Déjà vu with British poison allegations against Russia

One thing about the neoconservatives, who have thoroughly penetrated the Tory government of British Prime Minister Theresa May and, due to the reality television show savant nature of Donald Trump, are rapidly filling as many vacancies in the US administration as possible, is that they are consistent. Neocons, who make no secret of their desire for major military conflagrations, have dusted off an old playbook with regard to the nerve agent poisoning of Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, England. The convoluted charges made by the British government bear all the hallmarks of the Polonium-210 radiation poisoning of ex-Russian intelligence agent Alexander Litvinenko, who died in London in 2006.

In June 2008, the British government conceded that the government of British Labor Prime Minister Tony Blair concocted and exaggerated claims about Russia’s involvement in the Litvinenko poisoning in 2006. Apparently, the present government of Mrs. May believes rational people have no memories of what transpired in Britain twelve years ago.

The British intelligence services, which had their own relationship with Litvinenko, could no longer manage to suppress overwhelming evidence that the poisoning of Litvinenko was the result of a plot by anti-Vladimir Putin criminal syndicates based in Britain, Israel, Ukraine, and Poland to embarrass the Russian government.

Suspicions about the role of the exiled Russian-Israeli criminal syndicates in the poisoning of Litvinenko, including that which was headed by Litvinenko’s friend, wanted Russo-Israeli oligarch Boris Berezovsky, re-surfaced after former Russian Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar became violently ill after eating breakfast at a conference he was attending in Dublin, Ireland. Ireland’s banking secrecy laws has made it a favorite location for the Eurasian-Israeli Mafia.

Berezovsky’s own suspicious death in March 2013 discovery of Berezovsky’s body in his Ascot estate in England suggested that the anti-Russian crime syndicates, which work closely with hedge fund billionaire troublemaker George Soros and the Central Intelligence Agency, eliminated Berezovsky because he was about to reveal the nature of the syndicates to the Russian government. Most media reports coming out of Britain, at the time, claimed that Berezovsky died from natural causes. A few others suggested suicide or murder. Interestingly, Berezovsky had recently received medical treatment in Israel.

Berezovsky’s expatriate friends in Britain and Israel included exiled oligarchs who were subjects of Russian arrest warrants. These included Russian-Israeli businessman Leonid Nevzlin, the former chief executive officer of Yukos Oil, who was the subject of a Russian arrest warrant for murder, embezzlement, and tax evasion. Nevzlin, a former head of the Russian Jewish Congress, resided in Tel Aviv under the protection of the Israeli government. Nevzlin’s exiled Russian-Israeli comrades included Vladimir Dubov, a major Yukos shareholder, and wanted oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky. The wanted ex-Yukos officials, who are now allied with the expatriate former chief of Yukos and ex-convict, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, have also been linked to wealthy British businessman Jacob Rothschild.

Berezovsky ran from exile a major support network for Chechen terrorists. One of their leaders, Ahmed Zakayev, was a close associate of Berezovsky and Litvinenko.

Just like Litvinenko, Yulia Skripal had her own reported connections to Russian and Western intelligence services, suggesting that she, like Litvinenko, had embarked on a dangerous life as a double or triple agent. Yulia Skripal worked for the “information center” at the US embassy in Moscow and at the Holiday Inn in Southampton in England. Hotel jobs are a preferred “non-official cover” position for the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6). Until his arrest by Russian authorities, Sergei Skripal was a paid agent for MI-6. In 2010, he was given asylum in Britain after a major spy swap between the United States and Russia.

The nerve agent reportedly used on Skripal and his daughter was a “Novichok” (“Newcomer”), one of a series of binary agents allegedly developed in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. These nerve agents were also apparently stockpiled at the British biological and chemical warfare research facility at Porton Down, a mere eight miles from Salisbury, where the Skripals took ill.

But the existence of Novichok is, itself questionable. Claims about Novichok originally came from Vil Mirzayanov, a Soviet chemical weapons scientist who claimed to have invented Novichok at a facility in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1994, Mirzayanov fled to the United States, where he came under the control of the CIA. In 2016, Dr. Robin Black, the chief of the Detection Laboratory in Porton Down, published an academic paper that questioned the veracity of Mirzayanov’s Novichok claims.

The poisoning of the Skripals was followed shortly by the death in London of Berezovsky’s longtime business colleague and friend Nikolai Glushkov. British police called Glushkov’s death “suspicious,” citing as the cause “compression to the neck.” Berezovsky died as the result of a hanging, believed by police to be a “suicide.” Radioactive traces of the Polonium-210 used to poison Litvinenko were traced to Berezovsky’s office at 7 Down Street, in London’s Mayfair district. In 2008, Badri Patarkatsishvili, Berezovsky’s Georgian-Israeli business partner, collapsed and died at his home a mere 15 miles from Berezovsky’s English estate. The death of the 52-year old was determined by authorities to be the result of a “heart attack.”

Much more than circumstantial evidence suggests that Berezovsky, Glushkov, and Patarkatsishvili were murdered by exiled opponents of the Russian government, who also happen to be kingpins in the Eurasian-Israeli mafia that uses Britain as a major base of operations. Britain is favored by these criminal syndicates because of the close working relationship they have with British and American intelligence agencies, as well as with Soros, who maintains a residence in London.

Just as with the unfounded allegations about Russia made by British government officials in the wake of the Litvinenko death, current British officials found it difficult to keep their stories straight or factual. One such official was Foreign Secretary Boris London, the dim-witted former mayor of London who has been dubbed “the British Trump,” a reference to the US president.

Johnson laughingly claimed that Russia directed “the use of a nerve agent on the streets of the UK, on the streets of Europe, for the first time since the Second World War.” Just as with the Trump administration’s wanton use of “fake news” and “alternate facts,” Johnson was engaged in making up a “false history.” There is no evidence that any chemical weapons, let alone nerve agents, were used by Germany against Britain during the Second World War. A British mustard gas attack on Adolf Hitler and his army unit near Ypres, France—an attack that landed Hitler in a military hospital with burnt lungs and partial blindness—convinced the German dictator not to use chemical weapons against Britain or the Soviet Union.

Although the Nazis maintained stockpiles of tabun and sarin nerve agents, Hitler forbid his generals from employing them in battle, except for the use of asphyxiating gas agents by SS chemical warfare troops in clearing caverns and catacombs in Sevastopol and Odessa of Soviet military personnel and civilians who had sought refuge from the invading German army. And, although the Nazis used hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide to murder millions of Jews, Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, and others in concentration camps throughout Europe, Johnson’s statement about the use of nerve agents on British and European streets in World War II is ludicrous, as well as patently false. What is not false is that British generals dissuaded British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from using poison gas and anthrax on German population centers in World War II. Of course, Churchill was a great promoter of the use of poison gas, directing the use of debilitating lachrymatory gas (“tear gas”) and deadlier mustard gas against rebels in Mesopotamia, present-day Iraq, in 1920.

In the world of British intelligence “make-believe,” it is sometimes more revealing to discover the true nature of MI-6 operations from the movies. The screenwriters of the James Bond film, “Casino Royale,” recognized the nature of the real life international mobsters who engage in such matters as assassinations of individuals for propaganda purposes. In the film, not only is a Montenegro-based Eurasian mob ring—Montenegro is one of the centers for the Eurasian-Israeli syndicates—featured as engaging in international terrorism in order to manipulate the stock market, but there is a reference by “M” (Judi Dench) that a similar mob ring engaged in stock “put” options before the 9/11 attacks, in order to make tons of money on the world markets. It appears that fictional spies know more about such intrigue, such as the murders of Litvinenko, Berezovsky, Patarkatsishvili, and Glushkov and the poisonings of the Skripals and Gaidar to bring about international crises, than do their real-life counterparts and intellectual dullards like Boris Johnson and Theresa May.

This article originally appeared in Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal.

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).

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