America is totally discredited

A foolish President Obama and moronic Secretary of State Kerry have handed the United States government its worst diplomatic defeat in history and destroyed the credibility of the Office of the President, the Department of State, and the entire executive branch. All are exposed as a collection of third-rate liars.

Intoxicated with hubris from past successful lies and deceptions used to destroy Iraq and Libya, Obama thought the US “superpower,” the “exceptional” and “indispensable” country, could pull it off again, this time in Syria.

But the rest of the world has learned to avoid Washington’s rush to war when there is no evidence. A foolish Obama was pushed far out on the limb by an incompetent and untrustworthy national security advisor, Susan Rice, and the pack of neoconservatives that support her, and the British Parliament cut the limb off.

What kind of fool would put himself in that vulnerable position?

Now Obama stands alone, isolated, trying to back away from his threat to attack without authorization from anyone—not from the UN, not from NATO, and maybe not from Congress whom he ignored—a sovereign country. Under the Nuremberg Standard, military aggression is a war crime. Washington has until now gotten away with its war crimes by cloaking them in UN or NATO approval. Despite these “approvals,” they remain war crimes.

But his national security advisor and the neocon warmongers are telling him that he must prove that he is a Real Man who can stand alone and commit war crimes all by himself, without orchestrated cover from the UN or NATO or a cowardly US Congress. It is up to Obama, they insist, to establish for all time that the President of the United States is above all law. He, and he alone is the “decider,” the Caesar, who determines what is permissible. The Caesar of the “sole superpower” must now assert his authority over all law or Washington’s hegemony over the world is lost.

If Obama goes it alone, he will be harassed for the rest of his life as a war criminal who dares not leave the US. Indeed, a looming economic collapse could so alter the power and attitude of the United States that Obama could find himself brought to justice for his war crimes.

Regardless, the United States government has lost its credibility throughout the world and will never regain it unless the Bush and Obama regimes are arrested and put on trial for their war crimes.

Obama’s destruction of US credibility goes far beyond diplomacy. It is likely that this autumn or winter, and almost certainly in 2014, the US will face a severe economic crisis.

The long-term abuse of the US dollar’s reserve currency role by the Federal Reserve and US Treasury, the never-ending issuance of new debt and printing of dollars to finance it, the focus of US economic policy on bailing out the “banks too big to fail” regardless of the adverse impact on domestic and world economies and holders of US Treasury debt, the awaiting political crisis of the unresolved deficit and debt ceiling limit that will greet Congress’ return to Washington this month, collapsing job opportunities and a sinking economy all together present the government in Washington with a crisis that is too large for the available intelligence, knowledge, and courage to master.

When the proverbial hits the fan, the incompetent and corrupt Federal Reserve and the incompetent and corrupt US Treasury will have no more credibility than Obama and John Kerry.

The rest of the world—especially Washington’s bullied NATO puppet states—will take great delight in the discomfort of “the world’s sole superpower” that has been running on hubris ever since the Soviet collapse.

The world is not going to bail out Washington, now universally hated, with currency swaps, more loans, and foreign aid. Americans are going to pay heavily for their negligence, their inattention, their unconcern, and their ignorant belief that nothing can go wrong for them and that anything that does is temporary.

Two decades of jobs offshoring has left the US with a third world labor force employed in lowly paid domestic nontradable services, a workforce comparable to India’s of 40 years ago. Already the “world’s sole superpower” is afflicted with a large percentage of its population dependent on government welfare for survival. As the economy closes down, the government’s ability to meet the rising demands of survival diminishes. The rich will demand that the poor be sacrificed in the interest of the rich. And the political parties will comply.

Is this the reason that Homeland Security, a Nazi Gestapo institution, now has a large and growing paramilitary force equipped with tanks, drones, and billions of rounds of ammunition?

How long will it be before American citizens are shot down in their streets by “their” government, as occurs frequently in Washington’s close allies in Egypt, Turkey, Bahrain?

Americans have neglected the requirements of liberty. Americans are so patriotic and so gullible that all the government has to do is to wrap itself in the flag, and the people, or too many of them, believe whatever lie the government tells. And the gullible people will defend the government’s lie to their death, indeed, to the death of the entire world.

If Americans keep believing the government’s lies, they have no future. If truth be known, Americans have already lost a livable future. The neocons’ “American Century” is over before it begun.

Update: I have heard from educated and aware friends that the presstitute media on the evening news are beating the drums for war. This shows what paid whores the US media are and their total disconnect from reality. Anyone who wastes their time on the US media is a brainwashed idiot, a danger to humanity.

Update: Is the White House idiot going to be a victim of his own careless presidential appointments?

Does he have no one to tell him how to escape the dilemma his moronic secretary of state and national security advisor have put him in? Someone needs to tell the WH Fool that he must say that he accepts the conclusion of the world community that there is not sufficient evidence for launching a military attack on Syria and killing even more people than were killed in the alleged, but unproven, chemical attack, and that he awaits further and better evidence.

God help the moron and the unfortunate country that the fool represents.

Copyright © 2013 Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.

5 Responses to America is totally discredited

  1. Sure, their actions are foolish and moronic but there’s a reason these people got to the positions they are in. I think more accurate descriptions would be cunning, strategic, psychopathic, greedy and shortsighted. And the people behind the politicians such as central banks and the security state are even more intelligent, devious and evil.

  2. “…he must say that he accepts the conclusion of the world community that there is not sufficient evidence for launching a military attack on Syria, and killing even more people than were killed in the alleged, but unproven, chemical attack, and that he awaits further and better evidence.”

    In one sentence, a clear, concise, and simple path laid out for Obama! This sentence is a masterpiece of how simple and effective the truth is, and by comparison, how twisted and muddled is the world of lies.

    Bravo, Mr. Roberts. Now if we can just get Obama to hire you as a TRUTHFUL speech writer…hell, I’m sure you’d give him this one for free!

  3. This jewel of an article should be distributed to all our “Wall Street flunkeys
    in Congress.” But i digress.

    The fact that about half the country is still supporting Barack Hussein Obama shows how incredibly stupid and corrupt the American people have become. He should never have even been the assistant superintendent in charge of janitorial supplies, much less the president of the United States.

  4. american credibility – an oxymoron is ever there was one – it’s been on the downward slide since Hussein was captured, and we didn’t leave Iraq.

    It doesn’t matter who is ‘allowed’ to be elected, not only President, but to any office in Congress. Most are thoroughly co-opted before they even get to WDC, just by accepting campaign funds from either the DNC, or the RNC. When they finally do get to DC, they are told how to vote, and if they follow the orders of the party leadership, they are considered to be in good standing with the party, and the ‘debt’ is forgiven. The only way they can get out from under it, is to hold independent fund-raisers, and start grass-roots campaigns for the next election. The newest electees are told nothing about this, and likely feel grateful to the two national committees – then the trap is sprung. Thus begins the continual enmeshing of the hopeful, who would truly work for the people.