Confounding science, Kansas governor discovers life’s beginnings

In the second week of April 2013 of the Common Era by the Gregorian Calander, Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas, with no knowledge or training in science or philosophy, discovered the beginning of Life. It is, according to him, the moment of fertilization. Life begins there.

He does not go on to say what Life is, however. Which, I’m sure, continues to assure philsosophers a job.

Gov. Brownback is a perfect example of the Pro-Life Anti-Abortion ideologues. He is–they are–no different than the 30 Tyrants who ruled Athens after Sparta won the Peloponnesean Wars. A group of men who dictated, without any compunction whatsoever, their opinionated ideas upon an innocent and unsuspecting populace. They, as all dictators and ideologues, were rigid black-and-white thinkers who believed one size fits all. They were also arrogant. How arrogant? So arrogant and oligarchic that, because the 30 Tyrants knew what was best for everyone, Plato, who taught classist superiority and dictatorship as the proper form of government, ran for his life. As with all of Plato’s students who took the reins of government (tyrants all), the 30 Tyrants of Athens failed. As all fanatical ideologues have. Odd that they continue to impose their will on great masses of people stifling life despite the inherent contradictions and conunundrums inherent in their narrow, exclusive ideology. Karl Popper and other philosophers believe that an exclusive society, even if only one individual is excluded, is an inhuman society. Wilhelm Reich called this exclusive sort of society by another name.

The conundrum with Gov. Brownback’s dictum is that if Life begins at fertilization, that means the egg and the sperm are not alive, not life. That is, the sperm and the egg are inanimate. Oh, dear. Even shit is organic. So, eggs and sperm are less than shit?

This conclusion–that the egg and the sperm are inanimate–does not seem to fit with the scientific fact that within each are the building blocks of Life: DNA and RNA. Even more proloematic is how lifeless, inanimate matter sperm manages to get from the vaginal vault through the cervix and uterus and into the Fallopian tubes. Force of gravity is out of the question. . .unless women stand on their heads for several hours post-coitus.

Now, pray tell, how do you get Life from inanimate objects?

Even more troubling is that while this mass of undifferentiated cells invisible to the naked eye called a zygote is so precious as Life, why is it so worthless after it is a cellularly differentiated human baby? Because Gov. Brownback and the Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists do not believe in social programs to relieve the poor and poverty-stricken. Because Gov. Brownback and the Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists do not believe in creating jobs for people. Under these conditions, babies will suffer from malnutrition, lack of medical care, neglect and abuse. Under these conditions, quality of life is all but nil. Under these conditions, the post-Life Life-form will die.

And if the cellularly differentiated neo-nate makes it to young adulthood, there is the spectre of war, which Mr. Brownback and the Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists heartily believe in. War that wounds and maims and kills that oh-so-precious Life.

Apparently, grown up, Life is worthless.

As it seems that once born Life is worthless to Gov. Brownback and the Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists. Why bother birthing? Hell!–why bother fucking! Not Gov. Brownback and the Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists’ problem.

And that is an even greater conundrum.

To save a mass of undifferentiated cells that is not wanted, for one reason or another, in order to abuse, maim and kill it later on is–excuse my narrow-minded judgment–inhuman. And inhumane. It shows a decided lack of respect for Life.

If Mr. Brownback and the Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists want to rid the US of abortion–their idological platform–they can make birth control free to all who want it. Birth control of all sorts. And the “morning after” pill.

The modern fight for birth control began with the suffragettes early in the 20th century. Having control over their lives, those uppity women believed, would allow women to develop their potential and make themselves individuals instead of the mindless chattel and slaves of men and Old Testament propagation directives.

A more poignant point: by way of birth control and abortion, Mr. Brownback and the Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists would be increasing the quality of the gene pool. Because, of course, the better sort do not practice birth control (or abortion) and with fewer of the lesser sort that can only lead to an increase in the better sort. What could be more in line with Darwinism? Socially speaking.

Which leads to the conundrum that some Life is better and worth more than some other Lifes.

Be that as it may, as Gov. Brownback, on behalf of the Pro-Life Anti-Abortionists, has discovered what Life is, I await the accolades of scientists and philosophers worldwide to flow in. Even, mayhap, a Nobel Prize.

It is about time the US was honored for something other than sports and nuclear weaponry. How fitting that it be the beginning of Life.

©  2013 Euripides and Minna vander Pfaltz

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