Search Results for: syria

Two huge suppressed news reports in a 3-day period reveal corrupt U.S. & allied mainstream press

On Friday, December 12, Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept reported and documented that the mainstream U.S. press has lied through its teeth about “Russiagate,” and Zero Hedge reported and documented that not only had the U.S., UK, and France committed an international war-crime when they invaded Syria on 14 April 2018 firing 105 missiles against Damascus, but the U.N.-authorized agency OPCW that was supposed to investigate the U.S.& allied allegation which had been the alleged ‘justification’ for that invasion was instead lying through its teeth about what the evidence actually showed about it: that this invasion had been based upon U.S.& allied lies. Continue reading

The art of doublespeak: Bellingcat and mind control

In the 1920s, the influential American intellectual Walter Lippman argued that the average person was incapable of seeing or understanding the world clearly and needed to be guided by experts behind the social curtain. In a number of books, he laid out the theoretical foundations for the practical work of Edward Bernays, who developed “public relations” (aka propaganda) to carry out this task for the ruling elites. Bernays had honed his skills while working as a propagandist for the United States during World War I, and after the war he set himself up as a public relations counselor in New York City. Continue reading

The mother of us all: Ancient India’s Vedic civilization

Part Two: The global culture

The previous article,”The Homeland,” described the origins of Vedic civilization in India. This one tells how it spread around the world. Continue reading

The fraud of anti-Semitism exposed

“Newspeak” was the expression coined in George Orwell’s novel 1984 to describe the ambiguous or deliberately misleading use of language to make political propaganda and narrow the “thought options” of those who are on the receiving end. In the context of today’s political discourse, or what passes for the same, it would be interesting to know what George would think of the saturation use of “anti-Semitism” as something like a tactical discussion stopper, employed to end all dispute while also condemning those accused of the crime as somehow outside the pale, monsters who are consigned forever to derision and obscurity. Continue reading

Money, power and turf: Winning the Middle East media war at any cost

It is hardly surprising to see Middle Eastern countries at the bottom of the World Press Freedom Index, as the worst violators of freedom of the press. But equally alarming is the complete polarization of public opinion as a result of self-serving media and, bankrolled by rich Arab countries, whose only goal is to serve their specific, often sinister, agendas. Continue reading

Establishment media’s mass deception

On major geopolitical and other issues, mass deception overrides truth and full disclosure in establishment media print editions and daily broadcasts—wealth, power and privileged interests served over peace, equity and justice. Continue reading

Senile, demented & incontinent: NATO at 70

“Old Age,” the great French President Charles De Gaulle famously said, “is a shipwreck.” We should certainly feel that way about the 70th birthday celebrations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—the most venerable security alliance and organization in the world. Continue reading

End the wars, win the antiwar vote

Hard data shows ending our wars would be smart politics—and the first step toward repairing a moral calamity.

Like anyone else who was around that day, I can tell you exactly where I was on 9/11. Continue reading

Grand theft government with a tinge of perversion

The world is currently mired in massive malfeasance in office by senior government officials, including heads of state and government, who are more interested in personal gain than in government service. Mixed in with financial and political scandals in dozens of nations is the specter of some government officials being involved in illegal sexual activities with underage individuals. Continue reading

Trump was right before he did a 180: NATO is obsolete

The three smartest words that Donald Trump uttered during his presidential campaign are “NATO is obsolete.” His adversary, Hillary Clinton, retorted that NATO was “the strongest military alliance in the history of the world.” Now that Trump has been in power, the White House parrots the same worn line that NATO is “the most successful Alliance in history, guaranteeing the security, prosperity, and freedom of its members.” But Trump was right the first time around: Rather than being a strong alliance with a clear purpose, this 70-year-old organization that is meeting in London on December 4 is a stale military holdover from the Cold War days that should have gracefully retired many years ago. Continue reading

What the U.S. House’s impeachment inquiry wouldn’t ask Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch

Turkey, the increasingly wayward NATO member, has been making more national and international headlines than usual. Continue reading

Trump’s ‘progressive’ allies

There is a rather vocal sector of the so-called “progressive left” that has decided it is best to tolerate Donald Trump and his administration’s fascist policies. This is mainly because Trump has made a few narrowly-focused decisions that the pro-Trump “left” happens to support. The Trump decisions that have enamored the faux left include the much-ballyhooed “withdrawal” of U.S. military forces from Syria—actually, some of those forces remain in-country—as well as trash talking NATO and U.S. bilateral military alliances with South Korea and Japan. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Hybrid warfare in Bolivia and beyond

The violent coup in Bolivia, like all of Washington’s regime-change and dirty tricks operations, has been aided and abetted by corporate media’s masters of euphemism. Continue reading

NATO faces an unprecedented challenge

A cautious stance by the Transatlantic alliance is probably wise

During an interview published in the Economist France’s President Emmanuel Macron accused the White House of inflicting “brain death” on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and accused the US of “turning its back on us” citing America’s withdrawal of troops from northern Syria to pave the way for a Turkish incursion without consultation with allies. Continue reading

Why the billionaires love candidates such as Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg is by far the billionaires’ top darling amongst all of the Democratic candidates who are running for president, and his stand on healthcare is one of the major reasons for this. Continue reading

We are all expendable

Almost daily, I am confronted by an article and/or photo of starving Yemen children and the destruction of their homes. I keep learning that such an attack on the civilian population is against international law. I would like to know, how often or when the US felt the obligation to abide by international or even domestic law. The reality is that they are the bully on the block and they are not obligated to follow any laws. After all, who has the chutzpah (nerve) to challenge them? Continue reading

US blames Palestinians for Israeli state terror against them

Israel is a Ziofascist police state, masquerading as democratic, a notion it abhors. Continue reading

Now repeat after me, impeach Trump, impeach Trump, impeach Trump!!

The world has stopped. The revolutions in Chile and Lebanon are not happening; the destruction of Yemen and the killing of tens of thousands of its citizens are a figment of my imagination; Israel’s continuing program of genocide of the Palestinian people; racism and violence in the US; the lack of a decent, comprehensive health care program; the lack of affordable housing for millions of Americans, etc. are all issues that are not worthy of our attention. The only worthwhile news is the impeachment of Mr. (not my president) Trump. The mainstream media have made certain that we do not hear any news other than Trump and the congressional Democrats who are pursuing impeachment proceedings. That might be why millions of Americans don’t bother to vote… they know no one gives a damn. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The Baghdadi scam

The Democrats and corporate media don’t really oppose what Donald Trump is doing in Syria or anywhere else. Continue reading

Donald Trump: An American tragedy not only for the U.S., but also for the world

The election of New York far right businessman Donald Trump in November 2016 has turned out to be a tragedy for the United States and also for the world, as more blunders, disasters and catastrophes unfold under his inexperienced, impetuous and incompetent stewardship. Continue reading

Freedom Rider: The return of Hillary Clinton

It’s not clear if smear-mongering Clinton is running for president, or just fleeing reality. Continue reading

How to displace the great replacement

The far right’s war on culture is capturing the hearts and minds of mass shooters and populist politicians.

The far right is on a roll. Just a few years ago, liberals and conservatives would have considered its recent political victories a nightmare scenario. Right-wing extremists have won elections in the United States, Brazil, Hungary, India, and Poland. They pushed through the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom. In the most recent European Parliament elections, far-right parties captured the most votes in France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Hungary. Continue reading

The real basis for impeachment? Not phone calls but murder…

For the past eight years, our mainstream media have been constantly screaming their talking heads off at us about the hysterical importance of staging a bloody and wasteful “regime change” in Syria. But, instead, shouldn’t the MSM actually be telling us the unvarnished truth—that “regime-change” here at home is a much better idea. Continue reading

Ms. Pumpkin Head for president: A nightmare

A few weeks ago, I had a terrifying nightmare, so gruesome was it that I awoke screaming and had to run to the bathroom to vomit in the toilet. In this dark horror show, I was carving a pumpkin for Halloween. The cap came off easily and I disemboweled the slimy interior quickly, but as I did, I felt a strange sensation on my hand, as if a tongue were biting it. When I was finishing carving the face, however, the trouble really started. The pumpkin head came alive as the eyes and mouth moved and then it started speaking in a voice that was familiar but one I couldn’t place. Blond hair started sprouting from its head as it started shrieking and bouncing on the table in an hysterical manner. I jumped back in fear and trembling as it started cackling, “I running, I running.” Blood ran from between the carved teeth and the blue eyes pulsated with the mania of a serial killer in a horror movie. Continue reading

Arab land is not America’s to gift

US president Trump cannot hand over a sovereign territory to a third entity

The idea that one individual can unilaterally decide the fate of a population 10,000km away on a whim and, worse, surrender even an inch of a state’s sovereign territory to a third entity is illegal, immoral and downright dangerous. Continue reading

The United States Air Force at Incirlik: Our national ‘black eye’

Current events concerning Turkey and the Kurds in Syria remind me of a conversation I had with a US Air Force colonel almost 17 years ago in a courtroom in Des Moines. To refresh my memory, I dug deep into my closet and dusted off the transcript of the case, “STATE OF IOWA, plaintiff vs. CHRISTINE GAUNT et al.,” in which I was a defendant, heard in February, 2003, the month before the US invasion of Iraq. The following quotes from that dialogue are verbatim per the transcript. Continue reading

Trump’s fake withdrawal from endless war

On Monday, October 7, the U.S. withdrew 50 to 100 troops from positions near Syria’s border with Turkey, and two days later Turkey invaded Rojava, the de facto autonomous Kurdish region of northeast Syria. Trump is now taking credit for a temporary, tenuous ceasefire. In a blizzard of tweets and statements, Donald Trump has portrayed his chaotic tactical relocation of U.S. troops in Syria as a down-payment on his endless promises to withdraw U.S. forces from endless wars in the greater Middle East. Continue reading

Our mad dog president and his Bible-thumping kennel pals

The White House theocrats may be the biggest danger of all.

“I have done nothing to harm these people but they are angered with me, so what do they do, doctor up some income tax, for which they have no case… to harass a peaceful man.” Continue reading

Freedom Rider: Trump, Obama and Syria

Whether by mistake or design, Donald Trump is presiding over the—agonizingly slow—demise of Barack Obama’s illegal and immoral scheme to overthrow the government of Syria using jihadist terror armies. Continue reading

Fake news, fake polls, and now, fake history

Donald Trump, who believes everything that is real is fake and everything that is fake is real, has delved into another academic discipline for which he believes he is an eminent expert. After promulgating his own fake weather forecasts, political opinion polls, and news, Trump has now proclaimed his own fake history. After abandoning to invading Turkish forces the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) forces, who have been allied with US Special Forces battling the Islamic State caliphate jihadists in Syria, Trump stated, “They [the Kurds] didn’t help us in the World War II, they didn’t help us with Normandy, as an example.” Continue reading

Trump’s undeclared state of emergency

Trump is counting on his base to endorse his increasingly open law-breaking. It may not end well.

Trump’s public appeal to China last week to help with uncovering dirt on the Biden family was both a brazen flouting of the law and (it pains me to say) an astute political tactic. Continue reading

Trump is selling out America in Syria and beyond

The most xenophobic and isolationist American president in modern history has been selling America to foreign powers for his personal benefit. That’s an impeachable offense. Continue reading