Author Archives: Philip A Farruggio

When will you say enough is enough?

You don’t have to search the Internet for the truth. Sometimes it is right in front of you . . . inside the mainstream newspapers. Continue reading

Theater of the Absurd: America 2013

Why spend your money on comic books or cartoonish films that lend of the absurd? Just tune your boob tube or radio dial to the phony news and talk shows to experience the outlandish disguised as truth. Continue reading

Ways to climb out of the abyss

If you read William Blum’s books or his monthly blog, you can ascertain that America is a Military Industrial Empire . . . most likely on its last legs. Too many decades of using our hard earned taxpayer money for phony wars, occupations, illegal coups, overkill weaponry and much more waste has instigated our final bankruptcy. When over half of the federal taxes each of us sends to Uncle Sam goes for the above, our economy must ultimately fail . . . lots of guns and not enough butter. Continue reading

Osama, Obama, Bush . . . it’s the empire, stupid!

All three of the aforementioned men were and are creatures of the American Military Industrial Empire. They were nurtured, influenced, subsidized and controlled by this machine. Bin Laden was one of many rich, educated Muslims who became brainwashed by what I call the Islam or bust mindset. Much like the Zionists who rule Israel and the right-wing zealots here at home who preach their phony Christianity, any such belief system plays directly into the hands of the empire. Go and watch Lorraine Levy’s fine film The Other Son (2012) and see why this empire so fears harmony amongst different cultural groups. ‘Tis better to ‘divide and conquer ‘then to deal with mass movements of ‘people before profits.’ Continue reading

Miss Liberty speaks: “America, be a mensch . . . not an empire!”

She has stood, silent until now, in New York harbor since 1886. Finally, the Statue of Liberty is speaking up. Enclosed a few tidbits from that great symbol of freedom for all mankind. Continue reading

Conversations at the rich men’s club, spring 2011

Deep inside this country estate, where only the very rich and powerful are allowed in, we were able to tape this meeting held over two years ago. It is more relevant now than ever before! Continue reading

None so blind as we sail over the fiscal cliff

I am writing this to not only all the city council members throughout the towns of my county of Volusia, Florida, but to you, its citizens out there. Look around you. See that, since 2006, the fine and important library system of our county has had its budget cut by nearly 33%! All of the services: firefighting, policing, hospital care, education . . . everything we need more of is going down, not up! City and County governments think that the best, most viable solution is to privatize more and more. They think that this will help ease the pain of fiscal shortfalls. Oh yes, why not just sell the library system off to big corporations and our firefighting and policing, too? Why not just make this society into one big corporate fiefdom, like the great film Rollerball portrayed? Continue reading

Who needs truth in cartoon Amerika?

German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer wrote, “All truth passes through three stages: A) first, it is ridiculed; B) second, it is violently opposed; C) third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Continue reading

A concrete case

In the fall of 1976, this writer was playing on a semi-pro football team in Brooklyn, NY. We were in a ‘rough touch’ league in Bay Ridge, played on a concrete field. Continue reading

Immorality Index: Weiner, Braun & the Bush Gang

Channel surfing these past few days all one sees are a preponderance of talk shows about sex scandals and PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs). These so called journalists are up in arms about the audacity of politicians like Anthony Weiner and athletes like Ryan Braun. Continue reading

Onward back to feudalism!

From the Tuesday, July 9, USA Today Money Section: ‘Big investors have poured more than $10 billion into the single family home rental market in recent years . . . The biggest, the Blackstone Group, has bought 29,000 homes in 13 markets, 25,000 of them in the past year.’ Continue reading

Who is braver?

The dictionary defines brave as ’possessing or showing courage.’ We all should know that any soldier, placed into a situation where imminent death is possible, must be looked upon as being brave, no matter what the circumstances. Thus, in this writer’s mind, however terrible the action or motive may be, soldiers of an occupying army can and do exhibit bravery . . . by just having to be in that hornet’s nest. Of course, the people that are being occupied and decide to ‘fight back,’ against great odds, must also be deemed to be brave. This conundrum has never and will never go away. Continue reading

Independence Day for serfs

July 4th is always ripe with the obligatory fireworks displays, picnics, barbeques, and a day off for many of our American workers . . . some with pay . . . some without. Yet, what is there to celebrate if you are one of the hundreds of millions of folks who get up each and every morning and punch out your energy for ‘the man’? Continue reading

Socialism can save our cities and small businesses

We live in a country that is so top heavy financially it borders on obscene. If we think that Charles Dickens’ character Scrooge in A Christmas Carol was powerful, imagine if he wrote today about our Scrooges. Continue reading

The empire’s voters: Kochheads & Obamapologists

No wonder why so many who could vote actually choose not to. In most instances, especially anywhere that political party affiliations are labeled, why bother? As Ralph Nader put it so succinctly, all we choose from are ‘Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum’. Continue reading

Memorial ‘daze’: Nightmares of empire

Hitler’s German army invaded and occupied Poland. Many soldiers were killed. The Japanese invaded and occupied Nanking and Shanghai. They had many soldiers killed. The same for the British when they occupied India and Palestine. The local populations did not wish to be occupied by foreigners, especially ones with loaded guns pointed at their faces. Continue reading

Welcome to MoronAmerica!!

I’ll tell you what really pisses me off: The absolute indifference of most Americans to who it is that is screwing them. Continue reading

Jackie and me: A Brooklyn thing

We have memories, like flashes of lightning from afar—now we see them, now we don’t. Yet, one can almost call upon them at will, these bits and pieces of our lives, once so vivid, once so real, filed forever as nostalgia. So it is for me, over fifty years after the fact. Continue reading

Don’t believe me . . . just read the truth!

So many of my fellow Americans, due to either apathy or years of propaganda, still do not understand the extent of our empire. Continue reading

The grand charade

We are living in an empire that ‘takes no prisoners‘. Sadly, the majority of we working stiffs still follow the hypocrites, thieves and liars like lemmings. These so called leaders play their magic flutes and hypnotize us with hype and false hope, as we fall over the cliff of reason. Continue reading

By any other name, terrorism sucks!!

It saddened me to hear of that 8-year-old boy killed by the bombs in Boston. The other two people dead by that terror attack only further saddened this writer. Yet, the conversation throughout our mainstream media and by our general populace concerning such an act ended with that act of terror. Why, I asked, are not all acts of recent terrorism discussed and condemned by my fellow Americans? Does it have to be the torn apart body of one of our own that exclusively raises our ire? Continue reading

Working stiffs: Wake up!

The lead story in Thursday, March 21’s USA Today highlighted how “Corporate chiefs pull in $50 million or more “. The story went on to mention how these corporate gains were unmatched since the Internet IPO craze from the late 90s. Continue reading

Anniversary of evil

Please forgive me for what I am about to say, but . . . each time I tune into a sports event lately and see the pomp and circumstance of our ‘ Brave Warriors ‘ it angers me greatly. As with other nation’s military personnel, I am sure that most of our young soldiers are brave. To carry a weapon and be put into harm’s way is not an easy task. Sadly, to carry a weapon and cause the citizens of another country to be in harm’s way is what our nation’s leaders have ordered them to do for so long. Korea, Vietnam, Granada, Panama, Afghanistan and Iraq are but a few of the places that our military has been sent to occupy and engage other peoples. In each instance, there was absolutely no moral reason to do it! It has always been about natural resources and ‘spheres of US interest ‘that underwrote these actions. Continue reading