of Bolivia, Venezuela, and Cuba would be overthrown. Continue reading

Are you ready to die?

Washington’s provocations of Russia and Russia’s passivity are scheduling the death of the Earth

The Zionist neoconservatives who run US foreign policy are now herding the US out of the remaining arms limitations agreements. It appears that Washington intends to withdraw from the Open Skies agreement with Russia. Continue reading

The cover-up of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination is wearing thin

Here is a several years old documentary of 35 minutes summarizing the powerful evidence that the Warran Commission Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is a cover-up. Continue reading

U.S. drone strike kills 30 pine nut farm workers in Afghanistan

The warriors who conducted this drone strike from a safe distance in the U.S. without any danger to themselves other than their moral conscience if they have one are henceforth “heroes.” “Thank you for your service.” Continue reading

What globalism did was to transfer the US economy to China

The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. The offshoring of US jobs has reduced US manufacturing and industrial capability and associated innovation, research, development, supply chains, consumer purchasing power, and tax base of state and local governments. Corporations have increased short-term profits at the expense of these long-term costs. In effect, the US economy is being moved out of the First World into the Third World. Continue reading

American capitalism is based on plunder

The plunder is getting worse

American capitalism is based on plunder. With the continental USA plundered, American capitalism hoped to continue enriching itself by plundering Russia as it did under Yeltsin, carefully including the Russian “Atlanticist Integrationists” in the spoils in order to have support from the liberal, progressive forces in Russia for stripping Russia of its assets. But Putin more or less put a halt to the American/Israeli rape of Russia, although it still continues through the neoliberal economics that Harvard brainwashed into the Russian central bank and economics profession. Brainwashed Russian economists are the main reason Washington is able to punish a powerful country such as Russia with economic sanctions. Continue reading

‘Gold over life, literally’

The decision by Alaska’s governor, Mike Dunleavy, and US President Donald Trump to sacrifice the environment for a gold mine is an extremely bad one, but I understand why it has happened. The offshoring of Americans’ jobs to Mexico and Asia has put millions of Americans into a situation in which their livelihood is not assured. Continue reading

Is the Federal Reserve losing control of the gold price?

After years of being kept in the doldrums by orchestrated short selling described by Roberts and Kranzler, gold has lately moved up sharply reaching $1,510 last Wednesday morning. The gold price has continued to rise despite the continuing practice of dumping large volumes of naked contracts in the futures market. The gold price is driven down but quickly recovers and moves on up. I haven’t an explanation at this time for the new force that is more powerful than the short-selling that has been used to control the price of gold. Continue reading