Author Archives: Wayne Madsen

Jared Kushner: A suspected gangster within the Trump White House

Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has emerged as a significant influence within the policy-making apparatus of the White House. After a rather public imbroglio with Trump’s strategic policy adviser Stephen Bannon over the U.S. cruise missile attack on the Shayrat airbase in Syria, Kushner is “in”, as they often say in Washington, and Bannon is “out”. In any case, the anti-globalist faction, which is led by Bannon, has received verbal “thumbs down” on several fronts from Trump. Continue reading

Adelson, Israel behind Gulf Arab split

Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and Israeli interests he funds are behind a series of computer hacking incidents that have resulted in a serious split between Qatar, the home of the U.S. Central Command’s massive Al-Udeid airbase, and a bloc of Qatar’s erstwhile Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) allies that include Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. Continue reading

Bilderberg confab in Virginia highlights concerns about Trump

Every time the secretive Bilderberg Group has met at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S. policy has been at the forefront of discussions between the government and corporate gurus who gather behind tight security. In 2002, the hotel hosted the Bilderbergs as President George W. Bush was leading the United States into a war with Iraq. And in 2008 and 2012, the major items for discussion at the Chantilly venue were the U.S. presidential elections, both of which saw wins for Barack Obama. Continue reading

In wake of Trump’s first overseas visit, frayed alliances emerge

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer actually stated something true at his contentious press briefing on May 30. He said Donald Trump’s first overseas trip was “unprecedented.” The trouble for Trump and Spicer is that the trip was “unprecedented” but not in a way that could be considered a success for the president. Continue reading

Hollywood, California: In the heart of political correctness, Trump’s effects are changing discourse

Hollywood and its glitterati of actors, writers, and other celebrities has often been known as a bastion for political correctness and progressive politics. However, even in this most anti-Donald Trump of all locales in the United States, the effects of Trump’s insensitive bombast has triggered a wave of sympatico comments from those employed by Hollywood’s entertainment industry. Continue reading

Trump’s dumbest deal ever: selling out the U.S. to the Saudis

Donald Trump, who fancies himself as the grand artist of deal making, just made a series of terrible deals with the radical Wahhabist government of Saudi Arabia. Trump signed a deal with the Saudis, which was negotiated largely by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, to provide the kingdom with military hardware, including advanced fighter jets, tanks, artillery, precision-guided munitions, and radar systems. The package could be worth as much as $360 billion. The Saudis will undoubtedly use their American-provided weapons to continue atrocities against the people of Yemen, Syria, and Bahrain, where Saudi military forces have been involved in internal rebellions on behalf of radical Sunni interests. Continue reading

While Trump tweeted and sniffled, grown-up world leaders met in Beijing to plan major global projects

US sinking into irrelevancy

While Donald Trump displayed his immaturity by tweeting threats and sniffling during televised interviews, the world’s grown-up leaders were meeting in Beijing to plan major and ambitious global projects foreseen by China’s “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) recreation of the ancient Silk Road. Continue reading

Federal civil suit exposes Trump business practices and syndicate ties

A civil RICO (Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization) lawsuit exposing Donald Trump’s associates’ criminal business practices was filed in the U.S. Court in the Southern District of Manhattan on June 20, 2016. The suit was filed by two principals of Bayrock Group, LLC, which developed the Trump SoHo condominium-hotel complex in Manhattan. Continue reading

Trump’s Latin American brain trust: two neocon crooks, just like him

Donald Trump has showcased in Latin American policy by forging close relationships with two of Latin America’s most dishonest leaders: neoconservatives Mauricio Macri of Argentina and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski of Peru. After visiting Trump at the White House in April, Trump called the neo-fascist Macri his “regional ally,” adding that the Argentine is doing a “fantastic job.” Continue reading

First it’s FAKE NEWS and now FAKE HISTORY

Trump World is turning into the worst sort of LSD trip imaginable. First, Donald Trump’s Twitter tirades lambasted in all capital letters—meaning shouting—FAKE NEWS, which in his mind is any press account with which he disagrees. Now, Trump is reinventing history, suggesting in an interview that what we know from history books; first-hand accounts, including handwritten letters and diaries; and countless films and television documentaries is FAKE HISTORY. According to Trump, Andrew Jackson, a vicious slave owner and genocidaire of Native Americans, could have prevented the Civil War, even though Jackson died sixteen years before the war began. Continue reading

It’s Trump that has the real “Pizzagate” problem

During the 2016 presidential campaign, disreputable websites attempted to tie Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff to a fantasy tale about a network of pedophiles who trafficked in child sex slaves using, of all things, pizzerias. Members of Donald Trump’s inner circle trafficked in the “Pizzagate” myth using such social media networks as Twitter. Continue reading

NATO’s emerging outsourced eastern flank

A series of moves by NATO’s Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) partner, the United Arab Emirates, has many observers in the Indian Ocean littoral nations wondering out loud whether the “North Atlantic” military pact is moving into the Indian Ocean and Arabian Peninsula, courtesy of an “outsourcing” deal with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations. Continue reading

Google suppresses important news in addition to alternate media

Google’s now-infamous censorship programs and algorithms, built into the firm’s search engine software, are not merely suppressing alternate news sites, but also ignoring or diverting search results away from important news stories being reported by conventional news organizations. In an attempt to prioritize “reliable” news sites, Google News searches have been found to return as top stories links to a number of non-critical news subjects, including sports, travel, weather, and popular entertainment. Continue reading

Trump’s neocon cabal misses the boat on North Korea

Donald Trump’s neocon cabal of National Security Adviser General H. R. McMaster and his assistants Dina Powell and Fiona Hill, the latter in charge of the National Security Council’s Russia desk, are poor choices to gauge subtle messages coming out of North Korea. McMaster, a student of professional Army pencil sharpener David Petraeus, fails to grasp that there are many more methods to ascertain the policies of a secretive country like North Korea. Beyond technical products, such as imagery and signals intelligence, and neocon drivel from such outfits as the Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Heritage Foundation, there are ground reports from various defense attachés posted at embassies in Pyongyang and psychological analysis of the North Korean leader. Continue reading

America plagued with fake news and fake TV experts

The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee recently held a hearing devoted, in part, to accusations that Russia initiated a massive “fake news” campaign against the United States during the 2016 election. It must be pointed out that the popularity of alternative foreign news sources for the American public came after the “dumbing down” of U.S. news consumers by a “infotainment” industry, headquartered in Los Angeles and New York, that dished massive amounts of “phony news” to America on a 24/7 basis. Continue reading

North Korea wasn’t first to pursue nuke weapons on the Korean peninsula

North Korea was not the first power on the Korean peninsula to pursue the acquisition of nuclear weapons. That distinction goes to U.S. ally South Korea under the dictatorship of Park Chung Hee. Ironically, as the U.S. corporate media joins the Pentagon in rattling war sabers against North Korea, the daughter of the South Korean leader who gave the green light to a South Korean nuclear arsenal, Park Geun-hye, was recently placed in prison on criminal fraud charges following her impeachment and removal from the South Korean presidency. Continue reading

Five Eyes allies do spy on one another

In a rare public announcement, Britain’s signals intelligence agency, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), issued a rare public statement concerning a charge by an American former judge that it conducted electronic surveillance of president-elect Donald Trump after his upset victory on November 8, 2016. GCHQ stated: “Recent allegations made by media commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano about GCHQ being asked to conduct ‘wiretapping’ against the then president-elect are nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored.” Its public announcement belied the fact that GCHQ and its four Five Eyes partners have spied on each other’s citizens as a legal “work around” to their national laws designed to prevent such domestic eavesdropping on citizens by their respective agencies. Continue reading

In an era of fake news, fake security threats

Fake air travel security threats have joined the current fake news fad. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Transportation Security Administration, as well as their British counterparts, have announced a ban on laptop computers, tablets, cameras, Kindles and other e-readers, DVD players, and game consoles in carry-on baggage on the flights of certain airlines originating from or destined to a series of predominantly Muslim nations. Passengers flying from the designated airports are required to pack laptops and tablets in their check luggage. The decision has resulted in criticism from technical experts in the fields of communications, information technology, and improvised explosive devices or IEDs. Unlike the American ban, the British ban on carry-on items includes certain types of cell phones. Continue reading

Saudis on buying spree for islands. Why?

An Egyptian Constitutional Court case and protests in Egypt and Maldives are the results of a Saudi Arabian initiative to acquire islands near and far from the radical Wahhabist-ruled kingdom. Last year, the Egyptian government agreed to transfer to the Saudis sovereignty over the Egyptian islands of Tiran and Sanafir, located at the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba. The move came after an official visit of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud to Cairo. Observers believe the deal was a result of a large infusion of Saudi cash—estimated to be billions of dollars—into Egypt in order to bolster a sagging economy. Continue reading

A new global construct and realigned relationships

Like a scene out of a Hollywood epic movie, Saudi Arabian King Salman journeyed to Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, with an entourage of 1000 aides and servants, including ten Cabinet ministers and 25 Saudi princes traveling aboard four Boeing 747s and two Boeing 777s. Indonesian president Joko Widodo termed the visit part of a “strategic partnership” between Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. Salman also visited Malaysia, which has been embroiled in a major political scandal arising from the acceptance by its prime minister, Najib Razak, of a $1 billion “gift” from a stated-owned Saudi company. Political opponents of Razak have termed the gift a bribe. Continue reading

Who are John Schindler and Malcolm Nance and why should anyone care?

The 24/7 cable “news” networks are giving air time to any “national security experts,” regardless of their credentials and backgrounds, to bash Russia. The current political firestorm over Trump campaign officials meeting with Russian ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak has taken on the aura of the “Red baiting” of the 1950s and Senator Joe McCarthy looking for Communists in every nook and cranny inside the federal government. MSNBC has been the worst network regarding the mole hunt for modern-day Alger Hisses burrowed within the Trump inner circle. However, CNN follows a close second in the resurrection of a version of the John Birch Society among Democrats and Russia-bashing Republicans like Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Ben Sasse. Continue reading

Farmers face fields of rotted crops as Trump rounds up illegal immigrants

Valrico, Florida, is in the heart of the “Strawberry Capital of America” and the spring harvest of these popular berries is fully underway. However, the chilling effect of President Trump’s order to round up illegal immigrants, many of them farm workers, stands to do more damage to the strawberry industry than any winter deep freeze. Many undocumented farm workers, fearful of being arrested by federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, are hunkered down in their trailers and manufactured homes. The region’s strawberries would rot in the fields if it were not for the largely Mexican workforce that ensures that the crop reaches consumers in short order. The fear that Trump has thrown into the farm work force has local businesses and politicians irate over the president’s detention and expulsion order. Many local residents, most of whom voted for Trump, now have voters’ remorse as the strawberry industry faces irreparable harm. Continue reading

Trump’s accusation of Obama-led protests is a dangerous step

After their initial meeting in the Oval Office after the November 8 election, the then President-elect Trump told President Obama that he would welcome the president’s counsel in the future. That promise did not last long. Instead, Trump took to Fox News’s “Fox and Friends” to denounce Obama for being behind a shadowy conspiracy to place angry protesters within the audiences at Republican congressional lawmakers’ town hall meetings. Continue reading

The three Trump administrations

Foreign and national defense ministries around the world, as well as embassies in Washington, DC, are struggling to ascertain who is actually in charge of the U.S. government one month after Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States. It is a fair question, considering the conflicting statements issuing forth from the White House, State Department, and the Pentagon. Continue reading

The Trump Club: ‘You ain’t in it’

If Donald Trump’s most avid anti-globalist supporters believe that their president is “draining the swamp” of their bitterest of foes, they might be surprised that recently Vice President Mike Pence and Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis were in the company at the annual Munich Security Conference of Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Trilateral Commission deputy chairman Michael Fuchs, and global political troublemaker George Soros. Continue reading

Trump pal Larry Silverstein wants to build new FBI HQ

Some members of the 9/11 Truth movement may be sorely disappointed now that a major bête noire of the events of September 11, 2001, is one of four finalists to build the new FBI building and associated campus. The current FBI building on Pennsylvania Avenue in downtown Washington is no longer suitable for the bureau due to a host of problems, including concrete falling from its facade and an often-times failing and putrid-smelling sewage system. Continue reading

CIA: From extraordinary rendition to expedited removal

WMR has learned from informed sources in the nation’s capital that the Department of Homeland Security has, on the orders of the Trump White House, reactivated the Central Intelligence Agency’s old extraordinary rendition airline fleet to conduct expedited removal from the United States of undocumented immigrants. During the George W. Bush administration, a network of CIA front companies that managed a fleet of aircraft conducted kidnapping and torture operations known as “extraordinary rendition.” The targets of these operations were alleged terrorists. A number of innocent people were caught up in the CIA’s dragnet. Continue reading

Breitbart, neocons consolidating control in Trump administration

A toxic combination of alt-right Breitbart writers and George W. Bush neocons are consolidating their control over the Trump administration as allegations concerning the president and his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, buffet the White House. Continue reading

From new world order to hazy global disorder

The Donald Trump administration and the Brexit severance of ties between the United Kingdom and the European Union have, in a matter of a little over a half year, changed the world from a post-Cold War “new world order” based on American supremacy to a global “disorder” of altered alliances on a multipolar geo-political chessboard. In many respects, the new global disorder has also placed in jeopardy various post-World War II contrivances, including NATO, the Organization of American States (OAS), and the Australia-New Zealand-United States (ANZUS) alliance. Continue reading

Trump chief adviser was aide to two CNOs during the largest pedophile crime in U.S. naval history

President Trump’s powerful political adviser Stephen Bannon served as an aide to two chiefs of Naval Operations, Admirals Thomas Hayward and James Watkins, during one of the largest pedophile crimes that ever took place within naval ranks in the then-207 years of the history of the U.S. Navy. Continue reading

The ‘Bowling Green Massacre’ and the Gleiwitz attack

President Trump’s adviser Kellyanne Conway’s fictitious account of an Islamist terrorist attack carried out by two Iraqi refugees in Bowling Green, Kentucky has an eerily similar historical parallel. On August 31, 1939, the eve of the outbreak of World War II, the Nazi German propaganda machine falsely claimed that Polish troops crossed the German frontier and attacked a German radio station in the town of Gleiwitz. Continue reading

A week in office, Trump brings on constitutional crisis

The much anticipated constitutional crisis many feared would come about under President Trump’s bombastic style of leadership took only one week into his administration to be realized. Trump’s Executive Order banning visitors, including U.S. permanent resident “green card” holders and those with valid U.S. visas, was one of the most poorly planned and implemented White House regulation in recent memory. Continue reading