Author Archives: Ashu M. G. Solo

Preventing abuse by Catholic clergy

While most Catholic clergy members are decent people, unfortunately, there’s an epidemic of pedophile clergy members in the Catholic church. Denying this would be foolish, mendacious, and dangerous to children. Countless kids have suffered because of pedophile clergy members, and the Catholic church hasn’t done nearly enough to deal with this. Immediate measures need to be taken to prevent kids from being sexually abused in the future. Continue reading

Christmyth: A holiday alternative to Christmas

Christmas celebrations indoctrinate people into Christianity because they can be fun and make people want to participate in the Christian holiday and Christianity. Most people are forced to take one or more holidays at Christmas time, so they end up participating in Christmas celebrations. To prevent Christian indoctrination, people who aren’t Christian could have an annual celebration of their own on December 25 called Christmyth or Christ-Myth. The name of this celebration sounds similar to Christmas, but means that Jesus Christ is a myth or fictional character. Continue reading

Shri Thanedar isn’t progressive

Michigan gubernatorial candidate Shri Thanedar wants to be something, not do something. He’s interested in advancing his resume, not public policy. He cares about himself, not the people. Continue reading

George H. W. Bush’s honorary degrees should be revoked

Former President George H. W. Bush’s honorary degrees should be revoked because of his recent admissions of what should be construed as sexual harassment and groping. Eight different individuals have made sexual harassment and groping allegations against Bush. Continue reading

Wasting energy on outdoor lighting when it isn’t dark outside

In the early morning hours, numerous street lights are on around the world long after it is no longer dark outside. Also, in the evening hours, numerous street lights are on around the world long before it is dark outside. This is a significant waste of energy and money. The street lights should be equipped with better controllers or properly adjusted timers. Continue reading